Fareboxes and Faregates
1F616EMOSignal-emitting fareboxes and faregates
mt-modsadds a ufo for flying around in
Hero Mines
NeuromancerCan you rescue the miner trapped at the bottom of the mine? Creates mines that are used as levels for the game H.E.R.O.
APercyAdds an airship to mtg
Scripted World Editor
NeuromancerAPI that allows you pass in scripting tables to fill a series of shapes of different sizes with different nodes
Hero TNT
NeuromancerTNT that only destroys cobble like in H.E.R.O. game.
monkOverride tool functionality during runtime
Gems Battle
MisterEBedwars-like team battle minigame
Steel bar blocks
sotha1adds blocks made of steel bars (xpanes)
B47 Helicopter
APercyAdds a craftable B47 Helicopter
Rock Piles
NeuromancerAdds rock piles which generate randomly on the surface and in caves
Cottage and Medieval Decorations
1F616EMODecorations that fit to medieval settlements and small cottages
NeuromancerAdds petroglyphs which generate randomly in desert stone walls
DerevioAdds the ability to set shortcuts to commands.
KostivarAdds candy which you can make from candy ores.
Ryft77Adds saphire stuff
Nyfty Blocks
Ryft77Adds some nifty blocks
ElCeejoAdds Manny from that one Reddit post.
visible health bar
GigaByteadds a visible health bar above the player
Cottonseed Oil Fertilizer
1F616EMOPowerful fertilizer from cotton seed
Coconut Trees
NeuromancerAdds coconut trees with edible coconuts & thatch blocks
Condensed Cobblestone
1F616EMO81 cobbles in one item!
Living Room Furnitures
1F616EMOSofas, armchairs and tables
GigaByteadd money bag
faction items
GigaByteadd some items to be used as prizes for special events or player achievements
Elepower Fixes
Bob64This aims to fix some of the problems with the elepower modpack.
Alternate Gravel
soerenthe mod adds 32x32 pixels 2x alternative gravel
NeuromancerPineapple crop for tropical biomes
Grow Dry Grass
Silver SandstoneMakes dry grass spread on savanna dirt.
NordalAdds handmills and threshing floor.
CoffeAdds new real-life dishes.
PyuAn API for creating kits
Golden Tools
LogikíAdds golden tools to your game
TX MinerLets you eat Horsetails from Paleotest. Very helpful in caves!!!
MR_breaddzgolden bread
karlexceedAdds a rare pale blue flower that glows faintly in the darkness.
TarenAdds multiple engraved blocks and benches to make them.
Castle Storage
FaceDeerContains storage containers one might find contained in a castle.
Coconut Trees
AwesomeDragon97Adds coconut trees that appear on beaches
Better Biomes by Atlante
NeuromancerThis mod adds some of the subtle understated beauty of nature to your biomes to make the world look more natural. It was created by Atlante.