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Natural slopes for Hades Revisited
Add natural slopes for Hades Revisited
Natural slopes for Minetest Game
Add natural slopes for Minetest Game
Natural slopes library
Library to simply add slopes to regular nodes and include them on map generation and when changing the landscape.
Position listeners library
Players' position observing library
Timed World Modifiers library
Environmental ABM that could be triggered on a very wide range of nodes but only a few at a time.
Savage, yet original and interesting
You are left alone in nature. Some say nature is generous, this game says nature is brutal. Everytime you try something you may ask yourself "what could possibly go wrong?", well, everything. One day things may seem okay, the next day things become critical.
The game mechanics are very hard to grasp and the walkthrough is somehow mandatory and pretty much insuffiscient (I had to look for the code for extracting water into puddles. This is a game-killer, but water is so scarce and necessary to live more than two days). You'll have to repeatedly die before having a bit of understanding about how things work, about watery, what is eadible and/or toxic, thermal regulation and such. And then you'll still be constantly balancing a discomfort to an other while trying to just have barely acceptable living conditions. Forget about your castle, a small dry and warm hut is already luxuous.
Very interesting, challenging and frustrating at the same time (at least if you are playing without respawning).
If you don't like the crafting grid, this mod is for you
This mod covers the lack of a craft guide for games that doesn't provide one, but it's a bit more than that. If you don't like picking all the materials one by one and remembering each goes where, click on the craft button from the guide and all the materials are already placed. Either for just one or the maximum amount you can craft. An apreciable feature to smooth the crafting process of complex items.
Original gameplay
I had a great time discovering Hades Revisited, even if it is only in early stages. The movements are both complex with a lot of lava and rough terrain but still not unbearable with the low gravity. Terraforming is long but satisfying and that precious water won't flow everywhere as you would like that soon.
The game is rather easy to grasp with it's craft guide and lot of tooltips, which will take you by the hand for the basic terraforming and let you go on an (underground) adventure to get the components for the new toy you have seen in the guide once you have established your campement on the surface.
A little plus I like: torches are not mandatory everywhere to keep the monsters at bay
Helpful introduction for newcomers of the genre
When I first discovered Minetest, I haven't played any game of that genre before and was like "What am I supposed to do?", putting random things in the craft-grid without effects and running in circles.
The tutorial helped a lot to grab the basics and understant a bit more what can be done. Next is the craft guide to get the mandatory basic recipes.