Flower cow
DrPlamsaAdds a flower cow.
NO11Build your island in the sky with random items!
X Farming
SaKeLFarming with new plants, crops, trees, ice fishing, bees, candles, scarecrow, crates, composter, bonemeal, ropes, pies...
Retro Plus
WuzzyLook and feel of the oldest versions of Minetest-c55
mt-modsFeature-filled home decor modpack.
sofarA stylish flowerpot that can contain most plants.
TermosAdds some wild animals that interact with each other.
Experimental Villages Mapgen
NoreChanges the way ores are placed, add new biomes and villages.
Advtrains More Slopes
NazalassaMore, longer slopes for Advtrains
FaceDeerAdds hoppers to transport items between chests/furnace etc.
VoxeLibre More Food
rudzik8Adds five more food items to VoxeLibre (ex. MineClone2) or Mineclonia
mineclonia Oneblock
coraOneblock skyblock challenge for mineclonia DO NOT USE IN EXISTING WORLDS
Offhand Items
TestificateModsLets you equip nodes and place them without switching tools
What Is This UwU (Forked)
kebabmaneaterA fork of "What is This? UwU" by Rotfuchs-von-Vulpes.
TenPlus1Add cakes to MInetest
Stair Carpets
AwesomeDragon97Allows you to place carpets on stairs and slabs.
TheAlchemist0033adds throwable and regular potions to game (beta)
AnnalysaBoil milk and then let the curd age to get cheese!
SokomineA bell that sounds each hour - like a historic bell in a church or town hall
Development Test
LuantiTesting environment for engine or mod development.
Techage Reskin
GefTauApplies to the Techage Modpack, changing most of its textures to 16px and a different visual style.
Ma & Pop's Furniture Mod
GamingAssociation39This mod adds in functional furniture.
Hybrid DogThe underworld for Minetest.
Public teleport location bookmarks
Hybrid DogAdd commands to manage public positions of interest
Minor Redefinitions
LinuxdirkChanges smaller things that are issues for either Luanti or Minetest Game that are technically fixable but won’t be fixed due to several non-technical reasons.
AtlanteAdd plushies
Research N' Duplicate
NoodlemireObtain and research enough of a specific item to unlock the ability to infinitely duplicate it.
FreeLikeGNUHelpful and unique witches inhabit the land adding a magical touch and interact with player! Work in progress, but playable!
Mineclone Bubble Columns
j45Adds whirlpools and upwards bubble columns to Mineclone2/5
Country Flags for Pride_Flag
snowyuAdd all country flags to pride_flags
ElCeejoAdds a ghostly Crocodilian mini-boss
Pixel ImPerfection
bramaudiPixel Im(proved)Perfection aim to be close and familiar to Minecraft texture.
Slimes inspired by TheManaWorld
mt-modsAdds several types of slimes inspired by TheManaWorld
Fantasy Brawl
giov4Class-based fighting minigame. Choose your class, prepare your skills and defeat them all!
Hunger NG
LinuxdirkA very customizable and easy to extend hunger system.
UwU (MineClonia)
PsycoAdd UwU block, uwu crystal ores, uwu tools and more.
Modular Portals
UnbrokenUnwornExplore a strange hall filled with portals
StarNinjasAdds new industrious-themed blocks and tools.
MineClone2 Speedrun
AFCMSpeedrun features for MineClone2