Mod Name "ambience"
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Veil of the Unknown
StarNinjasExperience a world of complete blindness. Try you best to survive without the gift of sight.
Dreambuilder Game
mt-modsDreambuilder is my attempt to give the player pretty much everything they could ever want to build with, and all the tools they should need to actually get the job done.
bell07Aims to get all existing high quality mods working together
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EmptyStarA vibrant world of beautiful biomes. Explore, discover, create.
ErisFork of aotearoa by Dokimi. Complements the default map biomes with Aotearoa, land of the long white cloud, New Zealand.
Warning: Non-free media.
FreeLikeGNU(Respectfully) Destructive! Goblin NPCs burrow underground, build lairs, set traps and cultivate foodstuffs. They like to steal torches!
Ethereal NG
TenPlus1Adds many new biomes, items and mechanics into the world.