Automobiles Pack
APercyCollection of automobiles
Edit Skin
Johannes FritzAdvanced player skin customization
Steampunk Blimp
APercyAdds a steampunk blimp
Super Duck Hydroplane
APercyAdds a craftable hydroplane
bell07Custom player skins manager with support for 1.0 and 1.8er skins and inventory skins selector
Silver SandstoneAdds leads for moving and tethering animals.
LandarVarganMakes player heads follow their look direction
Super Cub
APercyAdds a craftable Super Cub airplane
3D Armor Flyswim
sirrobzerooneAdds Flying and Swimming animations to base character model for 3d_armor
FreeLikeGNU(Respectfully) Destructive! Goblin NPCs burrow underground, build lairs, set traps and cultivate foodstuffs. They like to steal torches!
APercyAdds a craftable PA28
APercyAdds a Ju52 airplane
Collectible Skins
ZughyWear and unlock skins
APercyAdds a Demoiselle, an historical airplane
Savoia S-21
APercySavoia S-21
Unicode Signs
coraSigns that allow unicode text
APercyA lib for airplanes and some useful tools
World War I Planes
APercyA modpack for WWI aerial combat
D00MedA mod that adds an api for cars, planes, and other vehicles.
B47 Helicopter
APercyAdds a craftable B47 Helicopter
Silver SandstoneAdds deepslate and related building materials.
Power generators
SFENCEAdd power generators based on appliances API.
Raw Ore Blocks
Silver SandstoneAdds block forms of metal lumps.
Silver SandstoneLets you put a block on your head.
Repixture Crafting Compatibility
Silver SandstoneConverts crafting recipes to be compatible with Repixture.
Ju52 3M Hydro
APercyAdds a Ju52 airplane, hydro version
sofarProvides player emotes and an api to make the player model sit, lie down and perform other actions.
GreenXenithIn-game live player skin editor.
Log Spikes
Silver SandstoneAdds spikes made of various types of tree.
Adaptation lib and mods
SFENCEKey based adaptation database of items.
Bucket of feeds for easier feeding
SFENCECraftable bucket of feeds which can be used for feed nearby animals.
Chair lift
SFENCEAdd craftable and usable chair lift. TIPS: Use gearbox, grease parts (hemp oil), check grease with inspect tool, combine more engines...
Doctor Who Tardis
SkivlingAdds various items, blocks, Daleks, and a working TARDIS from the sci-fi show Doctor Who. Forked from tardis_new by PiDemon, which is unmaintained.
mike.monkeybiterOpen skinsdb by right clicking a node
Mobs Takodachi
Silver SandstoneAdds takodachis.
Powered Tools
SFENCETools powered by electric/combustion engine. Includes brush cutter and chainsaw.
Discrete Player API
Hume2A library for games which attaches players to node grid
Library Mount
Panquesito7API Framework for mounting objects.
Spectator Mode
jpA mod for Minetest allowing you to watch other players in their 3rd person view.
Cartographer for Repixture
Hugues RossAdds regional maps that you can craft and place (Repixture version)