3D Armor
stuVisible player armor & wielded items.
Ethereal NG
TenPlus1Adds many new biomes, items and mechanics into the world.
Hang Glider
mt-modsAdds a functional hang glider for exploring
WuzzyA decoration mod meant to be simple and well-featured (libre version).
Ranged Weapons
LarsAdds some guns and throwable weapons.
FaceDeerAdds components for building modular tunnel boring machines
RealBadAngelExtensive machinery mod with electricity and ores.
FaceDeerHammer and anvil for repairing tools
3D Armor Flyswim
sirrobzerooneAdds Flying and Swimming animations to base character model for 3d_armor
Caverealms Lite
SharaA mod for Minetest to add underground realms.
Technic Plus
mt-modsTechnic fork with focus on features and stability
IcyDiamondTinkers Construct in Minetest!
Torch Bomb
FaceDeerPlace torches throughout your entire surroundings with a torch bomb
Nate's CTF Guns
cracksmoka420Adds craftable guns that feel like hit scan
StarNinjasAdds new industrious-themed blocks and tools.
IcyDiamondA work-in-progress magic mod
Technic Plus Beta
mt-modsThe technic modpack extends the Minetest game with many new elements, mainly constructable machines and tools.
Obsidianstuff Redo
OgelGamesAdds obsidian tools and armor
Nuke Mod
sfan5Additional types of TNT for all your explosive needs.
Echoes91Adds spears, versatile weapons that can be thrown.
new minerals
GigaBytenew minerals for armor and tools,add mineral abysmal, cobalto,adamantita,tugsteno,clorofite,titanium and more uses for obsidian
X Obsidianmese
SaKeLShooting sword, woodcutting / treecapitator axe, multiple plow blocks / plant seeds hoe, path creating shovel, pickaxe can place secondary items (e.g. torches) and more...
kestralEasily create arbitrarily curved tunnels, paths, and bridges.
Tools with Sounds
DuckGoAdds sounds to tools like swords and axes when using them
Rocket Launcher
Zemtzov7Rocket launcher using MT's tnt.boom function
AidanLCBAdds super overpowered and expensive endgame tools, armor, weapons, and blocks
OgelGamesAdds portable powerbanks used to charge technic tools
Doors Redo
TenPlus1Doors mod with lock tool to open, lock or protect any registered door.
Golden Tools
LogikíAdds golden tools to your game
IcyDiamondA powerful modpack
1F616EMOA portable basket for carrying large amount of items (= Shulker Boxes)
Aurora Tech
AurailusUnique and powerful gadgets and utilites.
Multiple Biome Generator
chaosomnium230 Pseudorandomly Generated Biomes, Trees, Fruits, Ores, Tools, and Liquids
Lighted Helmets
AntumDelugeLight-emitting helmets.
mt-modsAdds three scifi/space cannons with various projectile-speed and explosion-strength
Advanced Lightsabers
ElCeejoRelatively Advanced Lightsabers for Minetest Game.
ElCeejoAdds Manny from that one Reddit post.
Cloud Items
Panquesito7Powerful cloud tools.
Warning: Non-free media.
OgelGamesAdds a headlamp that can be worn as armor, providing a bright light source
Tool Ranks
lisacvukCounts the number of nodes a specific tool has dug