Top 2.4% reviewer
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Has received 251327 downloads across all packages.
Rent an apartment with your own chests and furnaces close to spawn
Basic Houses
Simple random houses spawning in small groups on the map
A bell that sounds each hour - like a historic bell in a church or town hall
Chest Tools
Shared locked chests with bag support and quick inventory access
Build medieval cottages with furniture, window shutters and roofs, thresh your wheat, repair your tools.
Gates (wider)
Wide gates for easy walking through and keeping cattle inside
Handle Schematics
A library to make creating and placing saved areas easier.
Ingame Editor for Yourland Speak up mod
Edit ingame what NPCs say without server restart
Locked Travelnet
Protect travelnet stations with locks and/or passwords
Shared chests, doors, furnaces and signs - with keys
Easy interface (GUI) for the areas/advanced_areas protection mod
More Snow
snow and wool for stairs - nicer winter landscape and snow-covered roofs
NPC you can talk to (in combination with yl_speak_up)
Adds actual NPCs to yl_speak_up
Add colored plaster coats to nodes
Exchange/replace nodes with one click.
Static compass
Compass block that can be placed and shows you where north is.
Configurable mobs/NPC which can trade for you.
Explore the world and find villages of diffrent types. Buy a house in a village and settle down.
Rotating sails and rotor blades for classic and modern windmills.
connected nodes like xpanes, xfences, walls
Yourland Speak up
NPCs deliver speeches
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Perhaps of some use to PvP-Servers - Don't use on building servers!
This is one of the very few mods I strongly disapprove of.
Even under the best of circumstances - say, a whitelisted cooperative server - it'd still be littering if players don't spend the time to walk to a place where their floating stuff won't annoy others who want to continue building there - without having to pick up all that stuff that's in the way first. And if players have to walk away first, they can as well dump the needed build items into a chest. Doesn't even have to be a locked chest if it's a whitelisted cooperative server.
On a normal server, that is not whitelisted and where everyone can join, this mod is IMHO very disrespectful of players. Beeing able to log off when needed is a primary right of players. Having to hide logout positions is bad. Perhaps PvP-servers can profit to some degree...
There's also no need to limit items this way. It's not through global rarity that items are limited - it's the time players invest to gather them.
Classical, good mod
Contains many diffrent colored blocks that allow you more variety in building.
Good, but needs pipeworks unless you want to loose your mind
In general this is a fun and entertaining mod that adds ways to process food and create tasty drinks. The barrels are very decorative.
It took quite a lot of fun out of wine production when the barrels started requiring water. Doing that per hand is...not fun. You need pipeworks for the water supply and a lot of standing next to the barrels in order to get more than a drink now and then. In that, it's more a technic-like mod than a farming one.
The drinks are shared and enjoyed by many players on at least one server.
Decorative and useful
Nice variety of basic furniture. Probably a bit too many variants of tables. The diffrent wooden materials are great and allow for nice decoration.
Very useful for selling and buying
As CalebJ already wrote: The lag reduction is noticeable. The smartshops work very well and offer everything sellers may wish for.
Works very well
Works very well since quite some time for the YourLand server.
Emotes are also forwarded.
Very suitable for medieval servers
Useful for medieval servers and works very well.
Wish for the future: Allowing to add shields with four diffrent textures in the four corners would be great and allow even more flexibility.
All you may need about roads
This mod has been used for a long time on the VanessaE Survival server. It is very useful for large road infrastructure, and builders like it for connecting their buildings.
Works very well: Big moving gates
You can see them in action on the YourLand server. Huge city gates as well as smaller ones can be built with this system and work very convincingly.
But beware: When you build your first one, make sure to build it in an enclosed room. The gate may start wandering off in unexpected directions. It takes a bit of experimenting and practice to get them going the right way. Make sure it can't wander off into the sunset :-)
Fun on servers
It's great when you see someone use confetti. Great for all kinds of celebrations! Players definitely like it.
Small, yet contains all the basic furniture and very decorative
This mod is a classic and has been around for quite a while by now. The furniture it adds is still very useful and decorative. It's also not too specific so that you can use it in a variety of situations without it looking out of place. And of course - here you get a water toilet! Very important thing for most builds.
The chair and armchair are very comftable for sitting on them as well (even if you just pretend to sit on them without using any extra functionality).
The basic needs of furniture are covered with this mod. It's not as big as homedecor but still very useful.
Fascilitates rail network planning
It's easier to plan and maintain your lines if you can have carts of diffrent color. It's a nice and useful mod.
Makes the oceans more alive
Nice looking models that add life to the oceans. I love the jellyfish model in particular. The turtle is great as well! Sharks and crocodiles are often less welcome in your vicinity...
Choose your own time
Finally getting rid of the night! Though some strange players may even choose night over day sometimes...
Works very well on servers.
Good - Not only for castles
The wooden crosspiece may seem like a small addon - yet I've seen many great builders use that part in particular to their advantage in a lot of diffrent situations.
The tapestries as such are great decoration as well.
Great for servers
Adds fun to the game by showing some progress. Levels are also very intresting for players on multiplayer servers. Plus the server owner can require a certain level for things players may want (more areas, special tools, privs, ..).
Downside is that players may be inclined to do things just to get to the next level.
A classic for medieval builds
If you plan to build something medieval or set up a medievalish server, this mod is very well suited. It adds a lot of blocks that you will need.
Makes builders happy
The arcs are great blocks that allow to build impressive structures.
In combination with the doors they're even more decorative.
Only downside is that the doors - due to their form - technicly couldn't open in some ways. Luckily they work regardless of such annoying things as RL physics.
Battling monsters? Boring. Battle against plants!
Not that they move around - but they spread. Combating weed growth is a serious issue! Makes the game feel more realistic. If weed took over an area, it's not easy to pass through (best walk around), and clearing the area is not trivial.
You can see them in action on the Tunnelers' Abyss server.
Tasty and decorative
This mod is installed and used on the Your Land server. It's great to share an ice cream now and then with fellow players. They're also pretty decorative for shops/cafes.
Skyblock with islands and great papyrus root
There have been servers based on this mod/game running for some time. They were a lot of fun.
You start with only a few indigrents: A couple of papyurs root (the future base of your builds!), two dirt blocks, two saplings and enough cobble to get a furnace and later a cobble generator running.
The papyrus root will make more papyrus grow, which then can be crafted into further roots and dirt. Thus your basic materials are provided and you can grow your island. Wood comes from the saplings.
It probably takes a bit too long at the beginning until things grow. That's easiser on a server where you can pass the time waiting with exploring other peoples' build. In singleplayer, you can try to learn how the game works so that you don't waste valuable ressources.
Biomes in the deep
Adds decorative stone types and other nice decorations (growing plants, crystals etc) to your underground. It feels like biomes in the deep. No more boring stone! And the new stone types can all be compressed for easier carrying and having more decorative building material.
If you're afraid of the lava problem some people here commented about, then best start with this mod in a new world. That's usually best anyway when introducing a mod that does massive changes to mapgen.
Advanced, great protection mod
Some players sometimes claim that the areas mod isn't easy enough to use for beginners. I hope my markers mod comes to their aid.
What you get in return is a very well-working, reliable mod that can protect your buildings and landscape according to your needs - no need to plaster it with ugly protection signs/blocks or to stick to mapblock boundaries or to get unprotectable parts of the map. It just works nice and smoothly.
IMHO a must-have for a server. Even if you combine it with other mods for beginners.
Decorative light sources for diffrent needs
Adds very decorative light sources for your buildings' needs.
Definitely recommended.
Servers need it. Very helpful in singleplayer - but be careful
On servers, you will often need this mod to fix areas and to save and restore buildings of your players. It's an essential tool for server maintenance.
In singleplayer, it can be very helpful for similar things and for laying the base for a new building project - or for trying out diffrent materials quickly. And for saving and restoring your builds. Best practice using WorldEdit in a test world where it doesn't matter when you misunderstood the meaning of a command.
Just don't expect WorldEdit alone to create great buildings. It can be a tool that fascilitates building by saving time when doing repetitive things like building a wall. It's still your job to make that wall actually look good by adding and taking away parts so that it becomes an intresting wall.
Automatize it all - great mod!
This mod adds a new layer of gameplay. After having mined your first ores, you can start building up your machine park. That takes quite some time, experiments and learning. In the end, you can build huge factories that automaticly produce almost anything. But it's a long way to get there.
For me, the pleasure (as with all building) lies in the path there. A lot of other players also enjoy operating their machines for a long time and engaging in mass trading. Technic was and is a mod loved by many.
If you like machines and technic, then this mod most likely is for you and deserves at least one world. There are other similar mods which achieve similar things diffrently and which may be worth a look as well (like TechAge, basic_machines etc.). Just give them all their own worlds and enjoy the variety :-)
If you have trouble getting started, join a server which runs the mod. They usually come with tutorials built for new players.
Beautiful huge caves with lots of decorative things glowing in the dark
The beautiful caves known from the normal caverealms mod exist here as well. It's a joy to explore them, to look up in one of the huge caves and watch the "sky" with all those sparkling parts!
Server owners report that this mod is more lightweight than the normal caverealms mod.
This mod can save the lives of a lot of the wild animals on your server! Without it, "roadkill" alongside the train lines may easily accumulate.
Go install this mod and keep wildlife safe! Also reduces cleaning costs along train track lines.
Not only great for bridges
I've seen great and impressive bridges having been built with this mod on servers like Pandorabox. They can also be used to construct space ships and space stations - and whatever you can imagine.
Useful and versatile.
Definitely decorative.
Only drawback is that they're sometimes a bit big. An additional smaller variant would be nice.
Explore space - take your house (ship :-)) with you!
Allows for very intresting space exploration. Trying to fit the jump engine and everything necessary into a small space in order to get a faster small ship is a welcome challenge. And when you're flying around and visiting a good mining spot on the moon or on an asteroid, you might get company by other jumpdrive powered ships by other players.
Assembly of your first ship is also a fun challgenge.
But as someone already mentionned in another review: There is some danger of getting boring cubic ships. But then that can't be helped - not all static houses are great either.
I had great fun building a space station with diffrent ships on the Pandorabox server.
Particulary great for (semi-regular) events
The Xanandu server has/had a sealed-off area which would sometimes be filled with these lucky blocks and then opened to players. It was always a great fun to run through and look what the next lucky block might hold!
But beware: Not all contain useful things. Some may also seriously dammage your health or even kill you. But that's the balance for all the gifts from the lucky blocks.
Definitely fun, especially on multiplayer.
Wait! Is that just a chest? Or not? Fun mod
Mimes are a severe danger to new players who often fall victim to them. Later in game, when your armour is better and you're more experienced, you'll still encounter mimes - and some will put a smile on your face when they fail to cloak perfectly - and thus look funny :-) After a while, every unlocked chest seen in the wild becomes highly suspicious of beeing a mime. They also try to hunt animals and often succeed in doing so.
Mimes will try to mimic almost anything they can, including NPC and other large and small mobs. Sometimes they cloak as plants.
Be prepared to realize that that misplaced block over there on the road wasn't your error - it's just a mime ,-)
First strange, then very welcome sight
The flower and biome cow may look a bit strange when you encounter the first one in your world. But once you see how they plant flowers you'll love them and enjoy future encounters :-)
Want company? Here it comes!
The NPC from this mod can be tamed and even made to get children when fed with bread. Tamed ones can be ordered to wait somewhere, follow their owner or walk around randomly.
Amazing mod. Allows for great exploratory tours
The blimp is a well-known and valued method of travelling together on the YourLand server. Several people will join the ride. It's amazing that all these players can move around on the blimp - even while in flight!
Builders love them
Item frames (and, to a lesser degree pedestrals) are used in many advanced builds. Apart from normal decorative purposes, they sometimes allow for very intresting and unexpected decorative effects. If you've got builders around, offer them item frames.
Extremly hardcore, intresting mobs
Expect to die. These mobs are very strong and plentiful. Even when working together with other players, survival is hard to achieve.
And when you think you're safe, the next strange (and intresting!) creature will show up and try to kill you.
Very intresting mobs.
Simple and practical
Allows you to start farming before having to start some serious mining. Very useful in games where iron is hard to get.
Fierce fighters
Balrogs are extremly strong and cause many deaths amongst players. They offer a worthy challenge for those who love fighting, often in a team of two or more players.
Make sure not to let them loose near anything valuable! Their domain are deep, deep caves, not the surface of the world.
Cute & a classic - recommended
Hah! There it is. This is a classical MineTest monster - and IMHO very cute.
Ought to be resident on all servers that have monsters.
Simple idea, great on servers
Players did make good use of these hiking signs on the Tunnelers' Abyss server. Whole networks of paths were created for the community. It is very enjoyable to follow them.
The hiking signs motivate path/road building.
Definitely a recommendation.
Very easy to use and works well
I've played on servers in the past which used the Land Rush mod.
Like all mods that work with a fixed size of protection (i.e. protector mod), it's not always optimal. Protecting roads is a bit challenging.
Other than that, the mod is very easy to use and understand: Walk to an unprotected mapblock, place your block - and it's yours!
It's always protected alongside mapblock borders, so you need not fear that any parts of your map cannot be protected by anyone.
For those who love medieval houses or farms
If you want to build timber framed houses or farmes, this is a very good mod. Imitating the frames with full blocks is much more tricky and less satisfying. With this mod, you can build in a more realistic size.
Limited fly priv for builders
At first I wasn't aware what this mod does. Apart from adding cranes which may be a worthy decoration on their own in some places, it allows players to fly withhin the range of the tower crane. This makes building a lot easier without having to hand out fly privs to all players. Very useful mod!
Simple mod that adds a great building material
Allows to build houses and other things in decorative colors that make them look more realistic and impressive. Particulary great in combination with the windows and doors from homedecor.
Simple protection system with limits
This is very simple: Craft and place a block, and your area is protected. Most players can understand and use that easily. Drawbacks are that you may need a lot of these protection blocks - in places given by the mod and not by the demands of your building - and that there may be places on your server where nobody can protect the land due to overlapping protection. Use this if you run a server with inexperienced players and/or players who don't plan anything too complex.
More than just stairs - makes builders happy
Adds a lot of useful shapes (diffrent stairs, slabs, panels, ..) and some decorative blocks which carry building to a new level. Excellent and very useful mod. Allows to build thinner walls, statues etc. and can be an indigrent in quite a lot of intresting, creative structures.
Basic, decorative furniture
Adds decorative nodes that fit well together regarding their textures. An alternative if you can't afford full homedecor.
Must-have for builders - make your homes nicer!
This mod adds a lot of blocks that make your house and garden a lot nicer. It includes a complete bathroom set - no need to use a stair as a toilet anymore!, big fridges to keep your food (and ores :-)) cold, chairs, tables, sofas, TVs and a huge amount of other decorations, down to a wall calendar.
The doors alone are great already and make your house look much better than the boring standard wooden door. Fences and tables can be used in diffrent ways. Realistic shingles make your roofs stand out and shine. There's even a fish tank can be illuminated! And the garden benches make your parks and roads much more inviting.
The only drawbacks may be that some of the blocks are rather specialized and are not as universally usable as e.g. a wooden stair - and that there are a lot of blocks included.
I've seen many players who immensely enjoyed making their homes nice with this modpack. For me, personally, if a server doesn't have this mod installed then there's something important missing.