Top 2.2% reviewer
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Balloon Bop
Based on ExeVirus's Balloon Bash Ludum Dare submission, comes a minigame for Arena_lib all about Popping huge quantities of balloons and not letting them touch the ground.
Battle your friends for power-ups and be the last blocker standing! A Multiplayer Bomberman clone.
Blockbomber Editor
Make arenas for Blockbomber
Block Bomber Mg
Blockbomber as an arena_lib minigame
Gems Battle
Bedwars-like team battle minigame
A grappling hook, especially for minigames. Could be fun in survival too.
Karst Caverns
A cavern generator that creates complex karst cavern systems, with rooms interconnected by multilevel tunnels. Experience the joy of caving.
An easy-to-use api for lua mapgens that takes the pain out of mapgen coding. Focus on mapgen logic, not on voxelmanipulation.
Mandeland- a landscape carved by the mandelbrot fractal
Mistere's Adventure Map Island Creator
A 1000x1000 canvas for your imagination
quikbild Minigame
Choose your direction wisely. A simple puzzle game.
Sumo Minigame (Arena_lib)
The Confluence
A luamap example - a small (500x100x500) Island in the middle of the ocean with 4 rivers that run from the center to the sea.
World Folder Media
Allows you to load textures and sounds from the world folder.
Wormball subgame
Maintained Packages
This user is also a maintainer of the following packages
AFCMA formspec based arena entrance type for arena_lib
debiankaiosPlayers compete to be the last one standing on a layer of falling TNT
A Fun Demo at A Critical Time
As a Jam Game, Extra Ordinance is very fun, which is more than I can say for most entries, and which is probably the most important aspect of the game. However, this game is more than a winning Jam entry: it is a glimpse of the future of Luanti. The author pushes the limitations of Minetest. The engine limitations are obvious, but do not break gameplay. The multiplayer support is ready, if only client-side prediction were available. The map sometimes flutters in and out of exisitance due to Luanti's lack of realtime client map control, but the gameplay is too fun for that to break it. None of these limitations prevent the game from being engaging.
What the game does show is that Luanti is almost ready to break out of the mold of Minecraft-likes and become a full-fledged engine. It points the way toward the next steps in that direction. It thwarts the too-common vicious cycle of no one working on features because no one is doing anything that requires the features, by creating something that works but could be (and ought to be) better.
If the engine limitations that are holding this game back are resolved, we can likely expect this game to reach its full potential, and we can expect many more high-quality mold-breaking games in the future.
This game is what the Jam is all about, thank you Sumi for making it!
For minigame servers, its great!
Any time you want to provide unlockable skins as a reward, collectible skins is the best mod available.
It comes with a tool that opens a menu for choosing a skin. You can unlocks skins for players with a command (to be set up in commandblocks) or using an api call (for code-defined rewards)
It has a sleek UI and supports teasing players with rewards they have not yet unlocked. All skins, their data, and their media are defined in the world folder, which is ideal for server managers.
It is great for minigame servers or for servers with in-world secrets.
With an add-on for inventory access, it would be great in survival as well.
wonderful liminal experience
the spaces remind you of dreams you had as a kid of endless hallways and locker rooms that went on and on. there is already enough variety to keep you entertained for a while.
A well-designed parkour challenge with a compelling backstory.
Glitch is fun to play: there are skills to unlock, electrons to collect, and secrets to find. The story is not tacked on but integrated into the game. It is compelling, starting with a cutscene that eases the player into the narrative. The levels are well-designed, with easy-to-reach electrons and hidden ones that give you a dopamine rush when you discover them. Finally, the game does not expect one to collect every single electron; it is easy enough to collect all you need to enter the endgame without too much effort. Without giving spoilers, I will say that the endgame is a great addition to the story and is very satisfying. Its levels are slightly frustrating, but that can be expected on a final level-set.
Thank you for this game, it deserves the First prize!
A very fun set of tools
this set of tools stands out from the normal endgame-tool paradigm. most tools come with a special ability that makes them seriously worth obtaining, or at least interesting or entertaining. I have adapted the tools to be a reward for exploring a very dangerous nether on a couple servers; they make excellent endgame rewards.
the best freely available Mtg-based experience
This game is what those who play minetest game with disappointment actually want. it has a focus on exploring tons of unique areas throughout the world, most of which come with unique challenges in the form of mobs, hostile environments, and some unique dangers thrown in. It has a nice balance between stat watching for survival and leaving time to explore. if someone wants a good minetestgame-based game to host on a server, this should be their go-to.
Nice Twist on the maze concept
Does this provide a satisfying gaming experience? No, not yet. But the gimmic of seeing the maze you are about to enter before you jump in, makes this maze game quite interesting.
Thumbs up for a good start to a game that could improve.
I did notice that everything that is not gameplay related has been removed, and some effort has been put in to making this an enjoyable experience. It is not a game yet, but it could be, and could be a pretty neat one.
Helps make a diverse array of minigames... almost any minigame you want.
Arena_lib is very useful for making minigames (I have made/helped make 5 minigames so far) It provides well-documented callbacks to run and handle your minigame, as well as nice extras such as spectate mode, an arena editor GUI, background music handler, and more.
It is based on the idea of punching a sign to enter a queue for the minigame. The sign displays information about the arena (number of players, arena status, etc) and rightclicking it gives more into and a menu to enter spectate.
Arenas are physically just a collection of positions that the players will be teleported to when the game starts. its up to the arena maker to make an inescapable arena, and make the arena have the features that it should for the minigame.
There are per-arena variables (properties) that can be set in the arena editor. That can let you do things like clear the board, or reset it, (by storing positions) or set arena specific variables to initialize that arena.
the arena editor is also expandable per minigame mod.
Did I mention, the documentation is great?
Best cars mod yet
This is a cars mod that is not too laggy to drive (as other cars nods seem to be), and the cars feel realistic enough as they drive over uneven terrain. Plus working lights, steering wheel, turning front wheel, and horn!
I can see that this game can become a really fun sim game
I would love to see some more-detailed models, and more things to do, and better explanation of what to do, but this is already a neat thing to mess around with