MineClone2 Build Limit by AFCM
Add a build limit to MineClone2
A collection by rudzik8
Mods that were made for VoxeLibre (ex. MineClone2) or Mineclonia, or that have good support for it and integrate seamlessly
Add a build limit to MineClone2
Adds a simple (and hacky) animation to the heart bar in Mineclone2 similar to Minecraft.
A survival challenge for Mineclone2.
Andesite, Diorite, Granite, and Deepslate tools for Mineclone2.
Configurable, highly destructive mod for MineClone2 that randomly spawns lit TNT, or whatever node you want, in the air.
A survival challenge for Mineclone2. Try to survive in a flooded world.
UHC additions to MineClone2
Speedrun features for MineClone2
Adds more decoration and furniture blocks to VoxeLibre (ex. MineClone2) and Mineclonia
Make ores in stone like andesite or diorite look better.
Adds five more food items to VoxeLibre (ex. MineClone2) or Mineclonia
4 tools in one !
Adds emerald tools and armor to VoxeLibre (ex. MineClone2)
Automate crafting process using hoppers and autocrafters
Minec**** 2.0 April Fool's features
Show welcome bossbar in the HUD
This adds copper tools, armor, and decorations to voxelibre.
Allows you to tp yourself to your spawn point, or someone else to his spawn point
Sit and lay using chat commands (/sit and /lay) and by right-clicking blocks in Mineclonia, from VoxeLibre
Renders small mushrooms as 3D objects in MineClone2/MineClone5/Mineclonia
A bin to delete Items in Mineclone2 and Mineclonia.
Modname Tooltip Minecraft mod for MineClone2
Makes levers in the “on” position have a red tip in MineClone2/MineClone5/Mineclonia
Adds polished stone stairs to MineClone2/MineClone5/Mineclonia
Palamod modpack for MineClone2
Adds whirlpools and upwards bubble columns to Mineclone2/5
Adds extra structures to MineClone2
A mod for Mineclone2 and Mineclonia with new food.
Adds recipe to craft leather for MineClone2
Adds an easy way to carry the end portal where ever you go in MineClone2.
Harvest and replant crops with one right-click in MineClone2/MineClone5/Mineclonia
Makes leaves render bushy instead of boxy.
Edit signs in mineclone2
Add additional backpack inventory to players
Dark inventory textures for MineClone2
Signs that allow unicode text
On-demand item transportation + Powerful Storage
a simple safe that appears when we die and stores our inventory for mineclonia
Adds inventory pouches.
Add UwU block, uwu crystal ores, uwu tools and more.
A totem that prevents you from dying in the void.
Bones mod reworked (works in MineClonia or MinetestGame)
Chimneys for Mineclone and Mineclonia.
Adds crafting recipes for spawners and spawn eggs to MineClone
Stackable Potions
Recipes for saddle, horse armors, and other uncraftables for mineclonia. Companion mod for k_recyclebin.
Gives the smithing table the ability to be used to upgrade all tiers of tools.
Adds rubber and related Items to MineClone.
A craftable wand that strikes lightning wherever you point it
Adds portable things to MineClone (crafting table, ender chest, enchanting table)
Adds random things to MTG and MCL.
Adds 4 new records: "minimal", "krank", "depado", and "phlips", songs all produced by C418 and released under CC-By 3.
Adds fishing traps to MineClone 2
Simple wielded lights for mineclonia with support for mcl_offhand
Adds more wool items and nodes
Classical background music
Creeper adapts color to the biome it is currently in
Makes leaves render bushy instead of boxy. Now with better performance and Plantlife support.
A hardcore modpack for VoxeLibre, featuring all kinds of aspects to make the gameplay more difficult
just an adjustable redstone clock, thanks to neocraft1293
Historical operetta recordings for mcla_music_api
Bach's Goldberg Variations as mineclonia jukebox records and/or tracks for mcla_music_api
Music API, made for mineclonia but compatible with all games
Skyblock for VoxeLibre
Places flowers in a random spot on the node
a mod to add tripwire
a mod for mineclone 2 which adds a comparator which checks if there are more than 10 items in the first slot
Makes you take damage under rain/snow without leather topping or an umbrella
Random crazy things happen at regular intervals.
Add stalactites and stalagmites to your game.
Adds fences and fence gates with bark textures for logs and hyphae.
Adds uniquely shaped colored blocks to Mineclonia.
Adds hollow logs to each Mineclonia tree/hypha.
Adds polished bricks for andesite, diorite and granite.
Custom caves in VoxeLibre
The Drying Rack Mod is a straightforward addition to Luanti, allowing players to transform rotten flesh into Monster Jerky, a safe and reliable alternative to eating rotten flesh.
Add Custom Skins in VoxeLibre
Add Bronze & Copper stuff for VoxeLibre
Adds wooden mosaics for remaining woods.
VoxeLibre Teleporter was created due to Travelnet not completely working in the new VoxeLibre game.
This gives shovels the ability to turn paths back to dirt on right-click.
This adds a new tier of tools and armor, as well as some decorative blocks. Like gold but last longer and in pink!
High ordinance fish slapping. Hilarity ensues.
Boat for sailing on lava, suit for diving in lava, forked for Mineclonia
Add tools created by YCaTGameRT and farfind for VoxeLibre