...even though it's a bit tedious to craft the glasses of water because you always have to switch out the unstackable bucket of water in the crafting grid. I'd rather place my claycrafter next to water or something.
Clay is way too rare if you build with bricks, clay, baked clay or similar. Natural resources will be depleted quickly. This mod offers a solution.
It requires a delay workaround when you right click to sit with Tables and Chairs and I think old versions of MTG did that too because I removed that workaround because it wasn't needed anymore for MTG and MCL. Here it's required.
And the model sits at the wrong height in third person for some reason.
Pretty much what your note says. "Copied from Minetest Game and changed a bit"
Anyone who knows how to install mods should install mods for MTG instead or play Mineclone2/Mineclonia. Much of the code of this game (Mineclone too btw) is just copy paste from MTG.
The crafting system is different but doesn't justify its own game.
Trying to make my mod compatible with it, I noticed that rp_player copy paste of player_api from MTG was even more outdated and fucked up than Mineclone's and gave up.
Skin color selection is from yellow to brown, so I'm allowed to play any ethnicity except my own.
It's bloated: adds about 14 pages of items to the creative menu as opposed to 5 with Farming Redo. Texture count is similar though but a little higher (547 vs 440)
Doesn't stick to farming. Adds many decorative blocks like new woods
Adds its many duplicate blocks to both MTG and Mineclone: another cactus with own textures. Mineclone and MTG already have one, so I don't see the point. X Farming cotton is also a duplicate in MTG
X Farming Cotton crafts into pillows wich are basically a wool duplicate in MTG and Mineclone
Nevertheless X Farming has some interesting mechanics some players may enjoy or prefer but I have to give a thumbs down for the reasons above.
Interesting. I think Timber Frame is better but the 45° diagional beam couldn't hurt. It's quite common too and can be used for many patterns. Maybe it should be added to this mod.
Edit: never mind, I noticed turning the beams sidewards yields pretty good results too
That works now but why not update the translation? Schraubenschluessel > Schraubenschlüssel, Gegenstaenden > Gegenständen
A simple search and replace could have fixed it.
Why does smelting everness sand result in everness glass? It's almost identical. If mineclone2, mineclonia game or default mod are available, you should not add nodes and have it smelt to default:glass or mcl equivalent instead.
As it stands now the glass can't be used to craft things from mods including from the MTG mod xpanes. You can't make glass panes. I think it would be better to stick to the nodes the games provide instead of introducing half-working duplicates.
The logs craft into islands:wood instead of default:wood despite depending on default. islands:wood looks exactly like default:wood but by being a different node you won't be able to craft things from mods. In my opinion it should either look like an own type of wood or be aliased to regular wood in an update.
Edit: when I wrote this review, I didn't know all components of trees and planks have groups that should be used.
This wrench allows you to pick up nodes with their contents and they end up in your inventory.
Very similar to I Have Hands except that you use a wrench and get the items in your inventory.
Note that you can't uninstall it midgame as the item data vanishes from the items if you do. (comes back if you reenable it though)
If you put different blocks in xdecor:workbench, you'll see that it adds up to 12 variants of MANY blocks. (example: stairs:slab_cactus)
Chair has the same broken code as the one from ts_furniture. With up to date MTG the first person camera is in the base of the chair, not at eyeheight.
The upstream solution from the ggraffiti repo (https://github.com/grorp/ggraffiti/issues/12) is to add a bounds check to draw_pixel because they couldn't figure it out either. Can you test whether that works for some hours without crashes by downloading the blood_splatter from the same link again? If it does, I'll release an update.
I added some checks. Could you delete your blood_splatter folder and try this?
The error message might help identify where it happens. Pls try to get it to error a couple times. It might always happen on activate or update_canvas or in both. as "reported from update_canvases" and "reported from activate" will indicate.
Are you using the latest 2.0.1 release of the mod? Which MT version? Which animal mods are you using? Looking at how the trace goes down to canvas.lua, this may be a bug I copy pasted from ggraffiti. Either way, I need to know how to replicate it in order to fix it.
Isn't this mod laggy on a server with loads going on? The effects being on the server side probably doesn't scale well.
You can check canvas.lua. ggraffiti hasn't changed this file since I made this mod, so I can't just steal a fix from there. I think self.bitmap has more elements than it's supposed to have for some reason in some condition. Maybe you can find it.
I'm expanding and maintaining a fork of this texture pack. I'm just putting this note here, so you are aware of it because the download statistics show, most people aren't.
Hand Painted Texture Pack Expanded
I don't know about server performance but on singleplayer worlds it's a great help. Should be part of the engine! Maybe you could make it so that it respects my custom building reach?
Most mapgens place the ores way too deep just to prove the point that you can mine further down in Minetest than in Minecraft or comparable games. So deep they make MTG unplayable.
You could also paint splatter on the walls with ggraffiti the mod is based on. Should work perfectly with this one side by side because I made sure to change the namespace for everything.
Yes, I'll adjust splatter effects for different mobs in the future if the mod gets more popular. Right now it has merely 246 dowloads.
Permanent splatter is not a good idea because it's made up of loads of little entity sprites and would have a significant performance impact. You could make a mod that provides blocks (or flat blocks like mese) with blood splatter textures. Decorative block mods are the easiest kind of mod in Minetest.
It won't be possible to turn it off per player because Minetest doesn't allow for per player in-world graphics. It's an engine limitation. The script is running on the server and can only do stuff on the server visible for everyone.
I meant, I want more untamed animals in my world, so it feels less empty. Is there a setting for that?
Setting it to 0.001, I still only see a handful of them.
I noticed this mod got much better than when I first tried it. Punching animals now has visual feedback and all the mechanics work when you tame the animals.
Make sure to tame animals, so they don't disappear.
Spawn rate is kinda low. Is there any way to increase it in the settings?
Mentioned nowhere and not obvious from looking at the package creation screen at all.
We do this of our own free time and effort
It's not me who wants to waste your time reviewing my mod. Other modding platforms like Nexusmods do not gatekeep mods with pre-publishing reviews. I think the whole concept of pre-publish reviews is retarded. You're still not finished after 17 hours now and referring to the review queue. Makes me think you're not reviewing it on purpose because you think of yourselfs as some higher beings and feel self-important, now that I dared to mentioned it.
I wasted the entire fucking day on your bullshit. Instead of just being able to upload it, I was forced to use a git. Had to find a suitable git because Github is owned by Microsoft and Codeberg doesn't allow content that glorifies violence. Then the confirmation email didn't work but all other emails from the same address arrived fine because mail.ru is retarded. Afterwards I had to learn git and now I'm stuck talking to literal Wikipedians.
I could have been productive and writing code but no.
Approve it already. Of those 200 downloads, how many are unique users? How many of those unique users are still using that mod from the forum post? Of those how many are going to install my mod? 0 ZERO NONE I tell you.
I think with 200 downloads it's irrelevant. Further it's not even on ContentDB. You literally can't install it through the Minetest UI. Might add better screen splashes myself.
Yeah, I guess placing water next to it would be too easy.
...even though it's a bit tedious to craft the glasses of water because you always have to switch out the unstackable bucket of water in the crafting grid. I'd rather place my claycrafter next to water or something.
Clay is way too rare if you build with bricks, clay, baked clay or similar. Natural resources will be depleted quickly. This mod offers a solution.
May I cite rp_player/model.lua line 2?
It requires a delay workaround when you right click to sit with Tables and Chairs and I think old versions of MTG did that too because I removed that workaround because it wasn't needed anymore for MTG and MCL. Here it's required. And the model sits at the wrong height in third person for some reason.
Pretty much what your note says. "Copied from Minetest Game and changed a bit"
10 skin colors but none for Europeans or Chinese. More yellow than most East Asians. This is how the kids feel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hv1K9roa4cc
Gameplay is very similar to modded MTG or MCL, just with less blocks. Personally I don't think MTG has too many blocks.
Anyone who knows how to install mods should install mods for MTG instead or play Mineclone2/Mineclonia. Much of the code of this game (Mineclone too btw) is just copy paste from MTG.
The crafting system is different but doesn't justify its own game.
Trying to make my mod compatible with it, I noticed that rp_player copy paste of player_api from MTG was even more outdated and fucked up than Mineclone's and gave up.
Skin color selection is from yellow to brown, so I'm allowed to play any ethnicity except my own.
I have to give this one a thumbs down:
It's bloated: adds about 14 pages of items to the creative menu as opposed to 5 with Farming Redo. Texture count is similar though but a little higher (547 vs 440)
Doesn't stick to farming. Adds many decorative blocks like new woods
Adds its many duplicate blocks to both MTG and Mineclone: another cactus with own textures. Mineclone and MTG already have one, so I don't see the point. X Farming cotton is also a duplicate in MTG
X Farming Cotton crafts into pillows wich are basically a wool duplicate in MTG and Mineclone
Nevertheless X Farming has some interesting mechanics some players may enjoy or prefer but I have to give a thumbs down for the reasons above.
Interesting. I think Timber Frame is better but the 45° diagional beam couldn't hurt. It's quite common too and can be used for many patterns. Maybe it should be added to this mod. Edit: never mind, I noticed turning the beams sidewards yields pretty good results too
That works now but why not update the translation? Schraubenschluessel > Schraubenschlüssel, Gegenstaenden > Gegenständen A simple search and replace could have fixed it.
Why does smelting everness sand result in everness glass? It's almost identical. If mineclone2, mineclonia game or default mod are available, you should not add nodes and have it smelt to default:glass or mcl equivalent instead.
As it stands now the glass can't be used to craft things from mods including from the MTG mod xpanes. You can't make glass panes. I think it would be better to stick to the nodes the games provide instead of introducing half-working duplicates.
and bamboo_leaves_sprout
Destroying some bamboo got me a non-existant item.
I think it's the only mod that offers timber framing.
I tried. Still says "Node contains unknown metadata" in MTG Regarding the translation: Schraubenschlüssel, Gegenständen
In the title on ContentDB too.
The logs craft into islands:wood instead of default:wood despite depending on default. islands:wood looks exactly like default:wood but by being a different node you won't be able to craft things from mods. In my opinion it should either look like an own type of wood or be aliased to regular wood in an update.
Edit: when I wrote this review, I didn't know all components of trees and planks have groups that should be used.
This wrench allows you to pick up nodes with their contents and they end up in your inventory. Very similar to I Have Hands except that you use a wrench and get the items in your inventory. Note that you can't uninstall it midgame as the item data vanishes from the items if you do. (comes back if you reenable it though)
German translation butchered the Umlaute.
The one I use. Rotation is much more predictable.
If you put different blocks in xdecor:workbench, you'll see that it adds up to 12 variants of MANY blocks. (example: stairs:slab_cactus)
Chair has the same broken code as the one from ts_furniture. With up to date MTG the first person camera is in the base of the chair, not at eyeheight.
Thank you for your feedback. It's really appreciated.
The upstream solution from the ggraffiti repo (https://github.com/grorp/ggraffiti/issues/12) is to add a bounds check to draw_pixel because they couldn't figure it out either. Can you test whether that works for some hours without crashes by downloading the blood_splatter from the same link again? If it does, I'll release an update.
It should no longer crash though. The error should show up in the logs/terminal like this:
I added some checks. Could you delete your blood_splatter folder and try this? https://gitgud.io/blut/blood_splatter/-/archive/master/blood_splatter-master.zip The error message might help identify where it happens. Pls try to get it to error a couple times. It might always happen on activate or update_canvas or in both. as "reported from update_canvases" and "reported from activate" will indicate.
Are you using the latest 2.0.1 release of the mod? Which MT version? Which animal mods are you using? Looking at how the trace goes down to canvas.lua, this may be a bug I copy pasted from ggraffiti. Either way, I need to know how to replicate it in order to fix it.
Isn't this mod laggy on a server with loads going on? The effects being on the server side probably doesn't scale well.
You can check canvas.lua. ggraffiti hasn't changed this file since I made this mod, so I can't just steal a fix from there. I think self.bitmap has more elements than it's supposed to have for some reason in some condition. Maybe you can find it.
Doesn't make use of game textures as well as ts_furniture
Doesn't work with Mesecons (May no longer be true because I patched mesecons_doors to support all doors.)
Doors and Trapdoors are not available through creative inventory
Needing a special crafting workbench to make the items might not be to everyone's liking
I'm expanding and maintaining a fork of this texture pack. I'm just putting this note here, so you are aware of it because the download statistics show, most people aren't. Hand Painted Texture Pack Expanded
I was confused at first because there's no first person indication of carrying the chest but it works fine.
Edit: No longer true. In new versions, you can see the mod you're carrying in first person.
I don't know about server performance but on singleplayer worlds it's a great help. Should be part of the engine! Maybe you could make it so that it respects my custom building reach?
Most mapgens place the ores way too deep just to prove the point that you can mine further down in Minetest than in Minecraft or comparable games. So deep they make MTG unplayable.
You get regular wool stairs and slabs. And of course the corners.
It makes building with wool much more pleasant. Having some volume makes it fit in much better than carpets.
It really increases creative freedom and should be core part of MTG.
All right. mobs_ghost_redo, mobs_monster and mobs_skeletons now have no splatter or a different color depending on mob. Now give me a thumbs up.
You could also paint splatter on the walls with ggraffiti the mod is based on. Should work perfectly with this one side by side because I made sure to change the namespace for everything.
Do you mean this mod? https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=22245&sid=f6674a141e78a88b4489c4ae889507bb&start=1475 It's marked as deprecated, so it's abandoned. I'm not going to support abandoned mods and it's preferable for the mob mod to support CMI. Then it will just work out of the box.
Yes, I'll adjust splatter effects for different mobs in the future if the mod gets more popular. Right now it has merely 246 dowloads. Permanent splatter is not a good idea because it's made up of loads of little entity sprites and would have a significant performance impact. You could make a mod that provides blocks (or flat blocks like mese) with blood splatter textures. Decorative block mods are the easiest kind of mod in Minetest.
It won't be possible to turn it off per player because Minetest doesn't allow for per player in-world graphics. It's an engine limitation. The script is running on the server and can only do stuff on the server visible for everyone.
I meant, I want more untamed animals in my world, so it feels less empty. Is there a setting for that? Setting it to 0.001, I still only see a handful of them.
I noticed this mod got much better than when I first tried it. Punching animals now has visual feedback and all the mechanics work when you tame the animals.
Make sure to tame animals, so they don't disappear.
Spawn rate is kinda low. Is there any way to increase it in the settings?
Mentioned nowhere and not obvious from looking at the package creation screen at all.
It's not me who wants to waste your time reviewing my mod. Other modding platforms like Nexusmods do not gatekeep mods with pre-publishing reviews. I think the whole concept of pre-publish reviews is retarded. You're still not finished after 17 hours now and referring to the review queue. Makes me think you're not reviewing it on purpose because you think of yourselfs as some higher beings and feel self-important, now that I dared to mentioned it.
I wasted the entire fucking day on your bullshit. Instead of just being able to upload it, I was forced to use a git. Had to find a suitable git because Github is owned by Microsoft and Codeberg doesn't allow content that glorifies violence. Then the confirmation email didn't work but all other emails from the same address arrived fine because mail.ru is retarded. Afterwards I had to learn git and now I'm stuck talking to literal Wikipedians. I could have been productive and writing code but no.
Hey, I did what you asked for!
I renamed it.
How do I rename my git repo using git? (The remote repo on gitgud)
Approve it already. Of those 200 downloads, how many are unique users? How many of those unique users are still using that mod from the forum post? Of those how many are going to install my mod? 0 ZERO NONE I tell you.
I think with 200 downloads it's irrelevant. Further it's not even on ContentDB. You literally can't install it through the Minetest UI. Might add better screen splashes myself.
How long does review usually take?