coral bulb (everness:coral_forest_deep_ocean_coral_plant_1) can be placed on everness:coral_forest_deep_ocean_sand
same goes for pam tree decoration - when you find it on coral forest deep ocean sand then you can place it on it also (not other sands or blocks)
yes you would have to disable it before any generation. its a good idea but requires a lot of work and i am not sure if its worth the effort at the moment. both bamboo biomes are very nice and you get more variaty in the World as its less repetitive that way.
the arrows going through mobs redo was fixed some time ago, make sure you are using the latest (version) of this mod, if the issue persist please let me know how to reproduce it and will have a look at that
Code quality overall is very poor (IMO). Don't use this if you're trying to build a reliable server.
I broke the mod by going outside of the World boundaries (> 31000). Game crashes on load so i need to disable the mod completely before starting new world so I can get back in the World boundaries.
2024-02-12 16:44:04: WARNING[Server]: Server::ActiveObjectMgr::addActiveObjectRaw(): object position (155769,-310392,172913) outside maximum range
2024-02-12 16:44:04: ACTION[Main]: Server: Shutting down
2024-02-12 16:44:04: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'visible_wielditem' in callback luaentity_Deactivate(): ...ication Support/minetest/mods/visible_wielditem/init.lua:10: attempt to index a nil value
2024-02-12 16:44:04: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback:
2024-02-12 16:44:04: ERROR[Main]: ...ication Support/minetest/mods/visible_wielditem/init.lua:10: in function 'create_entity'
2024-02-12 16:44:04: ERROR[Main]: ...ication Support/minetest/mods/visible_wielditem/init.lua:133: in function <...ication Support/minetest/mods/visible_wielditem/init.lua:132>
the bees spawning issue was actually fixed yesterday so the bees will be removed after some time correctly with the latest update. Bees are not mobs (entities) so they will not be disabled when you disable mobs - how would you then farm honey? Thanks for reporting the issue.
If you believe the code quiality is so poor that you have to suggest to the readers not using it in their servers, why dont you rather help to improve the "bad code" quality? PRs / Issue trackers are always open.
Hi Alatarius, thanks for reporting the issue. I cant reproduce the issue, you can craft bamboo stairs from everness:bamboo_wood and it works as expected. Are you getting any errors you can share? It might be also that some other mod is overriding the stairs node, what mods do you have enabled? What steps are you doing to get an unknown node placed?
I think that would provide a lot of free farming and resources since Coral Bones are pretty common. bonemeal should be rare item and resources for it should be rare.
The omega crazytails you can add it to existing world and it will work with Ethereal. Have fun and let me know if you get any issues in content db threads or issue tracker.
Ah yes got you. Thank you for the calrification. This was definitely a bug and thanks for reporting. Fixed in the latest version.
coral bulb (everness:coral_forest_deep_ocean_coral_plant_1) can be placed on everness:coral_forest_deep_ocean_sand same goes for pam tree decoration - when you find it on coral forest deep ocean sand then you can place it on it also (not other sands or blocks)
fixed: The palm wood cannot be used to create palm planks
This should not be an issue in the latest version
fair enough...i am sure there was some reason for it which was not added to the game yet and its "half baked"
yes you would have to disable it before any generation. its a good idea but requires a lot of work and i am not sure if its worth the effort at the moment. both bamboo biomes are very nice and you get more variaty in the World as its less repetitive that way.
hi I am not sure if I understand correctly but will give it a try and see if I can reproduce something similar
glad that it worked out for you, have fun
the arrows going through mobs redo was fixed some time ago, make sure you are using the latest (version) of this mod, if the issue persist please let me know how to reproduce it and will have a look at that
seems to be resolved in v1.8.1 have fun
thank you for reporting this issue..will fix it
Code quality overall is very poor (IMO). Don't use this if you're trying to build a reliable server.
I broke the mod by going outside of the World boundaries (> 31000). Game crashes on load so i need to disable the mod completely before starting new world so I can get back in the World boundaries.
2024-02-12 16:44:04: WARNING[Server]: Server::ActiveObjectMgr::addActiveObjectRaw(): object position (155769,-310392,172913) outside maximum range 2024-02-12 16:44:04: ACTION[Main]: Server: Shutting down 2024-02-12 16:44:04: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'visible_wielditem' in callback luaentity_Deactivate(): ...ication Support/minetest/mods/visible_wielditem/init.lua:10: attempt to index a nil value 2024-02-12 16:44:04: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback: 2024-02-12 16:44:04: ERROR[Main]: ...ication Support/minetest/mods/visible_wielditem/init.lua:10: in function 'create_entity' 2024-02-12 16:44:04: ERROR[Main]: ...ication Support/minetest/mods/visible_wielditem/init.lua:133: in function <...ication Support/minetest/mods/visible_wielditem/init.lua:132>
fixed in latest release (v1.1.1 or later)
hi thanks for the error information this is very helpful to help me resolve this issue asap
the bees spawning issue was actually fixed yesterday so the bees will be removed after some time correctly with the latest update. Bees are not mobs (entities) so they will not be disabled when you disable mobs - how would you then farm honey? Thanks for reporting the issue.
If you believe the code quiality is so poor that you have to suggest to the readers not using it in their servers, why dont you rather help to improve the "bad code" quality? PRs / Issue trackers are always open.
appreciate the new textures on behalf of everyone who might have found them inappropriate in the past
The quiver bug was fixed in latest release
Hi thank you for reporting. What mobs are you using? I cannot reproduce "Arrows go through the mob," scenario with mobs_* or animalia.
For the quiver issue, thats definitely a bug and will be adressed asap.
Can you also provide what minetest client version are you using?
Thank you.
regarding discord conversation there was another adjustment here:
the whole thing there is only for setting types for lua diagnostics and its not really needed for the functionality of the code, so will get rid of it
Hi wsor, this was already addressed in on 2023-11-21, what else is expected from my side ?
You can disable bamboo biome in the mod settings
Hi Alatarius, thanks for reporting the issue. I cant reproduce the issue, you can craft bamboo stairs from everness:bamboo_wood and it works as expected. Are you getting any errors you can share? It might be also that some other mod is overriding the stairs node, what mods do you have enabled? What steps are you doing to get an unknown node placed?
Latest update will prevent the error but it will not prevent bad mods.
Interesting, so you have some kind of stamina mod what does not registeres stamina global variable. What stamina mod are you using?
Let me check, I assume "one of the pies" you mean pies from 10+1 farming mod ?
I think that would provide a lot of free farming and resources since Coral Bones are pretty common. bonemeal should be rare item and resources for it should be rare.
you are using outdated fork of x_bows you should use x_bows instead
fixed in the latest release
oh no! let me look at that. thanks for letting me know
Mese trees can be found on the Mountains above y = 80
Added crafting recipes for purple and orange crystals as you suggested, thank you for the idea.
Az öszes földalatti evernesses barlang a alapján spanwolódik , hogy milyen biom van felette a felszínen?
Thanks for the suggestion I will have a look at iy and when its simple to do I can add it.
Sulfur stone can be found in Forsaken tundra biome.
I am not sure if I understand your question. Maybe try to write it in your own language and Ill translate it.
fixed in latest release (v0.7.1) please consider leaving review:
hi thanks for reporting will definitely fix that
Added matching mapgen stone for coral forest
Added three kinds of pie.
The omega crazytails you can add it to existing world and it will work with Ethereal. Have fun and let me know if you get any issues in content db threads or issue tracker.