Farming Redo
TenPlus1Adds many plants and food to Minetest
Wilhelmines Animal World
LiilAdds various wild animals to your Minetest Game world.
Void Totem
MineClone2 ModsA totem that prevents you from dying in the void.
Mob Mese Monster Classic
TenPlus1Adds classic Mese Monster.
MineClone2 Speedrun
AFCMSpeedrun features for MineClone2
Mcl Quick Harvest & Replant
erleHarvest and replant crops with one right-click in MineClone2/MineClone5/Mineclonia
Blood Splatter
shaftBlood splatter for players and creatures
rudzik8A hardcore modpack for VoxeLibre, featuring all kinds of aspects to make the gameplay more difficult
Simple Crafting
shaftSimplified Crafting
mi.shYou can undo Mistakes, such as stripping Wood
One hit knock-out
Zemtzov7Very simple mod for hardcore survival with 1HP
Zombies4Test ( Reload )
PixelZoneAdding zombies, structures and weapons to your world..
VoxeLibre Skyblock
ancientmarinerSkyblock for VoxeLibre
Advtrains Screen Doors
1F616EMOPlatform screen doors for Advtrains
Chest Recovery
Neocraft1293a simple safe that appears when we die and stores our inventory for mineclonia
Bones Rework (MineClonia compat)
N FreemanBones mod reworked (works in MineClonia or MinetestGame)
Mineclone2 Multitool
DuckGo4 tools in one !
EmptyStarResearch items to unlock duplication
ThePython10110Adds crafting recipes for spawners and spawn eggs to MineClone
Mineclone2 Underwater Challenge
NO11A survival challenge for Mineclone2. Try to survive in a flooded world.
Rubber Addon for MineClone
BiochemistAdds rubber and related Items to MineClone.
Ancient Fertilizer
DanielAdds ancient fertilizer, sourced from ancient stone in the underground, useful for farming flowers if you need dye for colored nodes, complements bonemeal.
Sparking Wand Mod
OlafCraft a wand with which you can cast a lightning spell. Great for discovering caves.
MC2.0 for MineClone2
1F616EMOMinec**** 2.0 April Fool's features
Mineclone2 Falling Anvils
NO11A survival challenge for Mineclone2.
Drying Rack
TydragonThe Drying Rack Mod is a straightforward addition to Luanti, allowing players to transform rotten flesh into Monster Jerky, a safe and reliable alternative to eating rotten flesh.
1F616EMODelicious Narutomaki!
shaftAdds guns, rocket launchers and grenades.
Forgotten Monsters (Reworked)
PixelZoneAdd monsters and bosses to your world...
Mobs Ethereal Bosses
PixelZoneAdds Bosses in biomes from the "Ethereal NG" and "Mineclonia" mods
Mineclone Better End
TX MinerMake the end better in Mineclonia and Mineclone!
Power Guns
shaftA mod that adds laser guns and a force gun
Log Spikes
Silver SandstoneAdds spikes made of various types of tree.
Autocrafters for MineClone2
1F616EMOAutomate crafting process using hoppers and autocrafters
MineClone2 Random Falling TNT or Node Spawning
TrafficSignal2217Configurable, highly destructive mod for MineClone2 that randomly spawns lit TNT, or whatever node you want, in the air.
ApolloXBreath underwater with this item in hand
VoxeLibre Soaking Rain
rudzik8Makes you take damage under rain/snow without leather topping or an umbrella
AFCMPalamod modpack for MineClone2
Experience ATM for MineClone 2/5
mt-modsAdds experience atms to MineClone 2
Cottonseed Oil Fertilizer
1F616EMOPowerful fertilizer from cotton seed