Mtg Craft Reverser
Hugues RossMakes crafting recipes in Minetest Game reversible
PyuAn API for creating kits
LibraSubtilisTurtle graphics, hyperloop travelingsystem and cubic mobs.
Keep Inv Random
TomlausThere is a 10% chance that your inventory will be deleted when you die, even if keep inv is on.
World Borders
argyleAdd impenetrable barriers to the sides and bottom of the world.
drkwvAdds durable building materials that won't break on a first dig.
Easy Craft
GethN7Provides several easy recipes to make many craftable items. Fork of Easy Wool by Tim7
Smart Renting
AiTechEyeSmart renting: Rent out your locked things and earn money!
Proximity Chat
GreenXenithOnly hear chat from nearby players.
canonical name
fluxionaryapi to get the proper capitalization of a name
Item Snatcher
TestificateModsMakes the apple snatcher from Wuzzy's tutorial game available as a standalone item.
Unified Money Backend: SQLite3
1F616EMOStoring Unified Money data into a SQLite3 database
super blocks
GigaByteAdds invisible and unbreakable blocks - not in inventory, use /giveme
NodeCore Playertags
Kimaprnodecore playertags ported to other games
giga-turboA game where the player can construct by programming
AthozusAdds ingame auctions
Resource Crops Evolved
JoleshAdds new recipes for Resource Crops to make a progression through them possible
DerevioAdds the ability to set shortcuts to commands.
Better Commands
ThePython10110Adds commands and syntax from a certain other voxel game
Spawn Fixer
random_person_personFixes spawning inside a hill
MisnadDisplay current time and days since start on bottom right of screen.
name monoid
fluxionaryflexible control of a player's nametag
Interchangeable Hands
octacianDemonstration of Minetest's capability to dynamically change the player hand.
BuckarooBanzaiSynchronize the ingame map with a lua-backend
fluxionaryAPI to allow multiple mods to make modifications to an itemstack's description
rudzik8General grouping API
ClydeBeam items or nodes from your inventory to the inventory of your friend.
hexcol color picker
Mjokfoxcolor picker for hexcol
Wield Events
mt-modsEvents for wield item switching
Phonograph album: Helena Bolan
1F616EMOSongs composed by Helena Bolan for Phonographs
CTF Info
Jo5629_Know what is happening in CTF in your world.
Advanced Keys
LejoReplaces the Skeleton Key with one with multiple chests.
joe7575A library to generate ingame manuals based on markdown files.
FaceDeerPath marker signs for use when exploring a twisty maze of passages that are all alike.
status effects
fluxionaryapi for defining player status effects
Simonfill your hearts (HP)
sorcerykidTimekeeper acts as a centralized dispatcher for all time-sensitive routines
Library Mount
Panquesito7API Framework for mounting objects.
LogikíThis gives protection in chat from bad persons, from cursing & swearing
Direction Compass
APercyAdds a compass