Mobs Redo API

Simple and feature rich API to quickly add mobs into your world.

API / Library Mobs / Animals / NPCs

Download (118 KB)
For Luanti 5.0 and above

How do I install this?

You need to install some other mods!

This mod contains the API to add mobs into the world using one of the mods below:



Do you recommend this mod?

  • Fantastic Mob API

    Mobs Redo is a fantastic mobs API. It was one of the first mods I started using for MeseCraft. Sure, the mobs created with this using the default parameters may be a bit simple, but there is enough extensibility within the API to give varying character to mobs if one is determined enough to do so.

    The Mobs Redo API is very stable and mature as well. Yes, there are newer, more complex, and capable API's for Mobs, but they are not at the level of stability and maturity that Mobs Redo currently has. This with TenPlus1's history of quickly updating bugs and maintaining his repositories really well, makes this an excellent addition to many games and worlds. There are some bugs and quirks with the API that you will encounter, but there are enough options within the API to work around most of these.

    The mobs perform well, it might not run on lowest end hardware, but overall, I've never noticed any significant slow downs resulting from this mod that wasn't my own fault for not understanding how to optimize spawns.

    To summarize, this is a well-rounded and mature mobs API that is easy to use and learn. It is well maintained by TenPlus1. Recommended.

  • This is a great api for getting mobs into your game quickly!

    If you have an idea for a mob, this will take care of all the basic function and also has some added functions to easily extend mob behavior! It is well maintained and reported bugs are squashed in a timely way!

  • Easy to Use

    Actually this is the best of the 2 mobs api i have seen. So i like to use it. There are ways to use basic functions and addon new functions. Also i love how b3d files can be interacted well (eventhough i not have enough blender experience.)

  • Brings a concistancy to mobs

    I like the way this allows each server to slightly adjust the way mobs work. E.g. override the wayfinding portion. An api helps that not every added mob needs to learn from the same mistakes and can profit from bugfixes found in other mobs.

  • Reliable Author and Attend to Bugs Quickly

    One of the few if not only existing author that takes their mods seriously to ensure critical bugs are fixed promptly. If your a serious server admin like me, you can't go wrong with their mods' collection and the fact that prompt support is normally provided to boot. :)

  • Very simple mob api

    a really good and easy to use mob api, i made mobs in it even tho i know nothing about coding..

  • Cool Mob Mod

    Its a simple good mobs mod, and the mob mod leaves much free space for your ideas

  • Русский

    Простой легковесный API

    Для своих модов использую его. Да, местами мобы подтупливают, или спавнятся не так как задумано, но это не критично

  • Required for some good mods

    I use mob_horse, mobs_animals, and mobs_monster. I like these mods, and these mods require this API, so I like this API.

    Be aware that it is not compatible with mobkit. Check your mod list before adding this one.

  • Great and necessary

    I always install this mod, since it is a dependency of practically all the mobs that I have installed.

    Personally, I have never used this API, since I have never programmed it for Minetest (it is programmed in Lua, right?), but I am sure it is very good; since the mods related to this API are of high quality.

    It would be nice if the mobs had a visible life bar. But I understand that this is not the case because of some development decision or what I know; Currently you can only see the mob's life through a text indicator.

    I wish the greatest success to TenPlus, because their mods are incredible. Greetings from Mexico.

    P.S: Still waiting for the "Game by TenPlus" hehe.

  • very very useful

    this mod is the stone base for any mob creators out there, i love how it comes with its own guide, in the form of api.txt, which was infinetly helpful in understanding a mod as complex as this. it has a lot of "dynamicity"..... it is a very dynamic mod, without being super complex and hard to understand. it comes with pretty much everything you could possibly need to create the mob of your dreams.

    ps. i was creating a mob, and i could not find a way to make my mob see an enemy through walls. is that included, if so i missed it. if not that is the only relevent thing i could find that is not included in this mod. "the ideal mobbing base" --soundwavez 2024

  • Basic

    Only useful for the most basic mobs.

  • outlived it is usefulness

    this mod used to be great, the standard for mob frameworks a while back, however it has come to a point where it provides unnesscary overhead and lag while heavily limiting mod creators control over the mobs that they create. frankly the minetest lua api makes it easy enough to create a mob on bare metal with no overhead, or you can use mobkit, which still lets you retain nearly completely and low overhead as well as provides you with some sample behavior functions you can use

  • Una API algo primitiva

    Funciona, y permite añadir criaturas al juego, pero en comparacion a otras nuevas APIs se queda algo obsoleta


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