Is this AI generated? This mod's purpose is entirely different and parallel to the built-in Luanti IP ban system which bars players completely from entering. This mod bans players through revoking their interact privileges, if they cannot be trusted not to grief but can otherwise be allowed on the server without touching anything in th world.
If this review wasn't AI generated you would also have known that the built-in ban system is way too basic for most public server scenarios and has been considered to be removed from the engine outright, you cannot ban offline players just as an example. Most servers install xban2 or a similar mod for providing a more complete ban system, and this mod serves as a compliment to that. I have both xban2 and no_touch_griefer installed on Voxelmanip Classic.
It appears nanobasic is an optional mod in the modpack which provides a BASIC command-line interpreter and needs additional steps to setup. But you can disable the mod and the modpack will still be functional, as mentioned in the description:
nanobasic: Optional library with support for the BASIC programming language (TA3 terminal)
This should probably be made more obvious by the maintainer, however.
The way this mod works is extremely naive, it simply replaces the groups of a bunch of nodes in MTG to have dig_immediate and I assume all other groups used for e.g. crafting disappear.
If the source repository is archived then that's probably a pretty good sign that the package is deprecated, seems like they have archived the repos for all their mods. Would you want to create a new package for the fork and maintain it here on ContentDB? Alternatively if ApolloX wants to add you as a co-maintainer here, but we can alias packages so people get moved over to your fork.
I'm sure they would appreciate your proposal to translate the mod. You would want to first wrap all strings in translation calls and then generate a translation template you can copy and fill in for a Brazilian Portugese translation (see the modding book chapter). The source repository has pull requests disabled and I'm unsure if this is intentional, but if you don't get a response in this thread you can also try opening an issue on the Codeberg repository with your request.
I tried this mod and I'm rather confused. There's a bunch of debug text in the chat and a debug HUD that you probably should hide before making releases, and when I try to change the character with the items it either switches back to the default character or it crashes.
Hi, the beds_transparent.png texture in MTG will be removed and replaced with blank.png (#3106) which is a transparent blank texture provided by the engine. Since you're using the texture in your mod I'd advise you to replace the occurrences with blank.png.
I would have sent a pull request for this but since you don't use Git you'll have to do it yourself. :-)
Potential privacy concerns of logging chat in a permanent manner aside, this is a very solid mod for logging and reading back chat in a better way than the built-in way of grepping for chat messages in the debug log.
The default configuration is a bit odd having logs split per day enabled while also including the date in each chat log line, which is a bit verbose when the file already tells you the date of the chat messages. This can of course be configured by setting chatlog.format to just %H:%M:%S, omitting the date.
SzUtilPack is a sizable modpack collection of utility mods ranging from a controls HUD to a chat message sound notifier mod, or szutil_fixhack which can fix all of the silly lighting issues that occur in Minetest automatically in the background. While there are some that are primarily meant for singleplayer the majority of the mods are ones primarily useful for multiplayer servers. All mods are self-contained so you can cherry pick only the ones you want to enable making it a great resource for various mods server owners would want to have on their server that doesn't nearly get enough attention.
In fact, I wrote a mod that turned out to just recreate part of the szutil_restart mod can do without even knowing it. So if you're a server admin and can think of anything you would want, look in SzUtilPack before implementing it yourself!
I'm glad that this mod sparked some discussion about making Minetest more reliable with high uptime.
I don't know much about the topic but I have done some hasty profiling of the Minetest server with Massif showing that the memory representation of mapblocks are the biggest cause of memory usage, and it doesn't seem like the memory usage goes down when mapblocks should be unloaded. Of course whether it should keep mapblocks in memory for long periods of inactivity when no player is around or even online depends on how much RAM you have to spare for your server. Really it's the good old space-time tradeoff problem and what is good use of RAM for one person is a memory usage sink for another that makes me worried the server will OOM when combined with the other services running on the server.
As for performance issues, recently a friend who was playing on my server told me that there was significant delay when placing or breaking nodes on the server. I thought it was just his internet but the server had been running for 7 days and it was indeed less responsive than it should be. I restarted the server and it immediately went back to normal after that. Haven't investigated it further (though I don't really have the ability to keep a test server running for a long period of time with profilers attached), but the general advice from server owners seem to be regular restarts to freshen up the server which yeah, does point to some flaw somewhere in the Minetest server.
Yes looks like blatant copyright infringement, normally you should make a report on the package rather than a review about it but thank you for pointing this out either way. Terraria's assets are not freely licensed and we do not allow unlicensed content on ContentDB (nor copyright infringement), we do our best as staff to vet assets of packages that come in and while I'm very familiar with Minecraft textures I haven't played Terraria and can't as easily recognise something as originating from it.
Volumetric lighting was merged on the 22nd of December 2023, so will require a build built more recent than that. Unsure if it even works on OGLES2 but you could test with a more recent Android build artifact from GitHub CI.
@Aspen: Assuming you're talking about Pastel Heaven, you need to create a release and upload a .zip file containing your texture pack. Don't forget to add a license file for your package (it needs to correspond to what you have set on CDB) and attribute the authors of any textures you have derived from if applicable, see Copyright Guide for more info.
The inventory is innovative: You can click on a colored node in inventory to see nodes in various shapes that have that color.
It's copied straight from i3's item compression. :P
The colored nodes in the inventory are not sorted by hue. This would improve usability by a lot!
Indeed. The colour list is stored as a list of hex RGB colours along with a corresponding name in the code, could convert it to HSV and pass that onto i3 to allow for sorting by colour hue.
There is no trash slot to get rid of items. It felt a bit annoying when picking new nodes to build.
Added in the latest release.
All glass nodes seem to look alike. My eyesight is not the best, but I could not find a difference.
Not just you, they are the same. :) They are intended to be used for creating windows of arbitrary size and shape when Connected Glass is enabled, as you can use the same type glass node to make it connect and then use another type to create an edge where they don't connect.
If a player tries to build something on top of a half-node (even a half-node), there is ugly air gap.
Hmm yes, they're basically slabs. I should make them able to merge into a full node, and add multicoloured slab variants. (Such a system would register approx. 2000 new nodes, but that should fit perfectly fine into the node limit)
Players get 99 of every item in creative mode. This is just an eyesore, as the items never deplete.
If you're using Minetest Game or a game derived from a relatively recent version of it then this mod is unnecessary since it already controls the shadow strength. This mod is only intended for games that do not control the shadow strength themselves, if shadows begin to flicker when using the mod it means your current game is controlling the shadow strength and do not need to enable this mod since your game supports shadows out of the box.
Definition ripper is a very useful mod when you have a game and want to extract just the basic building blocks out of it, trimming off the gameplay, survival elements and any other fat that'll most likely just slow things down. Take the exported definitions from the mod, put it into an empty game, drag in i3 (or your inventory mod of choice) and WorldEdit and you've gotten yourself a minimal and lightweight creative building experience.
For my usecase, I wanted to basically scoop out all the nodes from Mineclonia to reduce as much overhead caused by the (admittedly rather heavy) game as possible for a very large map of Gothenburg, such that flying around will load mapblocks as quickly as the engine possibly can load them.
There used to be a limit of how many definitions could be ripped due to Lua's locals limit but this has now been fixed. Since recently aliases will also be ripped which is useful if you have an existing map you want to load that have unconverted aliased nodes, previously my map would have cute little "Unknown Node" trees caused by Mineclonia's tree refactor that I hadn't loaded in regular Mineclonia.
Hmm, yes, the inventory doesn't have a trash cell, I forgot to add that. Currently you can use the engine command /pulverize to remove the currently wielded item or /clearinv to clear the entire inventory.
This mod remains the go-to tool for creating and editing schematics for Minetest mods and games. Compared to schematic editors that are external programs, this mod relies on Minetest itself for modifying the schematics once imported, making the process of building and modifying schematics simple and effectively providing support for any game made both in the present or in the future.
This mod is an absolute no-brainer for any MTG world because of one component inside it - world-aligned textures on partial nodes (e.g. slabs and stairs), allowing for such nodes to be rotated while keeping the textures aligned, as compared to the textures being rotated alongside looking like a badly solved jigsaw puzzle. It's one of those incomprehensible "definitively a feature and not a bug, we swear" features of MTG that this mod fixes.
This mod provides significantly better walls than the ones found in MTG. As opposed to creating wall pillars on every node, it will adjust depending on the neighbouring nodes and create a more flush wall, similar to cobblestone walls found in Minecraft.
What this mod adds is a single material, with ore and tool tiers. The tools have nothing special about them, it's just another tier. And while you can use the material to craft a node with a star on it, the texture of it is not particularly appealing. It's a pretty typical "stuff" mod that just adds new materials for the sake of it with little to no rhyme or reason to it.
Modgen is a great way of bundling up a map for an adventure map-like game, allowing you to generate a predetermined map shipped as a mod inside your game. The export process is simple, the exported map format is fully-featured and compresses well, and generally just makes the process smooth and painless.
This mod adds nice looking narrow bridges with railings, that aesthetically look very fitting in a factory or another industrial setting. The nodes are a however bit finnicky to place, the selection box could use being raised or made into full nodes in order to be able to place several bridge nodes in sequence with no support.
Varies depending on how busy staff are and how many packages are sitting in the review queue.
The modname blood has already been taken by the "Blood Hud!" mod (see here). You can rename it to blood_splatter, or something else that wouldn't conflict with another mod.
It's another one of those mods that add a single material whose only use is crafting a tool tier, and quite fittingly the material's name is literally just "X", as if being a placeholder name. MTG already has too many tool tiers, you really don't need another one.
Is this AI generated? This mod's purpose is entirely different and parallel to the built-in Luanti IP ban system which bars players completely from entering. This mod bans players through revoking their interact privileges, if they cannot be trusted not to grief but can otherwise be allowed on the server without touching anything in th world.
If this review wasn't AI generated you would also have known that the built-in ban system is way too basic for most public server scenarios and has been considered to be removed from the engine outright, you cannot ban offline players just as an example. Most servers install xban2 or a similar mod for providing a more complete ban system, and this mod serves as a compliment to that. I have both xban2 and no_touch_griefer installed on Voxelmanip Classic.
The "modpack" is the collection of all these mods that it depends on, so they get installed and enabled alongside when one installs this package.
(In package manager terms this is usually referred to as a metapackage)
It appears nanobasic is an optional mod in the modpack which provides a BASIC command-line interpreter and needs additional steps to setup. But you can disable the mod and the modpack will still be functional, as mentioned in the description:
This should probably be made more obvious by the maintainer, however.
It's a game made with the Luanti engine, you will need to download Luanti first to run it.
I agree, this mod likely shouldn't have been approved to begin with.
The way this mod works is extremely naive, it simply replaces the groups of a bunch of nodes in MTG to have
and I assume all other groups used for e.g. crafting disappear.If the source repository is archived then that's probably a pretty good sign that the package is deprecated, seems like they have archived the repos for all their mods. Would you want to create a new package for the fork and maintain it here on ContentDB? Alternatively if ApolloX wants to add you as a co-maintainer here, but we can alias packages so people get moved over to your fork.
I'm sure they would appreciate your proposal to translate the mod. You would want to first wrap all strings in translation calls and then generate a translation template you can copy and fill in for a Brazilian Portugese translation (see the modding book chapter). The source repository has pull requests disabled and I'm unsure if this is intentional, but if you don't get a response in this thread you can also try opening an issue on the Codeberg repository with your request.
It's a library for other mods to implement animations.
I tried it in vanilla Minetest Game which is what the mod supports.
I tried this mod and I'm rather confused. There's a bunch of debug text in the chat and a debug HUD that you probably should hide before making releases, and when I try to change the character with the items it either switches back to the default character or it crashes.
Some nodes are breakable without any tools, I believe you should be able to craft something out of that :)
It's ok
Sounds like you'd want >w<
This might have been fixed by #14707, but I haven't tested it on my server yet. Minetest is always improving!
Hi, the beds_transparent.png texture in MTG will be removed and replaced with blank.png (#3106) which is a transparent blank texture provided by the engine. Since you're using the texture in your mod I'd advise you to replace the occurrences with blank.png.
I would have sent a pull request for this but since you don't use Git you'll have to do it yourself. :-)
Potential privacy concerns of logging chat in a permanent manner aside, this is a very solid mod for logging and reading back chat in a better way than the built-in way of grepping for chat messages in the debug log.
The default configuration is a bit odd having logs split per day enabled while also including the date in each chat log line, which is a bit verbose when the file already tells you the date of the chat messages. This can of course be configured by setting
to just%H:%M:%S
, omitting the date.SzUtilPack is a sizable modpack collection of utility mods ranging from a controls HUD to a chat message sound notifier mod, or
which can fix all of the silly lighting issues that occur in Minetest automatically in the background. While there are some that are primarily meant for singleplayer the majority of the mods are ones primarily useful for multiplayer servers. All mods are self-contained so you can cherry pick only the ones you want to enable making it a great resource for various mods server owners would want to have on their server that doesn't nearly get enough attention.In fact, I wrote a mod that turned out to just recreate part of the
mod can do without even knowing it. So if you're a server admin and can think of anything you would want, look in SzUtilPack before implementing it yourself!I'm glad that this mod sparked some discussion about making Minetest more reliable with high uptime.
I don't know much about the topic but I have done some hasty profiling of the Minetest server with Massif showing that the memory representation of mapblocks are the biggest cause of memory usage, and it doesn't seem like the memory usage goes down when mapblocks should be unloaded. Of course whether it should keep mapblocks in memory for long periods of inactivity when no player is around or even online depends on how much RAM you have to spare for your server. Really it's the good old space-time tradeoff problem and what is good use of RAM for one person is a memory usage sink for another that makes me worried the server will OOM when combined with the other services running on the server.
As for performance issues, recently a friend who was playing on my server told me that there was significant delay when placing or breaking nodes on the server. I thought it was just his internet but the server had been running for 7 days and it was indeed less responsive than it should be. I restarted the server and it immediately went back to normal after that. Haven't investigated it further (though I don't really have the ability to keep a test server running for a long period of time with profilers attached), but the general advice from server owners seem to be regular restarts to freshen up the server which yeah, does point to some flaw somewhere in the Minetest server.
There's the /gamemode command you can use to switch to creative per-player while the server is still running.
There is no actual performance issue with the mod, it's just an arbitrary delay that Kimapr refuses to reduce.
Yes looks like blatant copyright infringement, normally you should make a report on the package rather than a review about it but thank you for pointing this out either way. Terraria's assets are not freely licensed and we do not allow unlicensed content on ContentDB (nor copyright infringement), we do our best as staff to vet assets of packages that come in and while I'm very familiar with Minecraft textures I haven't played Terraria and can't as easily recognise something as originating from it.
Volumetric lighting was merged on the 22nd of December 2023, so will require a build built more recent than that. Unsure if it even works on OGLES2 but you could test with a more recent Android build artifact from GitHub CI.
Check the license, I would assume it is licensed under CC-BY 4.0.
@Aspen: Assuming you're talking about Pastel Heaven, you need to create a release and upload a .zip file containing your texture pack. Don't forget to add a license file for your package (it needs to correspond to what you have set on CDB) and attribute the authors of any textures you have derived from if applicable, see Copyright Guide for more info.
Thank you for the review.
It's copied straight from i3's item compression. :P
Indeed. The colour list is stored as a list of hex RGB colours along with a corresponding name in the code, could convert it to HSV and pass that onto i3 to allow for sorting by colour hue.
Added in the latest release.
Not just you, they are the same. :) They are intended to be used for creating windows of arbitrary size and shape when Connected Glass is enabled, as you can use the same type glass node to make it connect and then use another type to create an edge where they don't connect.
Hmm yes, they're basically slabs. I should make them able to merge into a full node, and add multicoloured slab variants. (Such a system would register approx. 2000 new nodes, but that should fit perfectly fine into the node limit)
Fixed in the latest release.
ffmpeg -i music.mp3 -vn music.ogg
If you're using Minetest Game or a game derived from a relatively recent version of it then this mod is unnecessary since it already controls the shadow strength. This mod is only intended for games that do not control the shadow strength themselves, if shadows begin to flicker when using the mod it means your current game is controlling the shadow strength and do not need to enable this mod since your game supports shadows out of the box.
Definition ripper is a very useful mod when you have a game and want to extract just the basic building blocks out of it, trimming off the gameplay, survival elements and any other fat that'll most likely just slow things down. Take the exported definitions from the mod, put it into an empty game, drag in
(or your inventory mod of choice) and WorldEdit and you've gotten yourself a minimal and lightweight creative building experience.For my usecase, I wanted to basically scoop out all the nodes from Mineclonia to reduce as much overhead caused by the (admittedly rather heavy) game as possible for a very large map of Gothenburg, such that flying around will load mapblocks as quickly as the engine possibly can load them.
There used to be a limit of how many definitions could be ripped due to Lua's locals limit but this has now been fixed. Since recently aliases will also be ripped which is useful if you have an existing map you want to load that have unconverted aliased nodes, previously my map would have cute little "Unknown Node" trees caused by Mineclonia's tree refactor that I hadn't loaded in regular Mineclonia.
Hmm, yes, the inventory doesn't have a trash cell, I forgot to add that. Currently you can use the engine command
to remove the currently wielded item or/clearinv
to clear the entire inventory.This mod remains the go-to tool for creating and editing schematics for Minetest mods and games. Compared to schematic editors that are external programs, this mod relies on Minetest itself for modifying the schematics once imported, making the process of building and modifying schematics simple and effectively providing support for any game made both in the present or in the future.
This mod is an absolute no-brainer for any MTG world because of one component inside it - world-aligned textures on partial nodes (e.g. slabs and stairs), allowing for such nodes to be rotated while keeping the textures aligned, as compared to the textures being rotated alongside looking like a badly solved jigsaw puzzle. It's one of those incomprehensible "definitively a feature and not a bug, we swear" features of MTG that this mod fixes.
This mod provides significantly better walls than the ones found in MTG. As opposed to creating wall pillars on every node, it will adjust depending on the neighbouring nodes and create a more flush wall, similar to cobblestone walls found in Minecraft.
What this mod adds is a single material, with ore and tool tiers. The tools have nothing special about them, it's just another tier. And while you can use the material to craft a node with a star on it, the texture of it is not particularly appealing. It's a pretty typical "stuff" mod that just adds new materials for the sake of it with little to no rhyme or reason to it.
Modgen is a great way of bundling up a map for an adventure map-like game, allowing you to generate a predetermined map shipped as a mod inside your game. The export process is simple, the exported map format is fully-featured and compresses well, and generally just makes the process smooth and painless.
Perhaps I will contribute some... :)
This mod adds nice looking narrow bridges with railings, that aesthetically look very fitting in a factory or another industrial setting. The nodes are a however bit finnicky to place, the selection box could use being raised or made into full nodes in order to be able to place several bridge nodes in sequence with no support.
Varies depending on how busy staff are and how many packages are sitting in the review queue.
The modname
has already been taken by the "Blood Hud!" mod (see here). You can rename it toblood_splatter
, or something else that wouldn't conflict with another mod.It's another one of those mods that add a single material whose only use is crafting a tool tier, and quite fittingly the material's name is literally just "X", as if being a placeholder name. MTG already has too many tool tiers, you really don't need another one.