
API to add new inventory tabs which work across different inventory mods

GUI Inventory API / Library

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How do I install this?

Inventory API compatibility layer (this is not a standalone inventory mod). Probably not very useful.

Mods can use flinv to create tabs using flow that work with many inventory mods, such as i3 and unified_inventory, without having to write separate code to support multiple inventory mods.

The screenshots show the below example code in use across a variety of inventory mods and games.

Supported inventory mods/games (alphabetical order)

If no supported inventory mod is installed, a button list can be accessed with /flinv.

[^1]: May have issues with scrollbars on older versions of flow (see the TODO comment in i3.lua).

[^2]: Usable but not perfect.

[^3]: "Lite mode" is supported, but some forms might be too big to fit.

[^4]: Survival mode only, in creative mode you have to use /flinv.

[^5]: Not tested (but presumed to work due to testing on Mineclonia), may not work.

License note

While flinv itself is licensed under the LGPL, some of the underlying mods/games (such as Smart Inventory) may be licensed under the GPL, if you plan to distribute proprietary mods that use flinv note that you may not be able to distribute them with all games.

Registering tabs

Note that your form should be reasonably small so that it fits in all inventory mods. You can stretch things with expand = true or gui.Spacer{}. Currently, Sway is the only inventory mod which will expand its own form to fit content that's too large to fit.

Some inventory mods place a limit on the amount of tabs that can be registered, such as i3, which only allows 6 tabs (including the built-in "inventory" tab). If this limit is reached, calling flinv.register_tab will error.

local gui = flow.widgets

flinv.register_tab("flinv:test", {
    title = "My tab",
    icon = "air.png",
    form = flow.make_gui(function(player, ctx)
        ctx.i = ctx.i or 0
        return gui.VBox{
            gui.Label{label = "Hello world! " .. ctx.i},
                inventory_location = "current_player",
                list_name = "craft",
                w = 2, h = 2,
                label = "This is a button",
                on_event = function(player, ctx)
                    ctx.i = ctx.i + 1
                    return true

    -- Defaults to true, shows the player's inventory. Disable if you don't
    -- need it to get more space.
    show_inventory = true,

    -- Optional: Restrict the visibility of the tab. In inventory mods that
    -- don't support this, a "permission denied" message will be shown.
    -- show = function(player)
    --     return minetest.check_player_privs(player, "server")
    -- end,

Both title and icon should be specified for maximum compatibility.

The tab will automatically be expanded to fit in whatever inventory mod is being used.



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