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I'm a free software enthusiast and Gentoo GNU/Linux (I can't use free distro yet) user. More info in full desc (very strict char limit here)
Technic Plus Beta
mt-modsThe technic modpack extends the Minetest game with many new elements, mainly constructable machines and tools.
JeijaAdds digital circuitry, including wires, buttons, lights, and even programmable controllers.
JeijaThis mod adds digiline wires, an RTC (Real Time Clock), a light sensor as well as an LCD Screen.
Minetest mod base mods
I would guess this is the most created collection ever. Note: I'm lazy and forgetting so this may not always highlight all of the mods I have, but the last comprehensive update was in june 13 2024.
Innovate sandbox with lots of potential
This is an innovative sandbox game, even though it's currently similar to e.g. MTG in terms of items and crafting. You can travel to different planets and meet different environments, resources, mapgen, etc. in your modular spaceship, which is really cool and makes exploration a big part of the game.
Even though this game is now probably still in its WIP phase, it is still playable and has lots of potential (look at the planned features list on example)
Cool short game, where it actually turns out you CAN kill the beast. I just grabbed lots of leaf blocks and when I got to the beast, I placed a block on the stairs and all-tooled the blocked beast slowly to death.
It was cool exploring the world in general too. You can go back to your base and get lots of food. However I didn't need it.
Cool, short story
Don't expect much, like action/parkour, it's just a simple story game where you just walk. But I still recommend to check it out
I thought it would be cool to have a 32px winter, but for some reason snow isn't snowing. Stuff is melting. It's a buggy winter, as you can see e.g. in the image. Did the numbers underflow or something?
Mount Everest in Minetest?
Having a humongous mountain in your world can be really cool, and I can recommend this mod if you would figure out how to get ores to spawn in there.
But I wish this mod could work with every game (e.g. NodeCore) by using the default mapgen blocks there and allow ore spawning by default (e.g. overwrite some variables by optionally depending on something that needs it). The default place for the mountain could also be right next to spawn instead of in the player (e.g. X:1000, Z:2000). Thank you!Edit: The developer is already realising my suggestions, as you can see in the comments below
Makes NodeCore more lively
This mods adds some cool items (cat fur ore, prills and block) and, of course, cats, which can make the otherwise unlively NodeCore become undead!
The cats are very nice and cool, and you can even pet them! There are many types of them, including long ones like nyan cat, making cat exploration able to become a big part of the game too.
I really recommend this mod for every world.
Postscript: My first cat was grey/white fured green-eyed Joey, and he seems to snore instead of purring when I pet him. It turns out he also likes playing in concrete.
Simply a must have
In NodeCore, I was always daunted by this huge obstacle, which always stood in front of me while trying to have fun in this inspiring game: I would only be able to live shortly until I would die out of starvation. No matter how hard I tried getting some food (I even tried looking through all the NC items using an inventory mod), I couldn't find a way out of this eternal loop.
I was looking for people's opinions about this in the #nodecore IRC channel on liberachat, but they simply responded with things like "What were you thinking of while asking that question? This games is made to shape you into a real nodecorian!" (nodecorelife737), or "We need your support for the poor frogs building the next burj califah in Amerika! Donate now!" (worldwarr1024). I found no-one that shared my viewpoint of this disturbing situation.
Somehow, to my astonishment, I've finally found a way out of this rabbit hole: This mod, The NodeCore Rabbits by LandarVargan. When I enabled it, I became able to capture rabbits exactly how it is described in the description. Even with the weird color of the rabbit trap and the frustrating time I was having, I still felt very satisfied not only at the feel of liberation from that endless cycle, but also at the taste of my food (seriously I'm waiting for a NodeCore mustard mod to dip my delicious rabbit legs in).
If you wanna play NodeCore, I simply find this as a must have for every world. Totelly. (Totelly and not Totally because its a hint hidden in the message: you can store more cooked rabbits in a tote!).
So cool
When I enabled this texture pack, the game felt so much more immersive and beatiful. I was amazed by how detailed the textures are and could only put my finger on a few of them (e.g. leaves or light blue). This really completely changes the world.
When I disabled it, everything became so ugly! I really recommend you try this texture pack out.
A rust have!
A rust-must have! Why rust? Because this mod renames generic stones, e.g. 'stone' to 'mica' or 'stone' to 'phylite', or even stained stones to 'rusty (stone)', so trying to stare into your screen at every angle to make sure the stone is slightly red to find lode is no longer a thing!
Not only that, but the generic deep stones are also retextured so they're not just the boring old gray but darker. An example is the mica stone, the first deep stone, obtaining a nice, bluish color.
And of course, the best of all, the mod says it in the name - it spawns strata in the terrain, e.g. of concrete materials, such as cloudstone or tarstone (which are also renamed). This way, the ordinary cliffs and caves don't become so ordinary anymore, as they get a more diverse range of colors than just 'gray'. However, they're also practically useful, as obtaining e.g. crude glass or sandstone bricks becomes easier (but may not be good if you want the game to keep being hard in this aspect). Don't worry though, as there are also several more types of strata, such as softer stone layers in very deep and hard caves.
You can view them all in the settings too, which of course also allows you to disable certain options. On example, if you prefer only the renaming and retexturing of materials or only the strata generation of the mod, you can have that. Unfortunetly though, there are some issues with it, such as not being able to toggle specific materials or have the renaming but no retexturing.
Still, I recommend this mod for every world.
In conclusion, I recommend this mod, as it makes generic stone and terrain way more interesting by renaming and retexturing generic stones, and making strata, such as building materials like sandstone, appear in terrain.
I don't understand
This mod is supposed to remove ads? Why is the Wooden spade called 'wooden spe' in the screenshooting, and the 'about' tab is still viisble then? Was there a glitch going on?
I thought this mod was supposed to remove ad
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Interesting, but doesn't actually add normal stairs/slabs
I think stairs and slabs visible in other voxel sandbox games such as MTG are great for making decorations and paths. I thought this would be a great feature to have in NodeCore too, but it turns out this mod is not it.
What this mod actually does is compress specific block formations, like a 2x2 wooden floor, into 1 item. It may be useful if one is looking to optimize their inventory space, but it's not even possible to place the thing in a different rotation, and there's already a solution to handle large amounts (spoiler) of items built into the game.
In conclusion, this is a decent mod for optimizing inventory space and faster placing/destroying by compressing block formations into single items but doesn't actually add stairs/slabs.
Great mod for replacing the default biomes, but has issues... Or does it?
This mod's biomes are great for replacing the default ones in minetest game, featuring great variety and looks. At the time of writing this, there are about 30, which include the nice banana grove biome, interesting fiery one, or the blue frost with blue trees and grass.
It even adds some more food and items, like japanese food, a fishing rod, and even crystal tools, which are slightly better than diamond.
However, it has some big issues. On example, I recommend you to disable the sakura and mushroom biomes, since they appear too often and the mushroom one looks disgusting.It also sometimes has inconsistently high-res textures on some blocks, which the author doesn't want to fix (I think I heard him saying that he's really proud of those textures, so doesn't want to remove them, but don't know the source)! This is an issue that many of 11's I mean TenPlus1's mods share, and it is infuriating. I'm planning to make a texture pack fixing this one day though.Well, but guess what? Tenplus1 actually invited me to replace the ultra realistic 4K HD textures of the mod! I was very excited, so I decided to help, and not only I got more comfortable with GIMP, but also finally fixed not only most of the ultra realistic textures, but also some others such as frost/healing trees and tested the new biome layout TenPlus1 decided to make in order to fix mushroom and sakura appearing too often. Enjoy!
The conclusion is: this is a great mod for adding many more biomes and features, such as new tools, food and blocks, and doesn't have issues such as constant inconsistent textures or sakura and mushroom biomes everywhere.
Pretty good little addition
This mod is great for getting 3d ores into your game. Some even glow when next to light (so it isn't like every rare mod is already revealed like the glowing mese block), which is really cool! And it is also about supporting more mods, so you may also be having e.g 3d glowing uranium and rainbow ore in the future (which may have been already implemented, at the time of writing this it isn't).
Note though that this mod will not override all ore blocks, but instead will change them into its 3d ores when you're nearby, because else it would lag while overriding so many nodes, so when you're lagging or looking far, you may see the block turning 3d.
However, I still think this is great, as those 3d ores look nice and interesting. It's probably even a must have, as this is a great little addition to the minetest gameplay.
Must have
After enabling this in my world, I have never been so amazed.
Not only does this add fantastic shaders and graphics effects absent in the minetest engine, but even can give you xray powers!
And it's all free as in freedoom!
Pretty cool
I just tried it out, and realised that it
jumpscares humpskare youpops up a GUI with advice about using locked chests instead of normal chests.It seems pretty good for
giving heart attacksletting new players know about locked chests when in multiplayer.Basically a sophisticated light brush
This mod is really not only for 'kozy' environments, but in reality it adds a cool brush for lighting up the world.
It is pretty sophisticated, featuring customizable radius, brighness and strength with modes, such as 'darken', 'blend' or 'erase'. There are even a few commands, and short aliases for them.
It even incudes a random mod wheel! Just go to the mod's optional dependencies and scroll to a random location, because this mod optionally depends on basically everything!
However, if you wanna use something like this in survival, it's better to just place light emitting blocks, since at the time of writing this the brush is uncraftable, but even if you would get it it would be OP for dark nights and caves (9999RPM extra-light torch bomb minigun with infinite ammo is possible).
Overall, this provides a nice customizable light brush for lighting up buildings in creative mode, not only for 'cozy' environments as the name suggests (really, the only slightly 'kozy and funky cat face or whatever 2 upside-down Vs next to an underscore' is the purple color of info boxes in the brush menu). However in non creative this would be OP for dark places such as caves.
Pretty decent dash mod
This mod alows you to accelerate to fast speeds while holding the Aux1 button, It is a pretty nice feature, especially becaus it is customizable, so you can change the cooldown, jump increase, etc..
However, I really wanted those cool blur effects from the thumbnail, while in reality, there's none, it feels like clickbait. It would also be nice if you could make it instantly speed you up instead of accelerating. Lastly, dashing seems to not work with the hold button setting disabled.
The Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Whatever Age, and now the StoneS Age
This mod adds so many stones, that not only it is fantastick to building, but it is very nice discovering and exploring them too (remember though to have too many inventory spaces ready)!
Speaking of building, 99% of these stones have brick, polished, slab, stair, wall, etc. counterparts, which makes every stone feel finished. They even look pretty nice in general, and also come in glowing, transparent, and crazy variants. What do I mean by 'crazy'? Just look at the opal!
It is also awesome for mining, since it is cool discovering new stones (as I said earlier) and it's not gonna be that hard to get a specific stone again, since they're biome specific, so you can just go to the same biome, and sometimes they even come in HUGE blobs (I got almost 1400 Galena from one). NOT speaking of Galena, some stones have 'budding' forms by cooking them, which makes them grow crystals from which you can craft the same stone, so renewable stone, especially because they grow so fast!
Overall, this is a great mod that expands both building and mining greatly. It's awesome discovering new stones, especially since they always feel finished with their availability of brick, polished, stair etc. counterparts, and even may have special (look) properties. After all, this mod registers 2,024 (or more?) nodes in 2024!
So cool
I just tried this out, and it's so cool! You can walk around the whole airship, sit on the seats, climb on the ladders, and the flying and landing is already pretty sophisticated, even though at the time of writing this, this is a WIP!
When this becomes stable and complete, this is a thing you gotta try out in your multiplayer world/server!
Nice moreblocks alternative, even when you use moreblocks
If you don't want something so heavy and sophisticated as moreblocks, then this is a great mod, since it adds 3 nice types of slopes for the default game and mods that support it (such as other mods by TenPlus1, such as Ethereal, but don't worry, mods that are used to default stairs mod will still have normal stairs), but it also has other improvements, such as a different method of placement, which is pretty intuitive, especially if you didn't master the default way and know that sneak+place copies the rotation of the stair you're aiming at when enabling this mod!
You can also look at the other additions in the description and/or the README in the git. Overall though, this is a great drop-in replacement for the default stairs mod, probably a must-have.
Nice mod
It adds colored glass, stone bricks and apple wood. It's very nice for building, even if you won't use the stone or wood blocks, since the glass is nice and completely transparent, allowing for cool tints or just nice windows.
If you're a builder (you probably are atleast in your singleplayer world since building is one of the cool things you do there) then this is a must have.
Not only the planks' looks are nice and consistent, but even finding these trees in the first place is cool...
and especially because there are >13< different trees!
Most of them are also big and provide new food, such as coconuts or pine cones.
This mod sometimes even changes up the game's mechanics (but you can set them not to if you wish), such as fruit or similar falling to the ground after breaking them instead of immiedately coming to your inventory.
In summary, this mod is great for both building and survival (they provide food), especially since there are 13 different trees. And remember, that's a ton on top of what the game or other mods already provide! Remember to always explore other mods too.
Bonus: If you want even more trees (actually 12 more) that are interesting and have different looks compared to each other (contrary to this mod), then check out Wilhelmines Natural Biomes, which provides biomes with those. However remember to check out the biomes too, since they may or may not be your taste.
Note: This mod's rubber tree is compatible with technic, even if it isn't so visible in the optional dependencies.
Cool biomes, but I'm not so sure about the textures
This mod is great if you want a plethora of sophisticated biomes, with their own trees and food. Every wood even has different appearances compared to each other, on example birch is smooth and simple while jungle looks dirty and mossy.
However, I'm not sure if I like the textures. They're probably the signature of wilhelmines, but for me they look kind of blurry and funky.
I also encountered a bit of lag. On my "smart" phone the lag made it so blocks took a while to get into the inventory after breaking them. On my desktop computer I encountered that only 1 time while quickly testing out the mod.
So in summary, the mod adds a lot of nice biomes with their nice wood and food, but if you're thinking about getting this I suggest you thoroughly test it out in your world, since the textures have their own charm but may not be everyone's taste, and especially since removing a biome mod from a world is probably impossible, since else there will be lots of unknown nodes.
Must have
Finally a mod where Tenplus1 can't mess up the textures resolution! Ok anyways...
This mod is a must have, because it's awesome to hear natural sounds such as birds singing or water waving and really improves the gameplay experience. Without this, a world would feel more lifeless and not be as relaxing.
I recommend this for sure if you want to be more immersed in your world.
Gotta have this if you're techy
Even if you didn't try out the cool tools of technic, I highly recommend you check them out, since they include e.g. the drill which is basically an instaminer multitool with multi-block-dig modes! And the mining laser is
perfect for griefing your friend's basevery cool to use, you can just shoot forward and get blocks from afar, and dig deep!So if you must check out those, this mod is also a must-have. It allows you to get powerbanks mk1, mk2 and mk3, which have 400kEU and 1 charging slot for tools * the mk number (e.g. mk3 has 1200kEU and 3 slots), similarly to upgrading technic tools which also have mks. Then, you can charge them and have them on your journey! On example the mk3 can fully charge the mk3 mining drill 4 times, which is way better than crafting 4 mk3 drills.
In summary, you gotta have this mod, since technic tools are super nice, and this allows you to use them longer away from your generator. Even the bottom of the Technic Plus Beta description recommends it, and speaking of technic plus beta, it works there!
Unrealistic, but cool
This mod isn't realistic, but instead, it simply slows you down to a stable fall rate while allowing you to move horizontally faster. Still very exciting though if you wanna go down from e.g. a mountain, from where you can nicely glide down and far! You can even use it in caves, especially when using something like minetest game, where meeting endless caves is so easy.
TIP: You can actually stand at the edge of a block by crouching, and then use the glider to wear it. Now, you can jump up like a spaceman, so not only allowing you to elegantly drop down mountains, but climb them too!
Technic + addons with thought from a user's perspective
By that I mean that there are improvements here a user would normally think of when e.g. trying to cope with the fact that the original technic has no basic HV machines, such as furnaces. This mod adds those!
There are even digiline cables (they transport digiline signals and power), which would come into mind when trying to get info from a nuclear reactor, or anything in general without moving it (e.g. you may not wanna move a switching station from a good place to a luacontroller machine) Speaking of digilines, there are improvements in what machines can tell you; not only switching stations can provide lag it generates, but you can interact with even nuclear reactors, converters, quarries, etc., and I can tell about that because this has actual digilines documentation! I don't think the original technic has that. If you're not familiar with digilines, then I highly recommend you learn using them and the luacontroller, you can make anything with them using an easy language!
The mod also tells about its performance upgrades. I don't know how much faster this is than technic, but anybody would appreciate a speed boost.
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Awesome if you know what's up, but confusing for beginners
The mesecons lab is a great place when you want to see how to build something when you're not completely sure how. On exmple, I could learn what signals to send to technic devices to query information, or how to even create such a technic circuit in the first place.
However, right now the game can also be confusing. On example, it sometimes can say "This is (something)" without actually explaining what it does. On example, you can see a demonstration of using the IO expander from the digistuff mod, but it can't teach you what it is at all, since it just says that it is an IO expander. I'm not even sure what it does!
Really, it often expects you to look at and understand the actual build, including looking at the luacontroller if it's used, so really, it is made for people that already have experience in mesecons and luacontroller. I recommend focusing on expanding the exercises section, so it can also teach beginners the basics so they can also start learning from those builds.
Must have if you're a luacontroller enthusiast
Digilines literally allow sending variables in between luacontrollers, and even other things too. Mods such as technic or pipeworks support those, and allow for e.g. querying information, which you can then display on the lcd screen included with this mod!
Of course, you can even install many mods that built on top of digilines, such as digistuff or digiterms.
I also recommend you check out the mesecons lab, where you can see many builds with stuff like mesecons, technic, digistuff etc.. In every section, they use luacontrollers!
cool-retro-term in minetest!
Must have if you use screens and are a computer lunatic.
Finally Ctrl+Alt+F(whatever number that switches to virtual terminal TTY for you) in minetest! (Note: ctrl+alt+Fn is for switching teletypes on GNU-Linux)
But really, it's also a must have when you want the keyboard! It's very useful for e.g. sending commands.
Congrats! You're the 1000th person to repeat "Better than redstone"!
This mod is great, as you can see in other people's reviews, but I just wanted to highlight something awesome.
I recommend you check out the luacontroller.
It may seem complicated at first because it's programming, but in reality it's made in the easiest language ever (lua) and only requires a few functions to remember. The manual is so short, but it allows you to create anything! I recommend pairing it with digilines, which allow to send messages to not only other luacontrollers, but even other devices that support it!
They're very cool to create, and give 4 stamina buns/hearts
Not as OP and customizable as THE Ice Creams Mod, but still allows to craft great decoration blocks
Edit: I just found out that you can open the waffle thing while the waffle is being made and see that it gets more and more orange!
I really do have hands!
This is a great mod, not only is it really cool to pick up those chests, (they even visibly appear in front of you) but also it is really functional.
I even realised that you can move e.g. chests with ores from your ore storage to an automatic ore smelter! (If the image doesn't load then right click the text below and click on 'show image in new tab' or something like that if you're on desktop)
TIP: If you try to search for this mod in minetest and see 1 billion pages, then search up the technical name
instead.Note: The image here is a link to a propietary website. It claims it doesn't collect anything about you when you don't sign up, but it's still nonfree. Do you know about a free/libre image hosting website (similar to e.g. imgur or this one, postimages)?
Very very awesome in general, but lacks good documentation
This modpack is awesome, because it allows you to take your manual tasks like smelting to a whole other level. Not only it allows you to create actual energy factories like in real life (this mod generally is based off of real life btw) using generators from fuel-fired furnaces, geothermal things to even nuclear reactors, to power awesome machines, such as not only better furnaces, but even cool things like e.g. grinders, which allow you to basically double
it and give it to the next personore lumps by turning them into 2x dust that's smeltable to ingots! You can also connect those using pipeworks to make actual automatic machines that can do whatever you can imagine.The long process of going through the materials, machines and generally exploring the mod is also really fun, but not as fun as it could be. Why? Because let me introduce an issue of this mod:
It lacks good documentation
The manual doesn't guide you step by step at all, and makes you feel like it just talks about random unordered things. E.g. after introducing metal processing techniques (which really should be after telling you how to even create such machines in the first place), it already jumps into stuff about uranium enrichment, which is basically about the endgame freaking nuclear reactor. It doesn't even have anything about starting to build machines, really. Atleast while the manual is bad, you can still look at guides from other sources, such as games like the mesecons lab, which can show you some example technic builds and how it works. I heard you can also check out servers, because some offer technic tutorials. Really, the documentation still has some decent information about e.g. ores, but can't teach a beginner fluently at all.
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"Better than i3" Plus
If you use Unified Inventory, this is a must have
It adds buttons for faster crafting, such as some on top of the crafting area to distribute items in common patterns, one to clean up the grid by putting leftover items into your inventory, or everything else that you can see in the screenshot of this mod. Basically very welcome addons to make your crafting faster and easier.
Very useful, and also atmospheric must-have
Very simple, does what it said, and works very good. Very useful when you wanna e.g. explore a cave or when night happens. It even emits light from dropped items when using the item_physics mod (which also could be called an essential btw)
The only caveat is that it creates 'air' when you're in water but you can't breathe in it and it's annoying. Luckily though I reported it in a thread under here and it should get fixed.
Yea, advanced for sure
If you wanna start train-ing, this is it for sure.
First off, it has detailed documentation, such as fantastic manuals. The general one goes step-by-step through the basics of the mod. There's even one for the interlocking system, which is also probably sophisticated (I didn't even read it yet, just glanced over it). There's also a wiki, with information about things like additional mods, like the one described in the next line.
Then, there's the trains. The mod comes with none, which means you can pick the ones you want seperately. It may seem complicated at first when the description tells you to take a look at the train gallery, but in reality you can scroll down on this ContentDB page and look at the mods that use the advtrains mod. Then, you can see ones that add trains, such as DlxTrains, which is the one I use, since it offers nice features such as dynamic smoke (smoke appearing only when you're driving) and selectable liveries.
You probably want a place to drive the train around then, and this mod offers not just ordinary tracks, but also their variants, like the ones that are able to go up a slope, some that detect trains and activate mesecons, or whatever the loading, unloading, diamond crossing and others even are! Not only that though, you can also have sandstone and stone brick platforms, signal thingies, and a doctor who sonic screwdriver! (look at general manual after the first track images)
This mod's things (such as tracks) and vehicles in mods such as DlxTrains also have crafting recipes, which allows you to admire training even while you're in your non-creative singleplayer world. Then, you can drive around and have fun while also having a practical way of getting around!
--- review continues in comment ---
Pretty good, but has some drawbacks
This is a pretty good texture pack, I like how it changes the textures to a refreshed look replacing the old fashioned minetest textures.
I think stuff like the ores look good, having their own styles instead of being the same but with different colors. The stone also looks great, similar to minetest's default, but smoother.
The grass and dirt also make you thank this texture pack for making it look way better than before. The sand looks 'grainy' and lets you feel like you really can feel it under your feet.
Though, it also comes with some drawbacks.On example, the coal ore looks like the the black rock just got splattered on it. The copper block is, for some reason, a brick block, instead of how it's supposed to look like: a polished metal. The water should look a bit smoother, because its 'lines' are very visible everywhere on it.
The HUD got some questionable changes too, especially when you have the stamina mod. Why is the hunger bar turned into a line with lit up cells? Is that supposed to mark battery percentage or something? Imo it doesn't fit at all. The item bar's selection box looks yellow and poppy, which also doesn't look that great here.
So overall, it's a pretty good mod, which can refresh the look of the game a bit, but you will mind the drawbacks (one of them is always on the screen) Hopefully the mistakes get fixed.Edit (9th December 2024): And they (mostly) got fixed! Almost all of the above has been changed after me informing the maintainer about this. In general, I recommend to try this texture pack now, if you are tired of the look of vanilla MTG. However, it may not be for everybody, as it drastically changes the look of the game (especially wood).
OP Cream
This is awesome, not only you get craftable ice cream, which is a cool process, including putting cone shaped dough in the furnace, not just crafting, but you can also create and explore many types of it, including grape ice cream? is that even possible? and garlic ice cream, which is seriously just garlic.
But also these guys can fill up to 6 hearts/buns (buns in stamina mod), which is huge! Or maybe even higher? Because that amount is given by vanilla/chocolate and cookies ice cream, but I didn't even check out the others yet.
Also, I looked at your profile, Can202, and you've not updated your mods since 2022. Where did you go?
Edit: Can202 is alive! He's just at college and forgot about the game, but he plans to program a bit again. Look at 1st comment under this review.
Adds more variety to crafting
This is pretty cool, it adds 2 more ores: mithril and silver, which may go away in the dust when you get diamond tools, but in reaity, it is often used by mods such as ranged weapons or farming redo, adding more variety to crafting items, or even adding new ones.
Speaking of farming redo,
I'm not a ring (Lord of the Rings) enthusiast, so I'm not triggered by the mithril being worse than diamond, but atleastmithril can actually bestillused as one of the best tools for farming in that mod; the mithril scythe, really convenient for harvesting crops.Edit: I'm actually now TRIGGERED by mithril not being better than diamond, because it is way rarer (I got several stacks of diamonds but just a few mithril) and should be better because of that. Atleast it can be used as the best and biggest chest when using technic (at the time of writing this I just started using it, and I think you should check it out too, it's awesome).
In conclusion, this mod adds more variety, especially when you have mods using it for including it in crafting recipes. Though, if you don't have mods using it, it's still a cool step before you get diamonds and mese. Oh, and also you can craft interesting blocks from them.
Excellent gunz
This mod adds so many guns, you can even craft them so you can shoot up monsters in your survival world. You can even see the stats of each, like how much accuracy the gun has. There are even things slightly different than guns, like a freaking spear (javelin) or shurikens. But if you're planning to create a power gun, then note that you'll need a purple orb power thing which has no recipes, so I don't know how you can get it.
My only complaint about this mod is that it calls magazines 'clips' IT'S A MAGAZINEEEEE NOT A CLIP!!!
Nice mod with cool monsters
If you want to add monsters to your game, this mod is it. The mobs are really cool, with different death animations and different attack styles. On example, the mese dragon shoots at you and drops on the ground when killed, while the spider is small, fast and annoying, which is tricky to kill until you realise that you can just stand in one position and hit him easily since he just jumps on your head, and then see how he just 'pops' on death.
These mobs are also really important because Stone monster = renewable stone, coal and iron! Oerki = renewable obsidian and gold! Golem guy is renewable mese and diamonds!
Overall, must-have if you want monsters... or renewable ores ig. You can even disable some annoying ones in the settings.
Tip: You can check out each monster's description in the git repository of this mod.
// Note: old crazy review in comment.
Awesome mod for hunger
This is a great mod, it adds hunger mechanics and allows you to run! It also doesn't even need any setup or anything, it just works alright after enabling it in your world.
My only complaints are about the running exhaustion being set too high by default, though easily fixable in the settings, and starting/stopping running being a bit delayed. Though this is still an excellent mod!
A great little addition
It really is a nice touch. Makes your items drop on the ground in a really cool way compared to the default. This should've been a built-in feature in minetest!
Read this Tip: If you try to search up this mod in Minetest and unexpectedly see something like 30 pages of mods, try searching its technical name item_physics instead, and you'll get it.
Basically a *must* have
This is really awesome, it allows you to repair items without even needing to get their materials, like diamonds, which means it eliminates the need to constantly go to the deep mine, like the mending enchantment would in other games.
Speaking of repairing, it's a really cool process; you put your item on the anvil, which actually visibly places it, grab the hammer, and hit it a few times. During that, you can even see the bar appear on your HUD indicating the durability of the tool, or the particles coming out of the anvil. Then, you grab your item and you're ready. No boring menus or anything, but just a really nice and interactive process!
And guess what? You can already get the anvil, just for 7 steel ingots, instead of the approach other games take for tons of steel blocks. The hammer is similar; 6 ingots and a stick.
Overall, it's a really good mod, really functional and nice, with improvements compared to minecraft-like anvils (like in voxelibre/mineclone2).
Edit: Tip: You can even repair a hammer using a hammer, which basically makes them last forever, because e.g. you can use almost broken hammer 1 to repair the similar hammer 2 and then use hammer 2 to repair hammer 1 and you have almost full durability on them again! You can also disable that in the settings, if you feel like it is too cheaty.
Greatly expands exploration (in terms of food)
It's awesome to have so many plants and foods to check out, some even expensive and sophisticated like the burger.
I understand the anger of others talking about it being useless because it just adds more ways to 'fill up a hunger bar'. Though, in my opinion, this adds a lot of variety and makes food making more interesting (however if you found your best food, everything else becomes useless).
Though there are still some problems, like some textures being inconsistently high res (however it's not as bad as the Ethereal), like the vanilla flan, or some items not having many uses, like parsley. There's also a lack of documentation, which can make obtaining some items tricky (you can even see my thread here with the title 'How to get hemp?'). Lastly, there aren't mese and diamond hoes, you can't hold left click with them to continuosly hoe ground, and mithril scythe drops items on ground instead of putting them in the inventory. The Scythes and Sickles mod may be helpful if you don't like that, but I didn't fully check it out yet.
But overall, this is a pretty decent mod if you want a big variety of foods added to your game.
Basically the Ultra Cub
I'm calling it that because it's basically a better super cub; it has flaps, co-pilot and even a compass that you can set to point to any location!
So, if you're aiming to get a good craftable non-hidro plane, this is it.
Just wanted to say
that more specifically I'm pretty sure it's the PA-18 (just fun fact)
Anyways this is a great mod I love it
Pretty much a must have, if you live by the sea (like me)
This fishing boat is great, but not just for fishing. It can store a lot of items (Inventory size is 5x10), making it easy to wander around and collect a lot of items. Speaking of easy, it's not difficult at all to get this going to speeds comparable to the motorboat by APercy, even while being that big. It also has a realistic feel, with bouyancy (or whatever it's called, bouncing on the water) and realistic movement (also similarly to the motorboat). You can choose to control it and not only notice the wooden wheel (or whatever) actually moving, but also a few items appearing on your HUD, like the throttle with... A snail and a turtle! And of course, you can walk around on it and even go with a few friends. If you go too crazy on it, then don't worry if it breaks slightly, because it's easily repearable with just several steel ingots (which you probably have tons of already after going mining enough to get a mese block for crafting).
In conclusion, I think it's really great for quickly wandering around the sea, which is even possible with many friends. Though, if you only want to casually go speeding to places without worrying about inventory space or more than 1 friend, then I recommend the motorboat instead, and especially when you're on shallow waters (the fishing one is big) or if you are just starting out (I think it can't break?). However, this fishing boat will probably be able to amaze you too.
After using ordinary boats, this is a breath of fresh air
Note: I'm not a shipsandboatsorwaterverman, so I'm also not sure if this mod is super realistic and designed as an actual ship simulator (and I'm not triggered by it not being super realistic, if it really isn't). The motorboat from this mod is just awesome.
Of course, it can go decently fast, using biofuel which is always easy to obtain (if confused on how to put some into it, then take the seat and punch the boat with biofuel). Though, it also makes you truly feel like a captain, featuring realisticly slow turning/movement/acceleration and floating/slightly bouncing (or whatever you would call it) on the water. It also gives slight attention to detail, like the engine motor thing rotating (you can even look backwards to see how much you've rotated it).
Literally my only complaint, which is minor, is that when you right click on the boat to get off, you don't get put on top of it, but instead, into the water. Anyways, I see why this mod wasn't updated for like 2 years (as of may 30th 2024). It's because it's still great!
June 2 2024 edit: That just got fixed! Now, you get on top of the boat when getting out of it.
Cool mod, but memory leak nuke bound
It seems pretty awesome at first, the animals seem cool with nice animations, you get great items like fried eggs.
But when I was playing this game on my singleplayer and went into a cave, suddenly everything became unresponsive. Guess what? It was this mod consuming HUGE amounts of memory in seconds, usage went from about 1 GB to 15! There's no way I can play this with such a disasterous bug!
Note: This may seem like a bug report, but I don't wanna go create an account on the propietary, microsoft controlled github, and someone already reported it.