Area Containers by jwmhjwmh
Adds nodes that contain areas in which you can build
A collection by Lemente
Adds nodes that contain areas in which you can build
Observe terrain and players from anywhere.
A library to make creating and placing saved areas easier.
Adds the functionality to staple bread to trees
mapgen mod creator
A background music mod
Fixed-grid quadratic area protection mod with graphical area "minimap"
Make node textures span across several nodes using global textures.
Allows players to set displayed and queryable pronouns for themselves.
Overrides pre-existing tools to make them cause persistent node damage.
crafting grid replacement and better craftguide
Limits hotbar slot switching
Mute players that are spamming.
Gives build spawner for spawning builds which makes city creation easy
This mod allows you to plan and build tunnels and rails for Advtrains.
Adds sounds to tools like swords and axes when using them
Adds sounds to specific blocks
(Yet Another) Superflat Map Generator: Customize world generation layer by layer
Become an Ant or a Giant! Exposes API
Teleport system, all inside a compass
Merely a flashlight that uses ray casting.
Driveable bulldozer for pushing nodes and flattening ground
Make player possible to make his own sculture and paint on it with painting oil colors. Hades Revisited is supported.
Modify the model and size of entities, including players.
Exchange/replace nodes with one click.
Makes you feel temperatures
Adds map items that show terrain in HUD
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a Grue.
Dynamically generated texture packs
A fun alternative mode of transport.
Sneaky snakes in NodeCore!
Automatic items management between inventory and hotbar.
For creating 1D, 2D (including Conway's Game of Life) and 3D cellular automata.
A formspec-based charting API providing a rich set of output parameters
Makes satisfying particles when placing a node or punching one. (viewable by all players)
Makes players emit light while holding any luminescent item.
Adds shining for wielded and dropped items
Darkness hurts.
Use lua code to build anything you want
Use /playtime to get the time you played
debugging tools for server admins
Translates chat messages in Minetest using LibreTranslate.
api for specifying multiple dimensions to eating