Mod Name "mapgen"
Provided By
- No packages available
logalogBuild a great rail and logistics empire
MantarChallenging, at times brutal, wilderness survival with simple technology.
Development Test
LuantiTesting environment for engine or mod development.
Forum Topics
- [Mod] Crater MG by Pyrollo [WIP]
- [Mod] Duane's Experimental Mapgen by duane [WIP]
Required By
- No packages available
Optionally Used By
mt-modsFeature-filled home decor modpack.
Karst Caverns
MisterEA cavern generator that creates complex karst cavern systems, with rooms interconnected by multilevel tunnels. Experience the joy of caving.
Cozy Lights
SingleDigitIqEarly alpha. Improves the way light sources(torches etc) behave and allows to create huge lights, literal projectors with just a mouse click, light map will be computed for you.
EmptyStarSearchable biome database for robust biome selection
bell07Aims to get all existing high quality mods working together
Dreambuilder Game
mt-modsDreambuilder is my attempt to give the player pretty much everything they could ever want to build with, and all the tools they should need to actually get the job done.