Top 5.4% reviewer
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Has received 102907 downloads across all packages.
3D Apple
Apples aren't flat!
Admin mailing list and report
Add mailing list for admins and moderators, and a report function
Advtrains Screen Doors
Platform screen doors for Advtrains
AFK Indicator
API to check player AFK status
AFK Kick (AFK Indicator)
Kick inactive players
AFK Protective Kick
Kick AFK players facing dangers
Ambience API
API for playing background musics
Anti Lava Area
give admin power to anti lava in some region.
Preventing confusable usernames
Apartment Rental Panels
Self-service rental panels for players to rent apartments or shops
Area-Locked Chests
Locked chest that check protections
Area Protection Jails
Manage jails using area protection
ATM for Unified Money
Take your money into physical currency
Autocrafters for MineClone2
Automate crafting process using hoppers and autocrafters
BabelFish Mail
Translate mails into the player's preferred language
Babelfish Redo
Translate chat messages into other languages
Adds straight and diagonal banisters for stairs railings.
A portable basket for carrying large amount of items (= Shulker Boxes)
Bouncy Leaves
Adds bouncy and fall damage reduce effect to leaves
Clean unknown recipes
Remove recipes referencing to unknown items
Cloud Storage
Command-based Parcel Locker
Colored Chat (Server Side Mod)
Color Your chat message
Condensed Cobblestone
81 cobbles in one item!
A tool to copy and paste nodes from a file or from a tool
Cottage and Medieval Decorations
Decorations that fit to medieval settlements and small cottages
Cottonseed Oil Fertilizer
Powerful fertilizer from cotton seed
API to cycle though block/item state on certan events
Portable data storage for Digilines
Dialog Redo
Flexable dialog API
Dialogs with options
Digilines Lightstone
Digiline-controlled light-emitting colour blocks
In-game notification system
Letter blocks
Error Mail
Send mail to the admin with error traceback
Ethereal: All-faces tree blocks
All-faces tree block for Ethereal trees
Ethereal Mosses
More mosses for dirt types in Ethereal NG
Extended Protection
Extended interaction restriction rule
Extra Banners
Colored variant of large banner
Face Objects
Calculate the facing of objects
Fareboxes and Faregates
Signal-emitting fareboxes and faregates
Fix floating sands!
Avoid hanging sands and gravels
For Sale Sign for Unified Money
Area Exchange with Unified Money System
A api to get in-game hour/minute
Glob Patterns
Use glob patterns in Lua and in serveral commands
Grant interact on chat
Grant newcomers interact only after they speak
Item group applied to ALL items for crafting recipes.
Hazmat Suit
Protect wearer from fire and radiation
Interest for Unififed Money
Grow your assets over time
Key Binding
Register callbacks when a key is pressed, holded, or released.
Know Where You Die
Send a message include death pos to you when you die
Langton's Ant
Langton's Ant!
Lava + Water > Stone
Cool Lava into technically special stones for easier cleanup
Living Room Furnitures
Sofas, armchairs and tables
Create logging functions for mods easily
Inbox for items
MC2.0 for MineClone2
Minec**** 2.0 April Fool's features
Mesecon Node
Make all node have mesecon_wire version
Mesecons Snippet Button
Execute snippets with Mesecons
Metadata Inspector
Inspect or modify metadatas of a node
Minetest-Telegram Bridge
Chat bridge between Minetest and Telegram
Moderator Warnings
Emphasize warnings sent by the moderation team
More Mese Post Lights!
Add more mese post light
More fun tubes for Pipeworks
Delicious Narutomaki!
A Customizable newspaper
Node Placer Saving
Put node placer data into the node
Parkour game!
pathv7 redo! (Mapgen V7 only)
Creates a worldwide network of paths, bridges and tunnels.
Pencil Redo
Tool to edit infotext of nodes
Play music from albums
Phonograph album: 1F616EMO Collection
Songs from 1F616EMO for phonographs
Phonograph Album: Diarmuid's Soundtracks
Songs composed by Diarmuid
Phonograph album: Helena Bolan
Songs composed by Helena Bolan for Phonographs
Phonograph album: VoxelLibre
Songs from VoxelLibre for Phonographs
Place Node Command
Add `setblock` and `place` command
Player Settings
Player-specific settings
Pos Marker
Add markers that can set and get via chatcommand.
Protector Blocks for Area Protection Mod
Protector Block, but using the Area Protect APIs
Random Messages
Register random announcements
Recover from irrecoverable lag
Restart the server when it lags too much
Red Pockets
Happy Chinese New Year! Give artificial red pockets to kids!
Simply reject all login attempts and show them a message
r/place simulator
rPlace Analysis GUI
Formspec GUI for rPlace Analysis
Safe TNT
Apply height restrictions to TNTs
Sausages! Yum!
Server Lockdown
Keep non-admin players away during maintainence
Settings Loader
Load or reload settings easily
Shop Dialog
Formspec-based shop dialog
Smartshop Payment with Unified Money
Handle smartshop payment digitally
Snippets Buttons
More toggles for snippets
Stacked Bricks
Bricks stacked on another type of bricks
API to make commands with subcommands
Superimposed Window Frames
Add a wooden frame over windows
Turotial API
Teacher: Advanced Trains
Tutorial for Advanced Trains
Teacher: Locked Chests
Tutorial for MTG Locked Chests
Teacher: Realtime Elevator
Tutorial for Realtime Elevator
Technic Grass Clean
A tool like chainsaw, but cut grass, not tree.
Technic HV Extend
Extends technic HV to add basic machines
Technic use Battery
Use energy from RE batteries in the inventory
Teleport Anchor
Fixed teleport destinations for survival players or adventure map makers
Temporary Passwords
Assign temporary passwords to accounts
This should be make sense!
Adds missing crafting recipes that should exist
Tinted Glass
Colored glass
Send tips to newcomers
Train Decoration Blocks
Adds signs fitting the advtrains theme
Train Gravels
Gravel-related blocks for advtrains
Travelnet Redo
Travelnet with improved performance and code tidiness
Travelnet Redo: Beacons
Travelnet components in Telemosaic style
Travelnet Redo: Fancy Travelnets
Travelnets with fancy textures for Travelnet Redo
Unified API for in-game currency
Unified API for currency management
Unified Money Backend: SQLite3
Storing Unified Money data into a SQLite3 database
Unknown Item
Add a fake unknown item
Unknown Object
Bring spawnable unknown object to the game
User Manager
GUI to manage players
use_texture_alpha workaround
Fix boolean use_texture_alpha on MT5.9+
Wield Gadgets
Register gadgets that can be used with a hotkey
Wire Transfer Terminal for Unified Money
Digital way of transferring money in Unified Money system
Incompatible with mods reading the description field
Although this mod is a great piece of gameplay documentation, it suffers compatibility issues with many mods due to its way of displaying the tooltips.
This mod directly modifies the description and stores the original into _tt_original_description. However, not many mods are aware of the extra field and treat the manipulated field the same as they would do with pure descriptions. This leads to issues such as the weird display of item names in third-party mods.
In welly-integrated games like MineClone2, using this mod would not be a problem. However, think twice and check your mod collection before installing this mod into your pool of mods.
Oh, fooled me to actually tryna craft one
I executed the following:
And then went to craft. Good job, nothing.
You made an undoubtedly greater parkour game than what I made
Late review. I made a parkour game for last year's game jam, but it was lacking of features and documentations (c55 stuck on the ground as he cannot find the
command!), and lack of creativities. This game, may or may not be inspired by my game, did a way better job than I.The textures are all simple, which matches its theme of a sci-fi game. My parkour game also uses simple textures (because I am not good at art at that time), leading me to think whether this game was inspired by my game or not.
The plots are brilliant; The idea of letting the player (the One) travelling though the network interfaces are really innovative. Apart from the mainlines, there are also Easter eggs (e.g. the Powerslide Playground which was my only discovered Easter egg) which allows the player to pick up more electrons.
At the end of the story, in which I've entered the Core and is pending to be deleted, I was stuck. It was “designed” to stuck players inside, and it turns the parkour game into a puzzle game. This combination was something I've never thought of, and is definitely bringing more fun (and more “pain” as you will be exhausted) to the game.
By inspecting into the source codes, I know that there do have an ending (and is a happy ending), but I still can't reach it. I will not reach it today, but probably within this week.
The core of automation
Pipeworks, aka Tubeworks (see the last paragraph), is the best item transportation mod I've ever seen. While Minecraft-like hoppers could only transfer items down, Pipeworks could transfer items in different directions, or even sort them on-the-fly.
Many mods, like Technic, have support for Pipeworks, or even heavily depend on it, as Pipeworks provides an easily usable API for automation. You couldn't imagine how important Pipeworks is on the LinuxForks Minetest Server; most large factories and shops use Pipeworks to deliver items. Just be aware of the lag, which is the only disadvantage of installing Pipeworks on your own Minetest server.
An ironic fact is, as Rubenwardy mentioned, that the water pipe sucks, though the mod is named "Pipeworks". You should never download this mod if you are expecting a water transfer system, but you should definitely install this mod (the "Tubeworks" mod) if you want to move items around.
Do one thing, and do it well.
That's the Unix philosophy: Do one thing, and do it well. Grue did that. Grue is a good "mob" that prevent players from taking fall damages in the cavern (because they died in the Grues' mouth before reaching any of the cliffs XD).
Apart from that, there are comments in the codes, so anyone with basic Lua knowledge can understand how Grue "eat" players. Good job!
“Hey, we don't accept binary signals…”
“Yay, we crafted two Luacontrollers! How to set up communications between them?”
“There are four pins on the Luacontroller, can we use them?”
“Hey, we don't accept binary signals. Processing Mesecons binary signal is a waste of time.”
“So, what can we do?”
On the story above, they are arguing because mesecons can only transmit single-bit binary signals. Though, it's slow to transmit data in Mesecon wires.
Digiline solves the problem. The two Luacontrollers can then send any Lua data types except for functions between each other.
Digiline is also easily extendable. With the API provided, mod creators can create fancy displays or TVs. Digilines is an important mod just like Mesecons.
The Second Industrial Revolution of Minetest
With the help of a Wooden Pickaxe, we can go to the Stone Age. With the help of a Stone Pickaxe, we can go to the Bronze Age; or even the Iron Age, if you have the will to skip the annoying bronze alloying. By an Iron Pickaxe, you can mine diamonds and mese.
Then, how about the Industrial Revolution? That's what the technic mod's doing.
The technic mod have four stages: Burning fuels, Low Voltage Power, Medium Voltage Power, and High Voltage Power. The first three stages provide tools to smelt materials, cook foods, extract dyes, compress dusts, and to grind stuffs. The High Voltage Power provides advanced power sources and powerful tools, such as quarry (though digtrons is better), force fields, and nuclear reactors. They all provide assistant to survival players to finish their tasks more effectively. In LinuxForks, the technic mod helped me to process tons of minerals from my digtron.
You can't imagine how it's important to survival world...
When I first join the LinuxForks server, I quickly figure out I could go to deep underground with Teleport Potions to get minerals. However, that's still a headache to be rich, as digging by hand, even with the OP Crystal Pickaxes, is a tough task.
With the help of digtrons, I could obtain minerals more effectively, or even during AFK. Sometimes, when I was having lunch, my digtron is also “eating” the minerals and help me get a lot of resources.
The third-party mod support of digtron is brilliant. Using the item injectors from pipeworks, it's possible to make an automatic digtron unloader. With the API methods provided, Advtrains added the support of placing tracks (which require calling on-place callbacks) in parallel to digging tunnels. If HV cables or RE batteries are supplied instead of fuels, digtron can run on electric power.
Overall, the digtron mod is brilliant; it brings the boring machine (though not boring) to Minetest Game. I'm looking forward to this mod's development and hope someday this mod can be ported to MineClone2 or even NodeCore.
The best alternative of Minecraft concrete blocks! For baked clays, their mono-colored style makes it the best material for modern-styled buildings.
Lack of documentations
It's great, but... lack of documentations.
Put your risk into outdated mods
A "mod soup" is totally useless, cause server owners can (and should have the ability to) install all the mods one-by-one. Mush more, mod soups are outdated, and may place the server to secutiry risks.
I cannot imagine a server without mesecons and digilines
Mesecons can do a lot of things - for example, hidden door or light automation, which is useful on both survival and creative. Even though with only mesecons can't do a lot of things, it is highly customizable and can be extended by digilines.
Every survival server should have it!
The drawer mod provides a storage that is easy to manage and be programmed (via Luacontrollers), and can be upgraded to enlarge its space. In surivial, it can be a nice storage; in crerative, it can be the best decoration.
Good game for...
This is a good game for:
Reviews from Emojiminetest and his brother: Addicted
This game is a good start of a fully functional city game!
Reviews from Emojiminetest: Buy!
Reviews from Emojiminetest: Enjoyable Flight
Thanks NO11, this game give me a rest in the Game Jam!
Reviews from Emojiminetest: Simple, Fast, and Nice
This game is simple, fast, and nice as Simple Fast Inventory. (XD)
By the way
) for this game!Reviews from Emojiminetest: Funny
Deprecated call to set_attribute, use MetaDataRef methods instead.
The idea is good.
Reviews from Emojiminetest: LAG, and more
Reviews from Emojiminetest: Fully Addicted
This game is so perfect! I bet that this game will be at least 5th!
Reviews from Emojiminetest: Gameplay nice but fixes are required
This game is fully playable, but with a lot of features missing. I think this game will be perfect if those cons can be fixed.
Reviews from Emojiminetest: WOW!
Good for both decoration and survival
On both survival (Linux Forks) and creative servers (C&C City Server), I found that the gaming experience was improved in both cases. In survival, it add more features (e.g. proper trees instead of the nearly useless bushes) that is extremely helpful for survival players. From another standpoint, it is useful for creative and building players since all blocks' appearences are very nice
But on the another hand, the mushroom biome is too large and those mushroom trees are quite ugly. I think developers can refer to the appearence of big mushrooms in Minecraft, to create beautiful mushroom biome.
Overall, this is a good mod that I recommend to any server.
Trash code quality
While your mod's appearance is good, the code quality is more important then anything else, especially on a potato server. The mod have thaes critical problems * uses
instead of entity steps to delete timed out missiles * place vehicles without logging * using hardcoded value instead of configuration value to switch default vehicles on/off * Overall, you should not install this mod on your new server, find some alternatives instead.Wasting cache space, use node box instead
This simple mesh can be replaced with a few lines of node boxes without any external mesh. Mod makers should not use this mod since it requires to load one more mod and one more useless mesh.
Useful for WIP servers
I am going to use it on my WIP server which allow admins and builders to join. I will use this mod on it.