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For Luanti 5.9 and above

How do I install this?

This mod adds a bunch of decorative cubes, various mechanisms and stuff for cutting, enchanting, cooking, etc.

This is a libre version (free software, free media) of the X-Decor mod. It is the same as X-Decor, except with all the non-free files replaced.

New blocks

This mod adds many decoration blocks: Flower pot, weathervane, radio, speaker, wooden tile, new bricks, lamps, candles, new doors, packed ice, and more.

This mod also adds 7 new block shapes for many Minetest Game blocks. They can be created by using the workbench. This includes panels, mini blocks and flat stairs.

Special blocks

There are also many special blocks with special features:

  • Workbench: Storage, crafting, cutting and repairing
    • Storage: 16 item slots for item storage
    • Craft: 3×3 crafting grid
    • Cut: Put a full cube-shaped block to create new shapes
    • Repair: Put a damaged tool and a hammer and wait for it to be repaired
  • Enchanting table: Upgrade your tools with mese crystals
  • Ender Chest: Interdimensional inventory that is the same no matter where you put the ender chest
  • Mailbox: Lets you receive items from other players
  • Item Frame: You can place an item into it to show it off
  • Cushion: Reduces fall damage
  • Cushion Block: Reduces fall damage even more
  • Trampoline: Jump on it to bounce off. Very low fall damage
  • Cauldron: For storing water and cooking soups
    • Recipe: Pour water in, light a fire below it and throw in some food items. Collect the soup with a bowl
  • Lever: Pull the lever to activate doors next to it
  • Pressure Plate: Step on it to activate doors next to it
  • Chessboard: Play Chess against another player or against the computer


The original X-Decor is a popular mod but it is (as the time of writing this text) non-free software, there are various files under proprietary licenses.

The purpose of X-Decor-libre is to provide the community a fully-free fork of X-Decor with clearly documented licenses. Additional, a lot of bugs compared to the original versions were fixed.

More info

Fore more information (especially a list of changes compared to the original non-free X-Decor and a list of replaced media files), see:



Do you recommend this mod?

  • Visually consistent and not bloated

    I like this mod because it's not bloated, and the items look like they actually belong in the world

  • Nice, good-looking homestuff

    I use this mod to add home furniture because i like the texture and it doesn't add too much things. It also adds enchantment table, ender chest and a workbench to cut blocks.

  • A Lot of Good Decorations

    This mod offers you quite a few good decoration blocks and items. Some of them even offer functionality in addition to being decorative. This is a mod that will find itself in all my worlds.

    I do have one point of criticism, though. Some of the items are flat, 2D entities like flowers, but should be solid and 3D. The one example that comes to mind is the lantern offered in this mod. It's flat and 2D, and when you mine it, it sounds like mining a flower. The lantern really needs a 3D model and more appropriate sounds.

  • great simple mod

    as the title says, this is a great simple mod for adding a few nice features. however i will say that if you install moreblocks you should disable the crafting bench from this mod so that you dont have duplicate/wasted node defs

  • Simplicity

    A very simple and easy to use mod filled with decorative items, furnite and a few interesting features :)

  • Basic, decorative furniture

    Adds decorative nodes that fit well together regarding their textures. An alternative if you can't afford full homedecor.

  • I like

    The trampolines are really fun. Love the cabinets and lanterns. Love the misc. items here and there which really make a home feel more like home.

    The work bench is useful, but confusing. Thought it was broken at first. Took me several minutes to figure out that hammers are a fuel, not a tool. You just gotta set the item in the repair slot, a hammer in the hammer slot, then wait.

  • Great

    Decorations are simple and awesome. Interesting features, chess is cool, itemframes too.

    The mod is used on lot of servers.

  • When players join a server, the items from this mod set the standard for how the game feels

    I only desire that the enchanting table be able to put multiple enchantments on each tool, including effects like reduced fall damage, repairing when not in use, weapons that lower armor's deflection chance, renaming tools and armor, or binding a tool to an account so its not dropped on death, where the enchanting number is based off of and utilizing the number of bookshelves around it, from 0 to 32/48/64 in steps of 8 bookshelves for 4 levels in the case of 32, or every 4 bookshleves for 8 levels, etc. It doesn't feel right that any player can simply enchant their tool to max level with a lone enchanting table, and additional functionality to this heavily used feature would balance it out and allow smoother and more complete progression.

  • English

    Useful Decoration

    Plenty of decoration blocks with some useful functionality!

  • English

    cool mod

    i have an idea to port all mc updates to mtg and i use this mod as an example

  • Less is more, when it comes to X-Decor

    This is really a fantastic mod since Wuzzy took over on the development. At first look, it can come across as a oddly small collection of random decor blocks, but, as I have seen on servers, this actually takes care of most decor needs, and adds some awesome functionalities along with it. Less is more, I guess? The textures are consistent and fit minetest well, and everything actually works without random crashes (unlike the old version). Chess finally works, most importantly, and it looks and feels like an actual implementation. Wow!! Other than the fact that my opponent takes too long! Totally not hinting you to add timers... :-)

    The more detailed decor mods, like Homedecor or Multidecor are too bloaty and the items will kill your FPS unless you've got a supercomputer and the latest NVIDIA graphics card (maybe slightly overexaggerated). This mod is lightweight and won't be hard on compromised clients. Recommended, especially for multiplayer situations!

  • Simple, Cozy and Functional!

    The blocks look very nice and give a wonderful variety to building options.

  • this mod is great, especially the chess game u can really play

    i have a question, what's that mexican clay floor tiles looking flooring in the main photo?

  • always use it

    after using this mod so much i have a few complaints, take this as feedback

    the red curtain is too bright even on inventory, a less nice way to say it is this texture is janky it breaks imersion just by looking at it, cactus brick has the same effect, if a friend you are playing with feels like using this block the whole aesthetic of the game is ruined, trampoline is invisible from below, garden stone path looks weird, i can see these 4 nodes benefiting from a new texture, the red curtain with the same color as red wool

    bowl of soup is not on creative inventory, the rope on creative can cause lag depending on the circumstance (maybe stop at 99)

  • Nice little decoration mod.

    This mod is like a breath of fresh air for the commonly dull building process. I will use it to construct some nice arenas in order to conduct epic battles with my friends using firearms.

  • Minecraft extras

    The mod actually reminded me of minecraft bedrock thanks for this experience but also make some blocks functional like radio and please make flower pots 3d


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