Mod Name "nc_tree"
Provided By
- No packages available
Warr1024Discover and invent in a surreal, unsympathetic world of cubes, patterns, and abstractions.
NodeCore ALPHA
Warr1024Early-access edition of NodeCore with latest features (and maybe bugs)
Required By
Nodecore Rabbits
LandarVarganAdds rabbit holes, rabbits, and traps to the Nodecore game
NodeCore Additional Content
Winter94Ask and Ye Shall Recieve (Multiple Small Additions Requested in NC Documentation )
Dais Ex Machina
Warr1024An other-worldly platform to preserve some of your stuff across map resets for NodeCore
Avicennia_gGrassy Goldenrod plant for Nodecore
NodeCore SkyRealm
Warr1024SkyBlocks inside vanilla NodeCore
Wooden Mattock
FanticworAdds early(er)-game mattocks made out of wood
NC Pebbles
Winter94adds pebbles to NodeCore in order to simplify a few logical leaps and inconsistencies.
NodeCore Staybs API
Winter94Movement parameters for various 'staybs'
NodeCore Skyhell
KimaprThe ultimate skyblock challenge
NodeCore Plumbum
Winter94Plumbum, the best radiation protection the earth can provide!
NB More Concrete
NameNotQualityAdds more concrete to NodeCore
NodeCore Skyblock
KimaprPlay NodeCore on floating islands!
Nodecore Creels
Winter94Creels, a woven basket meant for carrying things, Not simply a cheap tote!
NC More Storage
Winter94Adds More Storage Containers to NodeCore
NodeCore SeaLife
Winter94Adds Biodiversity to NodeCore Seas & Rivers
NodeCore Nature: Revised
Warr1024Updated, fixed, enhanced edition of Winter94's NodeCore Nature
NodeCore Fungi
Winter94Adds various fungi to NodeCore, in all their mycelial glory.
NodeCore Naturae: Revised and Revamped
Winter94The Latest and Greatest Version of NodeCore Nature, with updated code from Warr1024!
NodeCore Bugs
Winter94Adds A Variety Of Bugs To NodeCore
Nodecore Vulcan Improved
Winter94Improved version of nc_vulcan.
NodeCore Furniture
Winter94At My Nana's Request: Adds Decorative Furniture To NodeCore
WC Strata
Winter94Exploring the NodeCore underground has never been more colorful.