Top 0.7% reviewer
Only 6 users have written more helpful reviews.
Has received 80130 downloads across all packages.
Account Manager
Automatically create accounts in bulk, and export to .CSV and .HTML (and .PDF)
Adds achievements
Capture the Flag
Two or more teams battle to snatch and return the enemy flags, before the enemy takes their own!
Chat Command Builder
A library to make registering chat commands easier
An easy way to manage students in-game, with support for bulk actions and macros.
Command your troops to victory - an RTS mini-game
Kick Vote
Adds kick voting using the vote API
A cleaner, simpler solution to having an advanced inventory
A library to allow mods to make Formspecs, a form of GUI, easily.
Adds an API to allow players to vote
Maintained Packages
This user is also a maintainer of the following packages
2014 called, they want their jokes back
Fun: 0 - nothing to do
Innovation: 0 - literally from 2014
Graphics: 0 - none
Sounds: 0 - none
Theme: 0 - fully expected
Mood: 0 - none
Also, you didn't even write the main 'gameplay' mod - airsword
Designed primarily for engine development
I do not recommend using this game as it is designed for engine development, assisting with mod development is only a secondary goal and one it does poorly. I recommend testing in a closer environment to how your mod is designed to be used
If you require a minimum testing environment, void/zero may be a better base
Cool idea, but glitchy
Good audiovisuals/UI theme. The prompts are a bit too slow at explaining, a HUD label or inventory tooltip would have been better. Game keeps freezing too, I suspect the text hud system causes that. Craft GUI could use UX improvements, more vertical separation / tooltips.
Gamplay: 6/10
Innovation: 7/10
Audiovisuals: 8/10
Content: 6/10
Theme: 7/10
Interesting and innovative
I like the sliding mechanic and visual feedback with the hand icon
Gamplay: 7/10
Innovation: 8/10
Audiovisuals: 8/10
Content: 9/10
Theme: 7/10
A bit clunky at times but has the basic gameplay. I would have liked more to be destroyable and also something to happen when the meter is full
Gamplay: 4/10
Innovation: 5/10
Audiovisuals: 3/10
Content: 4/10
Theme: 1/10
Not much to do
From Judge review: Crashes on start up, had to create a new world. I like flying around in a space ship, but I can't work out what I'm supposed to do. Drill doesn't work on any of the rocks.
Gamplay: 2/10
Innovation: 4/10
Audiovisuals: 1/10
Content: 1/10
Theme: 3/10
Unfinished, nothing to do
Nothing really to do here. I do like the use of a formspec surrounding the 3d world, which is why I gave some credit for innovation. I assume the snake model/animation is original.
Gamplay: 1/10
Innovation: 2/10
Audiovisuals: 3/10
Content: 1/10
Theme: 2/10
Good polish, world building, and dialogue system
Very well polished. There's a cool intro cutscene. I like the dialogue system and jokes. Good progression, although I found it hard to work out how far powerslide would go and kept dying :D
Gamplay: 10/10
Innovation: 9/10
Audiovisuals: 10/10
Content: 10/10
Theme: 9/10
Good world building, but confusing and repetitive
I was confused by the doors to begin with, I'd suggest adding a corridoor. The gameplay is short, and repetitive. But I like the maps and the world building
from judge review, 4/10
Nice graphics, but clunky gameplay and painful setup
Nice graphics, but clunky gameplay and painful setup
from judge review, 2.5/10
Nice animation
The flags are animated and wave in the wind. The wind varies depending on where the flag is placed, using a perlin noise
Here's a gif
Good fun, but lights and controls could be better
This was fun to "swim" around in, even with GreenXenith spawning planes below me
I found it hard to work out what to do, as there wasn't a manual and the controls didn't match the motor boat. But worked it out eventually
The lighting was a bit inconsistent - would be nice to have a forward light, maybe make the entity glow a bit because of light sources on it. I understand this potentially something limited by the engine
Quite fun
I flew as a passenger for a while, was quite fun - until MisterE crashed into a mountain. Luckily I jumped out just before. Here's a screenshot of that happening
One thing I'd like is the ability to choose a seat, I wasn't able to sit next to the pilot up front. The third-person mode eye offset should also be further back to see more of the plane.
Super fun, agile plane
It was very fun to fly, we flew in formation for a while - with 3 PA28s and a Ju52. Screenshot
I'd love to see this used in a dogfight / aerial combat game.
It took me a while to work out how to fill up the thing - you need to do it from outside and hit a particular part, I guess because of the shape of the collision/selection box.
I'd like there to be support for nose dives and barrel rolls. It's quite hard currently to pitch forwards
The attachment is quite jittery, it's consistently jittery like the position is being manually controlled and not interpolated properly. Probably an engine problem
The third-person mode eye offset should be further back to see more of the plane
A huge amount of fun, walking around is cool
I played this last night with a few other people. It was awesome being able to walk around on board, clever how that's implemented. We struggled to work out how to fly the thing to begin with, I think it was something to do with boiler pressure
We added a pirate flag to the blimp, and chased after another blimp. We flew up beside it and boarded it. Then the blimps started colliding and things got a bit crazy, I jumped out into the sea below
Really fun
This was quite fun, although I sucked at it! I liked the graphics and the variety of gameplay available.
Very nice puzzle game
Very well done. Good mechanics and I like the dialogue. There are a few unpolished bits, like the unchanged hand texture. Please continue this after the jam!
Nice graphics, gameplay could use some work
I really like the graphics, it's beautiful! Kudos for making it all yourself. I found the gameplay quite painful, you could use some tooltips/HUD text for the different items
from judge review, 8.5/10
An interesting start, but feels slightly unpolished to use. This may be due to engine limitations, though
It would be good if the camera was locked onto the kart's direction, as manually turning it is annoying.
It's not obvious that you need to use E to turn the engine on, and then up to accelerate. I suggest making the engine always be on or adding a HUD hint
An interesting start
It's reasonably fun driving around a track, but without any competitors it's not really a race! It would be cool to see AI racers, a wider track, and laps in the future.
Are you going for a realistic or cartoonish game? With a cartoonish game, power ups and such would also be cool. You should also disable fuel if so.
Two things about the kart (I know you didn't make it, but as a game maker you are nonetheless responsible for the entire experience):
Short, but cool mechanic
I really like the game mechanic and the idea behind this. It's very cool to see Minetest games that aren't just your classic survival sandboxes
Just I was starting to enjoy it, it ended though :(
I think it would be good to see sound effects and music, more levels, and perhaps improvements to the player movement (it felt a big choppy and weird to use, although, I suspect you'll be limited by Minetest in this). Another thing that might be useful would be to add a prompt to the first level like "Push boxes into the orbs!"
Garbage mod
Which is pretty good, does what it says on the tin! This is useful both for decoration and for discarding unwanted items
Glitchy, but good
This is a little but glitchy - items tend to fly away. But it's still good to have, especially in survival - I think it makes more sense than teleporting items, and adds some danger. It can also be used in combination with pipework's vacuum tubes to collect items
Good companion to mesecons and other mods
I use it for communication with screens
Useful electronics
A nice selection of useful electronics
Super useful for automation
I like building water ways to move items. It's quite satisfying
Good fun, but could use further breadth/depth
Games are very short and there's not much too it. I suggest having a longer kill cooldown and some other mechanics
Visually consistent and not bloated
I like this mod because it's not bloated, and the items look like they actually belong in the world
More intuitive than MTG's
I like this mod, the screwdriver is more intuitive than in MTG
plus there's a bug that allows you to use it without tool wearMy go-to sprint + hunger mod
My go-to sprint + hunger mod
Quite a fun mod
Good way to organise items
This is a really nice way to organise items.
I made an automated system to sort and store my items: https://twitter.com/rubenwardy/status/1220491429576945667
I just wish this mod supported tools (albeit at a lower count)
Brutal, buggy, and imperfect - but still fun
Played this online with a few people a while back.
I pretty much constantly died
There was also a bunch of multiplayer bugs - be careful not to sleep on the same bed as someone else! The temperature system was buggy and unintuitive, and low health movement was very glitchy.
But it's an ambitious game, and impressive as a one-person project.
Fun and very cool concept!
Took a while to get a hang of, but this mod is super fun
Super educational
This game is a great introduction to quantum computing
This is my favourite texture pack, it looks good and has a wide range of support
Super helpful, a must-have!
A must have mod in survival. Also, the GUI design is really nice
Tubeswork, but pipes don't
This mod is great for setting up factories to automatically process materials, I created a storage system using chests and sorter tubes.
Unfortunately, the liquid (pipes) part of the mod doesn't work that well, which is ironic
Very useful
Mesecons is super useful and fun for automation.
Ugly and bloated
I find unified_inventory unpleasant to look at, it's also bloated and has a bad API design.
That doesn't mean it's not useful, but the functionality can be replaced by other mods which will run better.
I recommend using the following mods: