HUD Bars
WuzzyReplaces the default health and breath symbols by horizontal colored bars with text showing the number. Extensible.
What is This? UwU
Rotfuchs-von-VulpesThat shows at the top of your screen what you're looking at.
Cinematic Zoom
FennelfoxReplaces the built-in zooming feature with a cool, nicer-looking animation.
FleckensteinShow a list of all online players (similar to minecrafts tab-list) when a player is sneaking.
VoxelForge (MC clone) - 25w09a
VoxelForgeBuild, Fight, Mine, and so much more. A MineCraft Inspired game, focused on replicating MineCraft as good as possible while keeping performant.
Hunger NG
LinuxdirkA very customizable and easy to extend hunger system.
What Is This UwU (Forked)
kebabmaneaterA fork of "What is This? UwU" by Rotfuchs-von-Vulpes.
Silver SandstoneAdds on-screen subtitles for sound effects.
Avicennia_gInverted-direction player slingshot
Mineclone2 Heart bar animations
FennelfoxAdds a simple (and hacky) animation to the heart bar in Mineclone2 similar to Minecraft.
Hunger with HUD Bar
WuzzyThis mod adds a simple hunger mechanic (plus HUD bar) to the game. Eat food to avoid starvation, be sated to regenerate health.
Visual Harm 1Ndicators
MantarHP bars for mobs/players
ApolloXFor tracking what ores are around the player.
Inventory Icon
WuzzyShows a backpack icon in the HUD, which shows how many slots are available and free in the player inventory and equipped bags (if available).
HUD Compass
kestralOptionally place a HUD compass and 24-hour clock on the screen.
Minimap Radar
OgelGamesA simple mod that enables the use of the minimap radar with a craftable item
Flay KruneganAllows players to create, manage and view waypoints in the game.
Hardcore mode
SkyBuilder1717Adds a hardcore mode.
Just Zoom
Alib234Allows you to just zoom at any time
HUD Analogic Clock
APercyAdds an analogic clock to hud
Item Hover Display
LegendaryNuggetDisplays real-time information about objects in the player's crosshair, including block names, player names, and entity health.
Object Tracking Tablet
Soundwaveza fun new item used to locate: players, dropped items, entitys, and anything else that falls under the object catagory!
Extended Placement
gamefreq0Allows placing nodes below/behind the closest node to where you are looking, when you're looking at the air where said node would go.
Fbt WiTT
ForburntWAILA-like mod (a rewrite of WiTT by MightyAlex200)
snowyuThis mod set a nickname with color to the player.
Eye guy
KasaikanSmall and compact way to see what block you looking at
Hide Coordinates
rudzik8Hides coordinates for all players who don't have the "debug" privelege
Cooperative Factions
skiscratcherAdds factions, allowing players to team together
visible health bar
GigaByteadds a visible health bar above the player
NodeCore Ad Removal
Warr1024Removes all ads from NodeCore
LissoBonePlay with your friends and enemies in this exciting manhunt game.
HUD Notify
ANANDShows a message to a player in-game, by means of an HUD element.
HUD Title
MiniontobyA HUD Title mod
More Awards
ClothierEdwardA mod that expands on rubenwardy's Awards mod by adding tons of new awards.
Simple Waypoints
chonA simple way to mark and teleport to important locations in your world
Armor HUD bar
WuzzyAdds a HUD bar displaying the current damage of the player's armor.
WorldEdit HUD Helper
StarbeamrainbowlabsDisplays the name of the node you're looking at & your rotation in your HUD. Banish the debug text forever!
HUD Timers
LMDA lightweight library for adding hud timers.
Outline Square Crosshair
WalfunIt replaces the + and X crosshair to the outline square crosshair.
Time, Lag and Position HUD display
orwellDisplays some information in the bottom-right corner of the screen.