Top 3.1% reviewer
Only 27 users have written more helpful reviews.
Has received 56546 downloads across all packages.
3D Armor Light
Wielded Light for 3d_armor
Another Spawneggs Mod
Spawneggs for adding entities to game.
Chat Log
Save chat history.
Remove/Replace unknown entities, nodes, & items.
Equipment Examiner
A node that will examine the specs of equipment.
Equipment Wear
Allows tool & equipment wear to be disabled.
Enhances default glass to make it colorable.
Hide Name
Hide nametag from view.
Horses (whinny)
Rideable horses.
A fun alternative mode of transport.
Lighted Helmets
Light-emitting helmets.
List Items Chat Command
Chat command that lists registered items & entities.
Node Meta Manipulation
Manage node meta data
Personal Bookmarks
Allows players to create a limited number of personal bookmarks to where they can teleport.
Server Shops
Shops intended to be set up by server administrators.
Simple Models
Very simple models.
A skeleton mob.
Slingshots that can throw inventory items as ammunition.
An explosive nuisance.
A set of free sounds & API.
Tasks Framework
Framework for adding tasks & quests.
A wardrobe that can be used to register & set new player skins.
Wardrobe Outfits
Some select skins for the wardrobe.
Whiter List
Restrict server access to only whitelisted players
World Data Manager Library
A library for managing data files in the world directory.
Maintained Packages
This user is also a maintainer of the following packages
Quest Framework
TeTpaAkaSimple framework to define quests.
Rainbow Ore
KingSmartyRainbow materials & equipment.
This inventory embodies the idea of keep-it-simple-stupid. It does one thing & does it well, while maintaining a simple user interface. Adding new tabs is easy.
If you want to save some tab space, or want to add access from
to any formspec, check out the sfinv_buttons mod.Grade A+
So glad this mod has made its way to ContentDB. APercy's additions have improved the helicopter's usability & aesthitics, in addition to adding some features such as fuel consumption. The model is beautiful & includes a fuel gauge. It is also colorable using some of the basic dyes.
Worked on 5.4
Really cool & tough mob. Don't know if I would attempt fighting this thing on a survival server.
The current version (0.4.0) officially only supports up to Minetest 5.1. But I was able to run it on 5.4 with just a few warning messages. Didn't seem to have any other problems.
Once Again, Simplicity Rules
Me: "I wish there were a compass that points North."
kestral: "Stop wishing."
This is not an item that is crafted. It is a setting that places a compass & clock on the screen. Sometimes it's nice to have a feature that doesn't occupy an inventory slot. The compass does not have any special features, other than simply displaying the player's facing direction. If all you are looking for is getting yourself oriented without enabling debugging or displaying the in-game time, this mod will do the job.
I Just Like 'Em
They have a very nice looking model, & compatibility with
gives them a nice variance in colors. It supports protection mods too, so other players can't leave your areas in the dark.Most of all, they make my helipad look great!
'Nuff Said
My poor children use to fall & die all the time, losing their inventories in the process. And being so young, they didn't know how to get back to find their bones. This made the game much more playable & fun for them. Simply add this mod to your game & don't worry about falling to your death anymore.
Just Visiting the Folks
I looked for an NPC mod that I really liked for a while. What I like about folks is the simplicity & customizations. NPCs can be set to use any player skin & configured to "say" different phrases. I think it has a lot of potential & could probably benefit from being able to set custom actions when interacting with NPCs.
I have come across one bug where changes to an NPC are reverted after the server is restarted. But it only occurs on the most recently created one. So as long as you create at least one more NPC, & delete it before restart, the bug can be avoided. The author seems to be active, so I am sure the bug will get fixed eventually.
Nom nom!
Very fun to make waffles & toast. It is a very well thought out idea & unique in the way food is made. Feels like Saturday morning breakfast. The author lists some bugs in the description. Which may be expected as the way the waffle iron works seems to be a bit complex. But I haven't had any issues with the mod so far.
It Does It
Not much to be said. A simple mod that does exactly what it is meant to do. Open the trash can or dumpster, place your unwanted items in, & empty the trash to delete them permanently.
Vroom Vroom!
These motorbikes are awesome! One of the best vehicles I have used in-game. Now if only I could get Minetest to stop stuttering while attached to entities.
Love to Run
Allows running & supports stamina & hudbars. The amound of stamina drained by running can be changed in configuration.
Much Needed Visuals
These HUD visuals are definitely needed.
Good Exercise
More people need to get out of their cars & onto a bike. Exercise strengthens the body & mind.
Very Diverse
Adds some much needed aesthetics & plenty of items & nodes. Gives worlds a more diverse feel.
Probably Provides the Most Diverse Number of Player Skins
Because this mod downloads skins directly from Addis Open MT-Skin Database, it (from what I can tell) provides more skins than any other skin mod & makes adding new skins easy.
So Many Colors
I love the
in more recent releases & I wish more mods supported coloring with unifieddyes. It is actually quite easy to add support.Beautiful
Amazingly beautiful & creative. I've only tested it a bit on some local games, but it seems very well done. The dragons are enormous.
Simple & Fun
Adds some simple, great aesthetic.
Is there even a comparable mod?
Armor is an excellent enhancement to any survival game. I don't know of any other mod that can be compared to this.
Want 3d_armor Support
If this mod gains 3d_armor support, I will probably abandon wlight as it is much more optimized, suppors node
attribute, & dropped items emit light.I put in a PR for 3d_armor support. <-- deprecated now
Edit: I like that I can now create my own custom callbacks.
Edit: 3d_armor support via library: 3d_armor_light
Nice Idea
I love this idea. It definitely needs some work though. Animation updates are often very delayed.
More Mods Should Use This
This is a great bridge between
& any mod. More mods should add support for it.Mods that I am aware that use it:
Edit: Keep up the good work Wuzzy!!!
My Favorite Protection Mod
This makes setting up protected areas for players, especially young ones, very simple. This is my favorite protection mod of all that I have tried.
Excellent Addition to a Commerce Environment
I think this is a great mod & adds greatly to server commerce environments. It is essentially storage for money (minegeld notes from currency mod). The wire transfer terminal is an excellent tool as well that allows players to transfer money directly from their account to that of another player.
For reference, the original ATM mod is here: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=15029