Redo of Minetest (Game) Doors
TPHUtilizes my Doors API Redo to better simplify and work the doors
soerenWith this new feature, you can press ordinary diamonds into industrial diamonds, effectively doubling your diamond count and maximizing your resources.
swagtoyImproves the inventory, and fixes some formspecs throughout some mods.
DragonWranglerAllows server owners or server admin to start mob raids to attack settlements or players
TX MinerA shopping mod for Jean's Economy (By TX_Miner aka Xeno333)
Infinite Chest
DragonopAdds a configurable chest that gives an infinite amount of something.
Ethereal Mosses
1F616EMOMore mosses for dirt types in Ethereal NG
HCBP 18_01 Parasite - beta
SoundwavezAdds an Injector, Containing a sample of the HCBP 18_01 Parasite (Highly Contageous Blood Parasite). use on your enemys. and or your friends, if youre a backstabber!
mike.monkeybiterA refillable machine to easily create simple block bridges across caverns and valleys.
SkyBuilder1717Adds an looting and API in archaeologing
GhaydnAdds trees, grass and ores to PilzAdam's Nether
beepbopbeepboopAdds LV-MV-HV Auto Planter and a customizable MV Harvester
Medieval (Fork)
DragonWrangleran addon to darkage
Cones: Traffic and Training Cones
ClassicAdamCones. Various use traffic cones and training cones. 3 sizes, 10 colors, 30 cones in total.
Mob Limiter
Neuromancerremoves mobs over max count near players with configurable settings
monkMakes dry soil wet for farming
Beautiful Boulders
regulusProcedurally Generated Rocks with (pretty) Accurate Collision Boxes
Colored Sand
LoneSurvivrAdds dyed variants for the default sand.
Hardcore mode
SkyBuilder1717Adds a hardcore mode.
Elepower Recycle
DumbDave961Recycling recipes for Elepower items.
Technic Recycle
DumbDave961Recycling recipes for Technic items.
Home Assistant Mod
Jeff SchildersAn experimental mod to turn real lights and switches on and off in your smarthome within a minetest world.
In the Fog
Jo5629_Herobrine has entered your world.
Portable Chests
Bob64Portable chests you can pick up even when there are items inside.
blackhole containment box
Soundwavezcool swirvy gravitational blackhole boxes, that can be used to "ahnialate" enemy bases, or for "deforestation" aah i love abms! (extra dramatic!))
Art Paintings in Frames (high res, 512px)
ClassicAdamVarious paintings in frames for hanging on walls. High res at 512px.
Technic use Battery
1F616EMOUse energy from RE batteries in the inventory
Dirt Tunneler
NeuromancerMakes dirt deeper and you can tunnel through it just by walking through it. Press spacebar/shift to tunnel upward/downward with auto placed ladders.
mike.monkeybiterOpen skinsdb by right clicking a node
Tinted Glass
1F616EMOColored glass
Better Roads
DragonWranglerallows players to make roads with less jagged edges
Fruit Trees
korin_riderFruit trees of diferent types
Technic Armor
mt-modsAdds armor made from lead, brass, cast iron, carbon steel, stainless steel, tin and silver
More Structures
ClothierEdwardAdds several new structures to make your world more alive.
Tile Floors
ClassicAdamVarious colors of tile flooring in 16px and 256px res
Safe TNT
1F616EMOApply height restrictions to TNTs
the curse of the corngirl
Soundwavezadds a creepy cornfield, with a dark secret...
lil lizard pal
Soundwaveza minetest addon made by a very smart person, adds a node based lizard in a glass box to the game. (he can die if you dont feed him)
Dyes for Extra Biomes
SkivlingDeprecated because after ebiomes v1.5.0, dye recipes are included by default, making this unnecessary. Adds dye recipes for the flowers from Extra Biomes.
Fareboxes and Faregates
1F616EMOSignal-emitting fareboxes and faregates