karlexceedAdds a rare pale blue flower that glows faintly in the darkness.
bell07Aims to get all existing high quality mods working together
Nathan.SAdds a juice press and two juice storage containers.
Rain Barrels and Wells
Piezo_Replaces overpowered "water generators" with a unique water-harvesting system
Hemp mod
ullaHemp with all possible utility see readme.md | La canapa e tutti i suoi usi guardare il readme.md
Wet Mud
NicuHydrates farmland without using water directly
TechAge Apiary
LesyaCPPTechAge Machines for beekeeping
Lava Ore Gen
Coder12Makes the lava turn stone into ore over time.
Ancient Fertilizer
DanielAdds ancient fertilizer, sourced from ancient stone in the underground, useful for farming flowers if you need dye for colored nodes, complements bonemeal.
Rubber Addon for MineClone
BiochemistAdds rubber and related Items to MineClone.
Nettles and Other Weeds
Hume2Nettles spawning on junky plots
SharaAdds connected hedges that that can be crafted from leaves.
Cucina Vegana
ClydeAdds plants and spices for a vegan kitchen
Flower Beds
ZenonSethFlower Beds for growing flowers
GreenXenithAdds pumpkinspice stuff.
FirefallGrow Multiplants and get a random seed or flower!
chaosomniumkudzu (invasive spreading plant) mod, with useful crafts and items
Soil Weeded
josegamestestLeaves the soil finer after clearing
Giant Mushroom/ Mushrooms
Hybrid DogAdd mushrooms and giant mushrooms.
danil_2461A game with tomatoes, ketchup, and mese.
Wilhelmines Living Desert
LiilAdds plants to the default deserts of minetest game.
Scythes & Sickles
TestificateModsAdds scythes and sickles with unique applications for farming
SFENCECompost and composter machines. Mix dirt with compost to get garden soil. Plants from farming/farming redo/hades_extrafarming grows faster on garden soil. Hades Revisited is supported.
Fruit Trees
korin_riderFruit trees of diferent types
Potted Farming
AnnalysaA new way to farm in pots herbs, mushrooms and regrow fruits on small trees.
NoordstarAdd stalactites and stalagmites to your game.
TarruviAdds a few crops, mushrooms and food items
Cottage and Medieval Decorations
1F616EMODecorations that fit to medieval settlements and small cottages
Sokomineconnected nodes like xpanes, xfences, walls
The Composter
Dino0815Adds a composter to make dirt out of your leaves.
AwesomeDragon97Adds bamboo which generates in jungles and can be used as a crafting ingredient.
Aqua Farming
ClydeFarming under Water, now it's possible.
NordalAdds handmills and threshing floor.
farming cv
fluxionaryoverrides farming_redo's textures w/ the ones from cucina_vegana
TX MinerLets you eat Horsetails from Paleotest. Very helpful in caves!!!
ClydeAdds 15 flowers and 6 mushrooms.
NodeCore Naturae: Revised and Revamped
Winter94The Latest and Greatest Version of NodeCore Nature, with updated code from Warr1024!
Valleys Mapgen
Gaël de SaillyA map generator with valleys, rivers, mountains and many plants.
Coconut Trees
NeuromancerAdds coconut trees with edible coconuts & thatch blocks
monkMakes dry soil wet for farming