Knowing what other players are holding is an essential polish to a multiplayer server. Both because it cuts down on the unneccesary confusion with what items you have. But also so that you can be ready when your teamate decides he doesn't like you anymore.
This mod really helps servers feel more polished, and makes them much more playable.
What ya got?
It's handy to be able to see what players are holding, especially if it's a diamond sword :)
You need this
A must have in cooperative and peaceful servers. It feels wrong when I see someone punching stones.
Essential mod for servers
Knowing what other players are holding is an essential polish to a multiplayer server. Both because it cuts down on the unneccesary confusion with what items you have. But also so that you can be ready when your teamate decides he doesn't like you anymore.
This mod really helps servers feel more polished, and makes them much more playable.
Ahora veo lo que otros jugadores tienen en la mano.
Very handy
This mod is really nice to add 3d wielding in quickly.
It is possible to punch wielded item.
It is possible to punch wielded item. Punch item or block that is being held by player. The items being held won't show after being punched.
visual bugs
maybe copy paste the mod from 3d armor?