Animalia by ElCeejo
Brings a plethora of wildlife and expands exploration
A collection by Polish_Dave
Mods I use for multiplayer setup. More for PvE, construction, technic, economy stuff.
Brings a plethora of wildlife and expands exploration
Visible player armor & wielded items.
Adds digital circuitry, including wires, buttons, lights, and even programmable controllers.
Adds shining for wielded and dropped items
Adds good-looking, realistic trains with realistic rails.
Supplies a complete set of nice, round mesh-based water pipes, boxy item-transport tubes, and devices that work with them.
Adds extra biomes, while keeping its looks close to the vanilla MTG
Custom player skins manager with support for 1.0 and 1.8er skins and inventory skins selector
Adds leads for moving and tethering animals.
Animates the character
Adds 3D mushrooms
Additional railway related content for use with Advanced Trains (advtrains).
Adds a steel hammer which allows to dig 3x3.
Show a list of all online players (similar to minecrafts tab-list) when a player is sneaking.
See the items other players are holding
Adds auroras (northern/southern lights) at night in cold places.
A very customizable and easy to extend hunger system.
Allows making bigger default chests.
Adds hoppers to transport items between chests/furnace etc.
Radio transmitters, beacons, and receivers
Extensive machinery mod with electricity and ores.
Bucket - fork of Minetest Game mod with reduced "bucket" liquid flowing
Doors mod with lock tool to open, lock or protect any registered door.
A simple mod that adds various shipwrecks with treasures into the ocean
A collection of tools to help you orient yourselves in the world, such as compass, altimeter, etc.
Adds sounds to tools like swords and axes when using them
Sends a chat message when a player dies
Two new signs: blue banner and billboard
Blood splatter for players and creatures
Shows chat messages above player heads
Adds large stone bricks.
Adds coral reefs, fish, decorative ocean blocks and much more!
Adds fireflies which can be caught in a net and placed in bottles for lighting.
Prevents trains from damaging mobs.
Provides mods with dynamic display and font display: clocks, signs, and more.
Removes ugly "tube holes" from chests, furnaces and the like
Makes you feel temperatures
Allows you to make paths in grass with ground roller
Adds many plants and food to Minetest
This mod expands the basic set of farming-related crops that minetest_game offers.
Adds various kinds of plants, fruit bushes, fallen trees, and a whole host of foliage and other ground cover.
Makes all plants floodable
A shopping mod for Jean's Economy (By TX_Miner aka Xeno333)
Full Economy for Servers like, paying, individual bank statemants, daily rewards, easy api for modders, easy integration with other mods ...
/playtimes command lets users see the playtimes & last login time for all users on the server
Areas is a advanced area protection mod based on node_ownership.
Apply height restrictions to TNTs
Troll your friends and foes nicely!
DataMiner is an analytical tool for server operators with a feature-rich API for customized report generation
Interactive chat history viewer with a variety of message filtering options
Adds achievements
A next-generation inventory