player actions
GigaByteshows the actions of a player
Phonograph album: Helena Bolan
1F616EMOSongs composed by Helena Bolan for Phonographs
niwla23Adds bubble machines
Touch interaction configuration
j-rConfigure item touch_interaction property to your preferences
Hades Revisited back-compatibility
SFENCEMake old Hades Revisited world compatible with new versions of Hades Revisited (from version 0.7.0 to 0.13.0).
This should be make sense!
1F616EMOAdds missing crafting recipes that should exist
MFSM Multiple Finite State Machine
SumiAllows for multple states to be active, while maintaining typical state machine behavior. Good for gamestate and mobs.
Bank Accounts Receipt
Can202Receipt = TRASH
lizzieA minimalistic approach to enabling the game of go in nodecore.
Death Timer
Coder12This will force players to wait a specified amount of time on death.
Signs Redux
sorcerykidSigns Redux is a complete rewrite of default signs that adds many new features
GigaByteadds an editable news section when a player joins
Warr1024Safety net against falling off your island
qPexLegendaryAdds local and global chat
Neocraft1293mod for storing hashed player IPs
Kick Vote
rubenwardyAdds kick voting using the vote API
joe7575A library to generate ingame manuals based on markdown files.
Chat Tools
theFoxchat commands that people might need
Phonograph Album: Diarmuid's Soundtracks
1F616EMOSongs composed by Diarmuid
BabelFish Mail
1F616EMOTranslate mails into the player's preferred language
csirolliPlace bounties on players
dagmTorture players with a cornet!!
BuckarooBanzaiGenerate isometric images from ingame builds
Warr1024Puzzle/Adventure Map System using Node Protection Mechanic
Proximity Chat
GreenXenithOnly hear chat from nearby players.
Advanced Playtime
zanderdevKeeps track of playtime for all players in your world. Notifies you how much playtime you have occasionally.
Unknown Item
1F616EMOAdd a fake unknown item
Simple Commands
enchant97Adds simple chat commands
SkyBuilder1717Adds an chroma blocks for videos or photoshop.
tacotexmexRenames all nodes to a hashed equivalent.
Global Market
AFCMMarket command
Elepower Fixes
Bob64This aims to fix some of the problems with the elepower modpack.
Global Bulletin Boards
FaceDeerAllows creation of global bulletin boards where players can post public messages
BuckarooBanzaiReplacement/placeholder blocks intended for schematics
MadKamel's Random Mod
MadKamelA collection of random items and ideas.
rPlace Analysis GUI
1F616EMOFormspec GUI for rPlace Analysis
Chat Visual
Itz-NoahNeed a way to distinguish between staff and players?
Latency Protection
Coder12Latency protection attempts to prevent players from glitching through protected nodes. By either teleporting the player or damaging them.
SiresAdds some pretty OP tools :)
LogikíThis gives protection in chat from bad persons, from cursing & swearing