WuzzyLearn how to play.
Farming Redo
TenPlus1Adds many plants and food to Minetest
bell07Custom player skins manager with support for 1.0 and 1.8er skins and inventory skins selector
Warr1024Sliding block puzzles in an alien environment
mt-modsSupplies a complete set of nice, round mesh-based water pipes, boxy item-transport tubes, and devices that work with them.
PilzAdamAdds a deep underground realm with different mapgen that you can reach with obsidian portals.
eklA rideable boat with legs
Just_VisitingAn aMAZEing Game
Super sam
BuckarooBanzaiSuper sam adventures
Mobs Animal
TenPlus1Adds farm animals.
Little Lady
Just_VisitingA Little Ladybug in a Big World
More Trees!
mt-modsAdds a whole bunch of new types of trees, some bearing fruit or similar
APercyAdds a craftable motorboat
Storage Drawers
LNJAdding simple storages for items, showing the item's inventory image in the front.
Less Dirt
DrFrankenstoneAdjusts textures so rolling hills have less exposed bare dirt.
TenPlus1Adds bone and bonemeal giving the ability to quickly grow plants and saplings.
WuzzyExplore the Realm of Eyes, but you must be seen by the friendly eyeballs at all times.
Johannes FritzAllows copying, pasting, filling, deleting, replacing and saving 3D areas
Hades Revisited
WuzzyYou have stranded on the planet Hades. Use your limited supplies to survive and use terraforming to create a beautiful habitable place. (EARLY TEST VERSION)
Age of Mending
SumiAge of Mending: Sandbox game about building your own world and exploring a new one. Last breaking changes: a28
More Blocks
CalinouAdds various miscellaneous blocks.
The Velvet Crystal
regulusRecover the crystal and bring light back into the world
SokomineExplore the world and find villages of diffrent types. Buy a house in a village and settle down.
The Library
regulusDarkness has come upon the world. Can you find the spell to banish it?
ZenonSethOn-demand item transportation + Powerful Storage
LandarVarganMakes player heads follow their look direction
Extra Biomes
CowboyLvAdds extra biomes, while keeping its looks close to the vanilla MTG
More Ores
CalinouAdds new ore types.
AndrOnCartoon-style and vibrant colors, with extended support!
Silver SandstoneAdds leads for moving and tethering animals.
Dwarf Fortress style caverns
FaceDeerAdds vast underground caverns in the style of Dwarf Fortress, complete with underground flora in diverse biomes.
sofarAdds stamina, sprinting, and hunger
Meshport (Luanti Mesh Exporter)
random_geekEasily export areas in Luanti to meshes for 3D rendering.
Mobs Redo API
TenPlus1Simple and feature rich API to quickly add mobs into your world.
REFI Textures
MysticTempest16px - Attempts to recapture the aesthetic of Minecraft, while improving upon visibility.
Solar Plains: Invector
JordachA karting game with built in track editor
LukeAn unofficial port of PRANG!, a 2D arcade-style game.
JeijaThis mod adds digiline wires, an RTC (Real Time Clock), a light sensor as well as an LCD Screen.
MisterEBattle your friends for power-ups and be the last blocker standing! A Multiplayer Bomberman clone.
HUD Bars
WuzzyReplaces the default health and breath symbols by horizontal colored bars with text showing the number. Extensible.