Top 1.0% reviewer
Only 9 users have written more helpful reviews.
Air Game
Legendary Air Game
Areas Interlocking Patch
make advtrains interlocking priv respect areas
c64 16px
c64 styled texture pack
Farlands Reloaded
lightweight game to explore and create
Interior Decor
adds some decor items with limited functionality
liquid restriction
restricts liquid use to a privilege
Racing game, with procedurally generated tracks
allows muting and shadow muting players
tool tweaks
simple adjustments to mtg tools
UFO Ship
adds a ufo for flying around in
WorldEdit Maze Generator
A maze generator
Maintained Packages
This user is also a maintainer of the following packages
Pick Axe Tweaks
mt-modsAdds the ability for pick axes to place light nodes on right click
mt-modsAdds a wrench to pick up nodes with inventories, such as chests, and transport them to another location.
simply amazing
Im in shock that this was put all put together in time for the game jam, this feels like a well thought out and refined game. tons of fun, great ux, playabilty all come together to make the full package. if i was to criticize one thing, it would be the inventory not having a back button on screens, requiring me to close and reopen them
waste of time
do i really need to say more? gameplay here is lacking, and from the games name, etc, it seems to be more of a poor joke than anything
combination of minor dislikes
wasnt really sure to put as the title for this review, but selected combination of minor dislikes this that sums up my thoughts. from things such as the gameplay, to the artwork, it feels really disconnected and not put to together that well. to take an expression, it feels like a house was built to the shape houses typically are, but the outside and inside where painted a hodge podge of colors
fun game
fair disclosure, the first time i played this it gave me a headache.
I think this game is pretty fun, because while at its core, its a simple puzzle game, the multiple different pieces you have to move to reach the next level in some cases is pretty thought provoking. additionally, for a jam game, there is a pretty good level of immersion/focus on detail, with things like the fade in that you almost would miss if your not paying attention
interesting and mind bending game
pretty cool game, was interesting trying to figure it out. I think its a shame the author wasnt able to give it more polish before finish it off. my favorite bug was the fire burning out the floor in one of the rooms after a while, which led to the void
simple, but short
playing this game was interesting. while it was quite simple, it was quite informative with nice chat prompts and a helper that followed you around. perhaps more immersion could have come from interacting with the bot that follows you around, as it didnt really seem to do much. also, the content was rather short, finishing it off in 10 minutes, with nothing to really do after that.
integration that should have been done upstream
this modpack is basically just a bunch of mods that were forked to make work on hades revisted game rather than contributing to upstream. However to its benifit is uses different names than its upstream counterparts so that dependency resolution does not have to resort to api checking or item checking. as of writing one of these mods (basic_materials) has added support for hades revisted directly which may be interesting which gets used down the line
painful and boring
first things first, a common community rant that is true, the screwdriver sucks and is a pain to use. while you can sort of get used to it, it never really makes sense and better options like rhotator exist. when comparing this to alter a game that has more solid colored textures, it actually makes more sense than this games mash of textures from difference sources. additionally i get more fun and challanged by alter rather than this game
great entertainment
this game is pretty interesting in limiting itself to a singleplayer UI, and initial setup phase that requires a restart, etc. however despite all of that i think it was well architected that the end user should not need to care/feel any pain from the slightly longer setup process. this game does have some downsides such as not being able to run on top of the train cars, etc. however overall it is a pretty small but fun game.
great game
I honestly had a lot of fun playing this. for a game jam having AI carts to race against that actually are pretty decent is pretty impressive. this is not to say that the game is without issues, it has some bugs here and there, and the user experience could be improved in places. overall tho a fun game to play and keep myself entertained
great entertainment
ill be honest, looking at the screenshot for this game and initially opening it, i thought, man, this game is really lackluster and simple looking. i didnt know how wrong i could be. It does have a simple look and bare bones UI (formspecs), but it manages to be a very interesting and challanging puzzle game that can keep you entertained for a while. the one suggestion i would have to improve it is to allow restarting a level, rather than restarting the whole game.
interesting concept
This package leaves me with conflicted view. To start off with, looking at the positives it is a interesting game concept, something different not seen/really done with the minetest engine. the concept of what the game could be is really interesting. onto the cons, from a playability standpoint it simply is just placing some elements and increasing a counter, and after a while it gets boring. additionally you are limited to placing things branching off of existing areas rather than placing things anywhere on the map. in spite of this i think that the game could be a great thing if some of the wanted contributions for features e implemented and could potentionally give the game a point. on the topic of contributions wanted it seems the author wants to keep going with there very odd dreampt up license of which there is a osi thread asking it to be approved which appears to lead nowhere as well as potentially suggesting that git hosting sites forks might not be allowed (not a lawyer disclaimer here). regardless contributing to this code base while something that would be fun to do, seems like something that is probably best to be avoided.
great addition to morelights(great mod)
I always thought morelights should have a option for dimmable lights (or turning them off) however i understood why it did not as the only way to do it using the engine would be using more node defs. as a seperate mod this allows users to make the choice if they wish to waste more node defs or not to have nice features
great game
very fun game to play. while it may not be multiplayer in the sense that you can play with/against other players, you can compete to see who gets the highest score amoungst friends
useful for adding additional behaviors to mobkit as well as some default items
inconsistent art style
interesting mobs with different attack styles even though there are based on mobs redo, however the clashing art styles makes me not recommend this mod
Questionable content
i mostly agree with lone wolfs review that this mod contains questionable content, as well as the author has a history of creating or intending to create questionable content. on the plus side this mod does have a nice variety of mobs based on mobkit which is way better than mobs redo. however the texture style does not really mesh well with mtg
Nice basic mobs
adds simple animal life you would expect in a basic world, while being very performant
nice, but not perfect
Edit: this mod has now been updated to be game agnostic by yours truely.
Old Review: this mod provides some basic materials as the name states, which are useful and other mods can build upon. however the downsides are this depends on default from mtg, limiting it to that game, as well as some of the art styles clash within the items
great simple mod
as the title says, this is a great simple mod for adding a few nice features. however i will say that if you install moreblocks you should disable the crafting bench from this mod so that you dont have duplicate/wasted node defs
great resource
while this repo may not be the most useful mod, i think that is a great resource (that hopefully will continue to grow) for mod and game devolpers
great resource
useful mod at the very least for compiling a list of sounds currently in use within minetest
this mod is rather pointless when you compare to worldedit as it is much more featured and supported [EDIT}: as pointed out in the response, this mod is more useful for survival then worldedit, however it is up to user to decided for survival play if this is to op or not
nice mod
well built mod based on top of mobkit, worse i can say is some of the mob spawning rates seems to be to high by default, but that depends from person to person
useful devolvement tool
While i dont find this tool essential to devolpement, I find it very useful to inspect properties of nodes when they are generated through a api, etc to exam the end product and make sure it is what i want it to be. It is also a plus that this is game agnostic as it allows the user to use it in any project they please.
almost a requirement for working with schematics
this tool makes ones life way easier when creating schematics (outside of small lua defined ones). it also is game agnostic which is a plus allowing users to use it in any project they may be working on.
some thoughts
Edited/updated review:
to address the orginal review. yes, the mod was using textures that it did not have the rights to. for more on that, read section 4 of
In my orginal review, i stated "this mod used to be great when it included just the baked clay nodes, for a simple color pallete for pixel artists as well as for accenting builds with a non pattern node" and i still roughly agree with that, personally, i think the "new" nodes dont match the style of the existing ones well, with the "orginal" clay nodes being rather plain and the new ones being rather flashy. addtionally, while it is a minor gripe, and probably not easily fixable with backwards compat, this mod not using hardware coloring for the basic clay nodes causes a waste in node defs, and textures sent. while the node count here is minor, multiple mods doing this add up over time to make a bigger issue. however, as i stated previously, this probably isnt fixable.....easily at least in a backwards compat way, because while you can use an lbm to convert old nodes to the new hardware colored ones, dealing with other mods that (optionally) require this one for crafting recipes would break.
Orginal title:
license issues
Orginal text:
this mod contains modified minecraft textures which the legality of the license is questionable. this mod used to be great when it included just the baked clay nodes, for a simple color pallete for pixel artists as well as for accenting builds with a non pattern node
looks much better
basically what the title says, it makes the landscape look much nicer
conflicting design
looking at this mod, a lot of the graphic assets do not seem to match each other, and in some cases even conflict with each other. however that said, this mod does aim to at least make mtg farming somewhat better as it has its own faults
great mod
while many shapes are not necassary to make epic builds, having a variety of shapes does make for some interesting build possibilities. i do wish however that moreblocks supported world aligned nodes, and also that it did not depend on default so that it could be used with other games
very unstable
This package appears to still be in devolpement, yet has breaking changes a lot of the time, hence why the negative review. that said, it is a very interesting game, and devolpement looks promising, but i can not recommend it to others due to stability
devolvement being pushed as stable
currently i can not recommend this game, as it orginally was a devolpement branch of mineclone2 and it still seems to be mostly that. also, haveing this as a public game by itself leads to confusion of mineclone2 vs mineclone5, infering that mineclone5 is the better of two. Over time however, maybe the devolpers of this package can prove me wrong and seperate it from under the wing of mineclone2
mixed feelings
its honestly hard togive this game a up or down review, because it is in the middle. I believe it to be a good mtg+mods for newcomers, however after you have been arround a while it may be better to run mtg+your own selection of mods.
some negatives of this game it uses upstream technic, which is slow in terms of devolpement, and laggy, while the mt-mods fork is showing great signs. it runs the latest unified inventory which reguires 5.4+ clients (latest as of writing), and this makes it a negative for servers wanting to support older version of minetest. registers a sheer ton of nodes, not leaving much room for players to add other mods on top of it
insanely useful
this is a very useful mod for being able to configure the number of hotbar slots you have
outlived it is usefulness
this mod used to be great, the standard for mob frameworks a while back, however it has come to a point where it provides unnesscary overhead and lag while heavily limiting mod creators control over the mobs that they create. frankly the minetest lua api makes it easy enough to create a mob on bare metal with no overhead, or you can use mobkit, which still lets you retain nearly completely and low overhead as well as provides you with some sample behavior functions you can use
Used to be good
this mod used to be great, but with the addition of categorys it makes the UI look even more terrible, not to mention it could have just used search filters based on minetest group system. This mod now uses formspec v4 which requires the server and the client to run 5.4.x or greater, not even keeping compat for latest+one version behind. this would be understandable perhaps if it used new features like model[] which i3 does, but alas it does not
best mob api, efficient
this is the best mob api as of now, because it is effiencent and allows near complete control by the modder
not useful
This mod provides what a mod should implement itself, not depend on a external dependancy. Not to mention it could use mod storage itself. Nice icon for the project though
devolpement tool
interesting devopment tool, however it would be interesting to see more options in the future
all this does is hide the players name tag in no useway that interacts with a game mechanic at all, not to mention its way more complicated than it needs to be
Great Game
This game provides very interesting gameplay mechanics that are quite enjoyable even though they may be tough at times.
great mod that provides amamzing qualitly dragons
Great mod
Great mod once you understand it, recommend it with mese_restriction if running on a creative server though.
maybe good moding base
Great since a lot of mods support it, makes for a very customizable game play. however perhaps it could be better suited for a modding base by just providing apis
Great mod
good mod that allows you to see the item for sale, as well as offers many options to configure the Vendor. Prefer this over the smartshops mod