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How do I install this?

This mod will add a archaeology mechanic.


  • Brush: Item can be crafted by stick, bronze ingot and 3 strings. When player use it on suspicious gravel or sand, node will drop random item or drop nothing.
  • Suspicious Sand: Can be randomly spawned near player by replacing sand
  • Suspicious Gravel: Can be randomly spawned near player by replacing gravel
  • Ceramic Vase: Can be only crafted by player, by 4 piece of ceramic. Can storage only one item of any amount, cannot be digged by other player, or, if vase contains item inside.
  • Ceramic Piece: Can be found in suspicious blocks by brush
  • Ceramic Converter: Can be only crafted by player. Can convert "Clay Block" to "Ceramic Piece"
  • Check Sus Stick: Admin item. Used for debugging archaeology items.



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