Top 0.5% reviewer
Only 4 users have written more helpful reviews.
Has received 99037 downloads across all packages.
3D Armor Mobile
Adds a command to bring up a formspec that allows mobile users to put on armor
Basic Grenades
Adds some basic grenades using the grenades API
Fire Plus
Allows players to be lit on fire.
Grenades API
Adds an API for easily creating grenades
Hammer Of Power
Adds a steel hammer and the powerful version that you can create from it.
Makes player heads follow their look direction
Adds knockback for pre-5.1 Minetest clients without using entities
Lava Stuff
Adds lava armor, tools, and blocks
Nodecore Rabbits
Adds rabbit holes, rabbits, and traps to the Nodecore game
Adds chatcommands server staff can use for announcements
PM Plus
Colors Private messages in chat and plays a notification sound to players that are messaged
Ranged Weapon Framework (rawf)
A ranged weapon framework for Minetest
Your ship has crashed, armed with a few tools you must harvest meteorites to repair your ship while fighting off hordes of aliens
Voxel Knights
WIP Medival Fantasy Open World PvE game
Adds a pickaxe that can dig almost any block
Maintained Packages
This user is also a maintainer of the following packages
Well made, a nice linear game
Other than the issues with the parkour difficulty mentioned by other reviews (I found the downward glide really hard to do, and am still not sure how I completed the grey glass parkour) this was a really enjoyable ~21-minute game. Points for it being made in a month too.
Unique, and terrifying
Choo-choo-Charles mod/game when?
I wanted to have fun with this game but it wouldn't let me. Digging needs some serious fixing.
I'd recommend reducing all dig times to <= 2 seconds, and making diggable things rarer to balance that out. If you want to go with your own solution you might find find this interesting. It's about walking, but I think most of the points brought up can be applied to digging in this game.
I'd also recommend limiting the distance the flashlight can shine so it doesn't 'detach' from the flashlight, which breaks the immersion/atmosphere you had going.
It's nice to see this genre get explored, there aren't any good MT games that do so yet. I look forward to future updates.
There are a lot of bugs, some of which I think ruined my ability to complete the game, but I can recommend this based off of the experience I had regardless.
This will be a good game once the bugs are sorted out and the mechanics are polished. If you learn the basics of using git w/ github you could probably attract a few contributors.
I played this for the first time with 3 other players. It was a little glitchy but it worked.
Very well rounded and simple game. I can't think of anything to suggest/bring up
Nice work! I'd love to see this fully fleshed out with a finished story, music, and general sound effects.
I played until around ~170 Electrons, but the ability lag, which was slowly getting worse as the game went on, has reached an unplayable point (10+ second delay from holding/pressing the correct key(s)). I hope you can fix this, because I'd really like to play this to the end. Here's my world file, if that helps
Collecting the electrons can get a bit repetetive, but I think that's mostly due to how I play.
My review [JAM VERSION]
With a few gameplay changes to reduce grind I think this could turn out to be a fun space game. I look forward to future updates, and will update my review accordingly if they ever happen.
The adventure of LandarVargan (Spoiler Warning)
My review [JAM VERSION]
Unique non-sandbox, no-player-character game, or at least it will be
I look forward to seeing where this goes, and will update my review when it's playable
Very useful for games that want intentional generation in their worlds
Operates smoothly and doesn't get in my way. I wish I knew this existed sooner.
Very nice addition to the itemframe mod
Have you ever wanted a way to show off a bunch of your cool items without having to take up a whole wall with itemframes/pedestals? You need look no further
Overall: How
I didn't realize my Minetest client could stretch (:
Overall: Good
The jam version has a few drawbacks, but if you ignore/work around them the game is quite fun.
I'll be following this post-jam, I like where it's going.
Overall: Good
I have yet to beat this, even when I abandon oxygen and HVAC I can't get enough moeny before things start going downhill. A little balancing is probably needed.
The models are very detailed, did you do them yourself?
Great work! I didn't test multiplayer but that would be an interesting direction to take this in
Overall: Meh
In it's current state the game is basically an idle clicker with 3 unchanging buttons. I've seen the mobile game ads though, and am very interested in seeing where this goes. I will definitely update my review as progress is made
Overall: Good
Nice job! You made great use of available time, this game doesn't feel shallow like some jam games do
For polish: * It'd be nice if the nodes had place/walk sounds, and the water/lava had liquid properties (For more 'MTG-like' scenes) with ambient sounds. * Make the music go as a background behind sounds added above, and add a track or two more
Things you might want to fix:
Overall: Good
Nice work!
I had no clue what to do at first, but I slowly figured it out with a little effort :P
I'd love for there to be sound, and maybe a tutorial/hints too. I'm not sure what you could do with more levels, might need to add another game mechanic
Overall: Amazing
This was great! I can't wait for more levels
Wasn't expecting to see a Minetest game like this. It's fun and plays well, no bugs or lag.
Neat addition the the night sky
Makes my constant and unending search for ice dragons less boring and cold.
Maybe a bit too many generations ahead
This is an amazing use of the formspec API, and looks quite good, but may be a little ahead of its time, it doesn't fit very well with the rest of the quick and simple formspecs in Minetest Game & mods
Despite that this'll probably be my goto inventory mod, it's the best I've found so far and you can get used to things not fitting right in the mod soup that is my survival world
Very ambitious animal mod
It's in need of polish in a few places but considering some of the features and the consistent art style I can deal with it, although I don't think I'll have to for very long, the author is quite active
Quit waffling around and get this mod!
All my survival world houses have a counter dedicated to waffle making. I have waffles for breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, and supper, never gets old
Very Powerful Tool
Took me a while to learn how to use it without destroying everything (No way to undo changes, so you're stuck with what you do), but I figured it out at the cost of a few houses/spawnpoints and now use this for all of my creative building projects. Definitely worth the sacrifice
Comprehensive animal mod, but is targeting the wrong audience (Which I assume to be young kids)
I thought this would be a fun mod to add to a LAN server for some neighborhood kids, but the (as far as I can see) only breeding method was an instant nope https://github.com/runsy/petz/blob/3ac5722bb58329e746a354fa909fe261de7f329f/petz/misc/items.lua#L263-L286
EDIT: You can now disable this breeding method in your minetest.conf. My review will stand until it's not the default though
Out of date, buggy
The author disappeared a year or more ago, and this mod has suffered. There are some bugs that make certain features unusable in CaptureTheFlag, and I doubt they're going to get fixed anytime soon.
Very useful
This gives you a crafting guide and the ability to initiate one or more crafts after finding the recipe you want to use. If you're a survival player looking for an alternative to Unified Inventory this is a pretty good choice
Easy to use, saves me a lot of time
If you're only making one relatively simple command for your mod you may want to just write everything yourself, but if you're doing lots of decently complex commands then I highly recommend this API
My go-to protection mod
It isn't as easy to cover large areas with this like it is with the areas mod, but it comes pretty close. The protection blocks are simple and easy to use. They also blend pretty well with the other MTG textures
Great mod
This is the best wielded light mod I've found from all the ones I've tried.
Very fun mod
This is a must-have for all my worlds. It's great for traversing the massive and beautiful caves that caverealms generates
Made this a neutral review in favor of an updated version of this: https://content.minetest.net/packages/mt-mods/hangglider/
Bulky, slow, and a little dated
A year or so ago I might use this because it was the only inventory mod with certain features, but now I'm seeing much faster and better looking alternatives popping up
Nice hardcore game
If you like hard/hardcore games that don't focus as much on the mental part of things like Nodecore you may enjoy this game.
Good to see this is still being continued after Dokimi left!
Very pretty underground biomes
I use this for a lot of my worlds. Great mod. Caves are no longer boring
Best Tree Chopping mod there is
I use this for pretty much all of my survival worlds. It beats any other mods I've tried and does its job well
No game is complete without dragons. This is a pretty high quality mod for them
Heavenly mod
Like the airsword mod but a lot less OP and boasting greater selection of items and other things. Good mod for sky explorers
Unique game
Music is great, the landscape looks great, and the mobs are done in mobkit.
What more could you want?Great admin pickaxe
The digtime is perfect, and the pickaxe even digs nodes that wouldn't normally be diggable (Like chests full of items). A warning though: Don't give this to anyone but the most trusted staff on your server, the superpick is a powerful but dangerous tool.
Decent as a mod base, nice and simple
Mods are a must if you're looking to play this
It's horrible for game bases though, everything is in
, and GPL licenses are annoying to work withMakes terrain look much nicer
Not needed as much now since MTG applied some of the changes this texturepack brings. There are still things this texturepack 'fixes' though
Fun, unique game
I eagerly await future updates
Shows lots of promise
As a player of Shattered-Pixel-Dungeon I'm very curious to see where this goes. There's a little bit done but still a ways to go
Good mod, great for servers and singleplayer
The title says it all. One of my mods also makes use of the API to register an extra armor type
air/air would recommend
Love the mod. All of the night mobs avoid my house now >:)
Best mob API as of now IMO
I use this for doing my game's mobs. It's just what I want from a mob API, it doesn't do everything for me, allowing me to make my mobs more efficient and unique
Nice and easy to use
It's much better than the default MTG screwdriver, I use this when making structures for my various games/mods
Fantastic mod, 10/10 would recommend as an unbiased user
Also supports more than just MTG
Great game, 17/17 eggcorns
My first impression when I joined was that this was minimal_dev/devtest but with trees. Then I found an eggcorn and some sticks. After a few days of forgetting everything I knew about MTG/MC-like games: It slowly started to click, and I've been addicted ever since. Poor MTG only receives attention when I'm maintaining my mods, a few of which I've already ported/started porting to Nodecore