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For Luanti 5.0 and above

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Do you recommend this mod?

  • A must have for server maintenance and buiding large areas

    The only important missing feature IMO is the possibility to undo your actions.

  • Critically important tool

    I have used this mod countless times, especially in game development. It has sped up tasks considerably and helped me a ton. I used it to create various structures and trees in MineClone 2, Lazarr! Glitch and Repixture.

    During the development of Glitch, I have felt one of its biggest shortcomings is usability. Typing in chat commands all the time gets tedious and time-comsuming very quickly, especially if you want to do many complex operations in row. The worst part is setting pos1 and pos2 because you have first fly to these places (using mouse and keyboard) and then type in the commands. This part is always the most time-consuming. Unfortunately, WorldEdit GUI only works in combination with selected games/mods for now.

    I wish one day WorldEdit usability gets seriously improved because that area still needs work IMHO.

    That having said, it's still a recommendation because it's still a big improvement over having nothing at all. Without WorldEdit, productivity would slow down to a crawl, so that cannot be understated as well. Still a good mod/modpack overall.

  • Very Powerful Tool

    Took me a while to learn how to use it without destroying everything (No way to undo changes, so you're stuck with what you do), but I figured it out at the cost of a few houses/spawnpoints and now use this for all of my creative building projects. Definitely worth the sacrifice

  • Cool funktions

    This mod have good funktions. I used them to make mts-structtures for mineclone2.

  • Both the best and worst thing to happen to my server

    Worledit is amazing as a mod. Given enough resources, anything is possible; a city can be built from a single skyscraper, but given enough laziness, things go ugly quickly.

    My server is full of cities and "infrastructure" just like this.

    Worldedit is such a powerful tool it can quickly destroy the charm of a server in the wrong hands, and that's what makes it so dangerous.

    But in the right hands great things happen, and far quicker.

  • Très bon.

    Un plugin un peu compliqué a utiliser au départ mais top malgré l'impossibilitée de selectionner un objet de son inventaire plutôt que taper son nom dans les champs de textes d'insertions de nodes. Ca aurait été aussi plus simple de pouvoir déplacer les coordonnés 0 0 0 ailleurs quand on veut creer ou selectionner quelquechose sans avoir a compter ou recrrer une map plate. J'ai fais ceci:

    Pour l'utiliser copiez le texte dans le dossier ./worlds/YOUWORLD/schems/ House.we . C'est ma première création donc simple et sans autres extentions. Y a t'il un meilleur endroit pour poster ce genre de fichiers et en faire partager les autres?

  • Very Useful

    Really useful mod, that saves time, to.. clean griefing, building huge projects in your world.. basicly editing the world

    i don't recommend using it in a server without singleplayer practice

  • A must have for nearly every server or game.

    World edit is powerful and a great tool. There are extensions for it that can make it easier to use, but the core mod is wonderful. I cannot reccomend having it enough. It's an integral part of node-based games everywhere.

  • Русский

    Маст-хэв для билдинга

    Экономит время при постройке больших проектов, а также помогает устранять последствия грифинга. Только использовать надо с осторожностью, на горьком опыте проверено

  • Servers need it. Very helpful in singleplayer - but be careful

    On servers, you will often need this mod to fix areas and to save and restore buildings of your players. It's an essential tool for server maintenance.

    In singleplayer, it can be very helpful for similar things and for laying the base for a new building project - or for trying out diffrent materials quickly. And for saving and restoring your builds. Best practice using WorldEdit in a test world where it doesn't matter when you misunderstood the meaning of a command.

    Just don't expect WorldEdit alone to create great buildings. It can be a tool that fascilitates building by saving time when doing repetitive things like building a wall. It's still your job to make that wall actually look good by adding and taking away parts so that it becomes an intresting wall.

  • This!!!

    Coming from the world of that other voxel game I was so relieved to see a WorldEdit for Minetest too. It offers the tools I need to get things set up and working for my world in record time. Thank you so much!

  • Must have for everyone

    You need to build big objects in no time? You need to fill landmass? You need to repair your world? This is your go to whenever you have to build something!

  • Awesome for testing mods (And games)

    I tend to use this a lot for testing mods I create. I don't know what I would do without this!

  • WorldEdit

    Отличный инструмент, но не хватает доработок и функций.

  • Very useful

    I made a lot of structures in servers without this mod and I'm qualified to tell you all it is just useful.

  • Very useful mod!

    Thanks to this mod, I was able to easily create a variety of buildings.

  • Very powerful and essential creative tool.

    Thanks, sfan5 : )

  • world edit for the win

    Started using world edit ages ago and it was powerful then.... but today its not bad at all :) still the powerful commands as before with many improvements. Appreciate that its still well and alive!

  • It is the best construction mod

    It is the best construction mod, I no longer have to make an effort to build because in a few seconds I do thousands of things.

  • Extremely powerful world editing tool

    This mod is a no-brainer to any dedicated builder, server admin or anyone really. It allows you to set large areas of nodes in bulk, move areas around, quickly build shapes, randomly mix nodes, fix lighting, run arbitrary Lua code on each node in a selection, and so much more.

    It is assumedly inspired by the Minecraft plugin of the same name, and is quite familiar if you're used to the Minecraft WorldEdit plugin.

  • English

    Goto luamanip/mapmaking mod

    I've used this mod for years and have been constantly surpised how well it fits into my workflow. I've been able to save hours of my time, including during the 2024 Game Jam during mapmaking.

    Absolutely essential to server builders, mapmakers, and the like.

    Once you get the hang of the minor limitations it's very fast to use, one minor flaw is it's steep learning curve, as every command and argument has to be learned individually. Thankfully a fully filled out parameters field is available for about all of the commands. I would suggest using several other World Edit mods with this one for maximum efficiency, but it is very usable as a standalone tool.

  • English

    A must for admins

    This is a MUST HAVE for server admins. For moving builds, making builds, and saving builds.


    This mod is simliar to just terraform but i make awesome buildings in my server with this mod!

  • Deutsch

    Meine Meinung

    Es ist für anfänger nicht geeignet aber für fortgeschritetne eine tolle idee

  • Worldedit

    It's so easy to use with the GUI!

  • Good mod but still needs a lot of work

    This is an ok mod (not great) When setting or replacing nodes if you have other mods installed for various nodes this won't allow you to search through a node list and choose what you need. As an example, the moreblocks mod and default both have a 'wooden planks' node but WorldEdit defaults to the moreblocks node which falls under mb's cube setting of a 1/4 block rather than the default of a full block making it useless to make flooring. Same with other nodes that have similar names from other mods. I even tried to replace air with Wooden Planks which is a default block and I got Wooden Plank Thin Stairs. It kind of makes it useless if you can't choose the block you actually want.

    It would make more sense to make the node replace/set menu with a list like you find in unified inventory or other similar mods.

    For the absoulte basic, it's ok. But if you want to make large builds that use specialized blocks this falls way short since there is no option to select blocks by mod name or type.

  • pls 128x128x128

    please bring it back to 128x128x128, update is great but 16x16x16 is too small.

  • Minecraft port of mod

    So useful mod for big buildings, it's Minecraft port to minetest. So i'm want to say, this mod is Cool

  • Cool mod!

    This mod help me on the server!


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