sofarA stylish flowerpot that can contain most plants.
Phiiadds highly randomized vivid dungeons to the world, and tools to spawn/customize them.
Stair Carpets
AwesomeDragon97Allows you to place carpets on stairs and slabs.
VoxelForge - 25w07d
VoxelForgeBuild, Fight, Mine, and so much more. A MineCraft Inspired game, focused on being fun, adding good features that Mojang decided against using, and being performant
StarNinjasAdds new industrious-themed blocks and tools.
demon_boyAdds a wide variety of Australia-themed biomes and content
SokomineA bell that sounds each hour - like a historic bell in a church or town hall
Just_VisitingAdds fun rocks to bring new life to your survival and creative creations!
Minor Redefinitions
LinuxdirkChanges smaller things that are issues for either Luanti or Minetest Game that are technically fixable but won’t be fixed due to several non-technical reasons.
VoxeLibre Furniture and decorations
rudzik8Adds more decoration and furniture blocks to VoxeLibre (ex. MineClone2) and Mineclonia
Corroded Metal
M BLOCMetal can rust when next to water. Restore it with acid from underground.
Wilhelmines People
LiilAdds the possibility to build living Villages. Trade items for random stuff from your villagers, recruit mounts and warriors.
Connected Chests
Hybrid DogAllows making bigger default chests.
Baked Clay
TenPlus1Adds the ability to bake clay into blocks and colour them with dye.
The Build Spawner
Thunder1035Gives build spawner for spawning builds which makes city creation easy
ROllerozxaA basic studded brick building game for Minetest
Living Room Furnitures
1F616EMOSofas, armchairs and tables
Wilhelmines Natural Biomes
LiilAdds 9 new biomes
webdesigner97Adds modern roads to Minetest.
1F616EMOAdds straight and diagonal banisters for stairs railings.
CasimirA classic game for exploring, survival and building. Maintained by rudzik8
v-robAdds a large number of advanced nodes conducive to building large, industrial bridges.
TumeniNodesAdds decorative clay and stone-type nodes to Minetest Game.
mt-modsA Minetest mod for user-generated teleportation pads.
cheapieAdvanced modern road infastructure (fork)
Extended Circular Saw
Andrey01An extension for the circular saw from the original moreblocks mod adding a big set of new microblocks shapes.
alerikaisatteraAmethyst, basalt, calcite and related building blocks
Fancy Stained Glass
v-robAdds fancy and highly adaptable stained glass and spiked iron railing.
FaceDeerA "floating" block that can be placed at the surface of a body of water without needing to build pilings first.
zorman2000Generic item shelf with 3D items on display
Timber Frame
jbbThis mod adds timber-framed clay, bricks, cobble, stone and stone bricks to the game.
Super Duper Walls!
LinuxdirkModular flexible walls for supported Luanti Games.
SFENCEMake player possible to make his own sculture and paint on it with painting oil colors. Hades Revisited is supported.
Multiple Biome Generator
chaosomnium230 Pseudorandomly Generated Biomes, Trees, Fruits, Ores, Tools, and Liquids
My Walls
DonAdds more wall types for walls mod.
Large Bricks
AwesomeDragon97Adds large stone bricks.
Bouncy Bed
MeseCraftSimply makes beds bouncy.
BlockheadSolid cubes of food for mass storage or building.
Minetest Classic
sfan5The classic Minetest-c55 0.3 experience brought back
Stone-like Blocks for Mineclonia
dougsouza26Adds polished bricks for andesite, diorite and granite.