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For Luanti 5.7 and above

How do I install this?

This is a fork of the version maintained by the minetest-mods group. It provides numerous new features and bugfixes and is designed to reduce the number of registered nodes, to avoid the node ID limit.

mods in the pack


defines a bunch of new kinds of nodes. provides an API for creating variants of some nodes.


provided to keep compatibility w/ recipe changes from older versions of moreblocks. disabled by default.


allows the creation of 49 new shapes for registered nodes. provides an API for registering new shapes.


stairsplus registrations for various mods which were formerly done automatically as part of moreblocks.


overrides the stairs mod from minetest_game to use stairsplus behind the scenes, to avoid duplication of nodes.


adds a button in unified_inventory that allows you to use the circular saw interface if you are playing creatively, or have a circular saw item in your inventory and have the right priv (interact, by default).

invsaw was taken from cheapie's invsaw mod, which itself borrowed heavily from an older version of this mod. Flux decided to just add it here because it needed to be fully rewritten to be compatible w/ their modifications to the stairsplus API.


for players

use of a decent inventory manager (e.g. unified_inventory or i3) will help you figure out how to craft various nodes.

for admins

minetest version compatibility

more blocks is only tested against up-to-date minetest. Issues arising in older versions will generally not be fixed.

legacy mode

the 2023-02-01 release of moreblocks introduces a "legacy" mode, which is on by default, and is meant to allow new servers to not commit to creating as many nodes as older versions, while not breaking anything on existing servers. See settingtypes.txt for available settings.

by defaul the 2023-02-01 release disables certain recipe overrides that were part of moreblocks 2.*. to re-enable them, set moreblocks_legacy_recipes.enabled = true.


see settingtypes.txt for available settings.


moreblocks and stairsplus do not have hard dependencies on other mods. invsaw depends on unified_inventory and stairsplus.


moreblocks currently supports resources from a number of mods and minetest_game. without these installed, some things may not be craftable, may have low-quality textures, or may not have "node sounds" registered. if available, resources will be used from bucket, default, rhotator, screwdriver, and vessels.

if the stairsplus_legacy mod is enabled, stairsplus nodes will automatically be registered for the following mods, if they are available: basic_materials, default, farming, gloopblocks, prefab, technic, and wool.

for mod makers

See moreblocks/ and stairsplus/


moreblocks, stairsplus, stairsplus_legacy, moreblocks_legacy_recipes

  • © 2011-2022 Hugo Locurcio and contributors under the zlib license
  • © 2023 fluxionary under the LGPL v3+

  • unless otherwise specified, textures are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

  • moreblocks_copperpatina.png was created by pithydon, and is licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal.
  • stairsplus_saw_button.png CC BY-SA 4.0 Unported


  • © 2022 cheapie and contributors under the zlib license
  • © 2023 fluxionary under the LGPL v3+



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