Mod Name "homedecor"
Provided By
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- No packages available
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- No packages available
Optionally Used By
GamingAssociation39Adds laptops/computers to your MT world.
Inventory Bags
cx384Adds bags
Voxel Dungeon
NoodlemireThis is a recreation and adaptation of an Android rogue-like game, Pixel Dungeon by Watabou.
mt-mods8bits style monitor and keyboards using digilines
Potted Farming
AnnalysaA new way to farm in pots herbs, mushrooms and regrow fruits on small trees.
Cucina Vegana
ClydeAdds plants and spices for a vegan kitchen
MeseCraftThe best game for Minetest. A survival game with new depth, mechanics, biomes, mobs and many essential additions. Has a focus on being fun, user-friendly, stable, and minimalist but featured.
SokomineBuild medieval cottages with furniture, window shutters and roofs, thresh your wheat, repair your tools.
Cottages for Hades Revisited
SFENCEBuild medieval cottages with furniture, window shutters and roofs, thresh your wheat.
Realtime Elevator
shacknetispSmooth entity-based elevators used for vertical transport without teleportation
My Roofs
DonAdds mesh roofing nodes.
WuzzyLearn how to play.
bell07Aims to get all existing high quality mods working together
Cottage and Medieval Decorations
1F616EMODecorations that fit to medieval settlements and small cottages
Dreambuilder Game
mt-modsDreambuilder is my attempt to give the player pretty much everything they could ever want to build with, and all the tools they should need to actually get the job done.