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Doctor Who Tardis
Adds various items, blocks, Daleks, and a working TARDIS from the sci-fi show Doctor Who.
Dyes for Extra Biomes
Deprecated because after ebiomes v1.5.0, dye recipes are included by default, making this unnecessary. Adds dye recipes for the flowers from Extra Biomes.
Grass String
Adds string made from grass, which can be converted into normal string.
Good sea plane
The Ju52 3M Hydro is a slightly more complicated plane to fly (which I love), and it's very similar to the Ju52 apart from being a sea plane and therefore only launching and landing on water.
Notes: (some also apply to the normal Ju52)
I really like how one can sit 12 people in the plane, as well as delegate co-pilot positions. It's a bit weird in singleplayer though, you can set a blank entry to become the co-pilot and sit in the back, then it's hard to get back to being the pilot again.
Autopilot is decent but sometimes fails to fly upward when the land is getting closer, which led me to crash into a tree.
It would be nice to have a message saying 'autopilot activated' when it is, currently only messages if it was automatically disabled.
It has an Auto Direction Find feature, but I'm not convinced it works. I flew in the opposite direction of the destination, turned on auto direction find and autopilot and it just kept going straight.
3D model looks really nice, the top part is exactly the same as the Ju52 but it has nicely aligned floaters below it. The position the place sits in water looks realistic.
There is no crafting recipe available for the partsCrafting recipe have been added!In summary, it's a good plane but needs work on the included settings, especially autopilot.
Nice addition to worlds
This mod is very simple but it achieves it's purpose. The chances of growth, drying and death feel good and I didn't feel any difference in performance.
Very nice. 9/10.
Great game
This game has great textures, buildings and a nice little story.
Fun puzzle game
I am enjoying figuring out this game - I'll keep it there, installed, staring at me until I complete it.
The only feedback I have is to set a key (possibly inventory) to open the tutorial/explanation menu again.
This mod is one of the reasons mining in Minetest is enjoyable. If I had to switch to place torches it just gets annoying, so thank you for making this mod! It's also very easy to use as a mod developer, literally don't have to do anything anymore as long as it is in the right item group.
My one suggestion is to add a check for what game they are playing, and automatically add support for the pickaxes in those games. It should also do this for the default light node if possible.
Good, but...
It's nice to have fuel options and a way to make them. This allows many vehicle/transport mods to use the same fuel mod which is really good. Nuetral review because it requires
, therefore only works in MTG and forks. I don't think there's anything in it which actually requires it, just crafting. So can other games be supported please?Nice
I like having a bell, although I can't really tell when it's supposed to ding. Since
is only an optional dependency for crafting, it would be easy for this mod to support other games. Just use aliases or store the itemstring in a variable that changes depending on what game it is.Very useful
There are so many mods that work in any game, but a lot of them do not explicitly support RePixture for crafting! The automatic conversion allows me to play a lot of mods in RP that I wouldn't have been able to otherwise. I kinda wish this was built-in to RePixture.
As for using it as a library, that seems good but I'll probably manually do crafting to allow me to balance the crafting according to the game. (in my mod drwho_tardis).
The best texture pack I've tried
This texture pack is simply amazing. It gives Minetest a fresh look, even looks like a different game, and they all work well together (the textures fit). It's amazing what you can do with just 32 colours, although that does limit my one annoyance: Extra Biomes (mod), which is one of the only biome mods I use, and the textures are still the default ones. With only 3 colours of green I know it won't be supported but the grass looks out of place in a Soothing 32 world. Also could the silver and mithril from More Ores be supported so the tools look similar to the default ones included in the texture pack?
Other than that, I say this is fantastic, and you are a very good pixel artist!
Great zombies, but buggy pathfinding, too frequent spawning and no drops
I love that there are so many different types of zombies, and it's a good mod in that regard - good textures + models, etc. However:
If these issues can be fixed, I would re-enable the mod in my main world, and be more willing to recommend it.
It works and looks cool
It was a bit confusing to start with, because instructions were not provided in the description. Please add them! You have to be sufficiently high enough (probably >20 nodes) for it to activate. The second you fall, start holding right click with the parachute in your hand. After a couple seconds, the parachute will appear around you (looks great!) and you will start to fall slower. Once you reach the ground, you should take no damage. I can see this being very useful if you fall off a floatland, a plane (like from APercy's mods) or an airship. Thanks for making such a useful mod!
Very good and performs well
I love this mod. It adds a very simple airship, and even on my not-so-good computer, it performs perfectly and doesn't lag.
I like how if there is no one in it, the airship will just float down to the ground.
I also like the crafting recipe. It requires a lot of wool, that makes sense, and wood, string and steel. It makes it fairly accessable to worlds that don't have lots of Mese or Diamonds, except for the fact that string is so hard to get in default MTG.
button - it should make it float downwards, but instead makes the player fall off without any prior warning. There should be a right click menu that has a 'Disembark' button, similar to APercy's mods. Update: this is standard for VoxeLibre but not MTG.Overall: 8/10
Note: I added crafting support for RePixture a while back, however it's not been merged as the author hasn't looked at it.
Really good sprint mod
It is so boring walking at normal speed to a place 50+ blocks away (even worse when travelling). So this sprint mod adds a very useful feature, and it's integration with HUD Bars makes it sit nicely. I like how the stamina regenerates, and how sprinting affects satiation (hunger). I don't see any reason to not use this mod, unless you're using a different sprint mod - but this one is my favourite, and (for me) the only one that works reliably.
My favourite biomes mod
Extra Biomes adds so much variety to the game, and sometimes I can't even tell that it isn't a default biome because the textures fit into MTG very well. And all the biomes are useful - what I mean is they aren't a waste of space, always having some extra fruits or wood in them. It is definitely in my 'Recommended Mods' list, the one I give to my friends when they start playing Minetest.
The one thing I'd like is if doors for each new wood type would be added, it looks weird with a nice wood coloured house and then having to use the default door.
Very fun mod
This mod is great if you like to play with multiple people, being able to put emojis above your head adds a lot of laughter and is a nice addition to the game. The little 'ping' noise played is good as it can notify people that you have sent an emoji.
Being able to do /e and then click on one is so fast which makes it very convenient and easy to use. Chat smiles are a lot slower but good to have. It is a nice collection of 20 emojis, that can fit almost any situation.
Once you put up an emoji, it will fly upward a bit before disappearing, but won't follow above the player who sent it. This can be annoying, but doesn't matter that much.
Overall, a nice mod to have in your multiplayer world.