Accuracy library for mods introducing ranged weapons.
Automatic Door Opening and Closing
Automatically opens and closes doors for players
Adds birds which drop raw chicken upon death
Blood Splatter
Blood splatter for players and creatures
Adds bow and arrows.
Colored beds (HW colored)
This adds 15 hardware colored beds to MTG or changes the beds in Voxelibre
Fraktur (alphabet digits letters)
Adds a whole set of Fraktur type metals in the form of nodes.
Hand Painted Pack Expanded
128×128 hand painted cartoony texture pack
Adds a stone that can hide up to 100 blocks.
Power Guns
A mod that adds laser guns and a force gun
Adds guns, rocket launchers and grenades.
Adds shuriken.
Simple Crafting
Simplified Crafting
Tables and Chairs
Adds tables and seating furniture
Adds target to shoot at. Target emits Mesecons and Digilines signal
Adds cannons, pipes and tractor beams to allow players and entities to traverse the world in new ways.
Works with Mesecons mods
Unlike Mineclonia this game works with all or at least most mods interacting with Mesecons. Under the hood a redstone wire is a mesecons wire and a redstone torch a mesecons torch. This means you can use the many many mods that provide complex mechanics on ContentDB.
Suddenly dropped compatibility with mesecons mods
It used to provide Mesecons last year (2024). The redstone was mesecon under the hood which enabled many many mods on ContentDB to just work with this game. Then they changed it into mcl_redstone and removed the entire API. This broke all my mods and hundreds from other people and when asked about this they think that's fine. I recommend playing VoxeLibre instead which is the original, this project forked from. (I do not have any affiliation with either project. This is an honest review.) All these things still work perfectly fine there.
And the bow also doesn't behave correctly with immortal entities provided by mods. That also works perfectly fine with the VoxeLibre bow.
The download number is inflated compared to VoxeLibre because Mineclonia pushes updates more often. So don't be influenced by that. Look at the statistics tab.
No texture pack here.
Abandoned and just a few textures inside. (~100) Nothing you'd enjoy playing the base game with. Should post this on a texture site rather than here.
Low coverage and rebranding, definitely not 1.0
I can not recommend this pack at the moment. It's missing basic core textures for both games like the stick you use to craft all the tools or metal blocks or ores. It's not even useful as a texture resource for other packs because if you want to have the textures you can just go to opengameart and get the textures with CC0 public domain license instead of giving credit to him for some minor editing he may or may not have done.
Only good bow mod
The original bows mod throws an arrow item through the air. It looks and sounds horrible and not satisfying at all. The arrow absolutely needs to be left of the bow in the hotbar or it won't shoot. It's bloated and adds material variants of bows.
X Bows is bloated and you need to put the arrows in a separate tab in the inventory. It adds material variants of arrows. It has a terribly annoying hud indicator of how many arrows you have with you.
NextGen Bows adds a bow adds a bow and an arrow. It shoots. It has good sounds. While it's based on X Bows, it doesn't add a hud indicator and takes the arrows from anywhere in your normal inventory.
Edit: I had to fork it because the maintainer is inactive for months at the time of writing. Bow2
I love it
...even though it's a bit tedious to craft the glasses of water because you always have to switch out the unstackable bucket of water in the crafting grid. I'd rather place my claycrafter next to water or something.
Clay is way too rare if you build with bricks, clay, baked clay or similar. Natural resources will be depleted quickly. This mod offers a solution.
Like an outdated and premodded fork of MTG with texture pack
Anyone who knows how to install mods should install mods for MTG instead or play Mineclone2/Mineclonia. Much of the code of this game (Mineclone too btw) is just copy paste from MTG.
The crafting system is different but doesn't justify its own game.
Trying to make my mod compatible with it, I noticed that rp_player copy paste of player_api from MTG was even more outdated and fucked up than Mineclone's and gave up.
Skin color selection is from yellow to brown, so I'm allowed to play any ethnicity except my own.
Bloat and duplicates blocks for MTG and Mineclone
I have to give this one a thumbs down:
It's bloated: adds about 14 pages of items to the creative menu as opposed to 5 with Farming Redo. Texture count is similar though but a little higher (547 vs 440)
Doesn't stick to farming. Adds many decorative blocks like new woods
Adds its many duplicate blocks to both MTG and Mineclone: another cactus with own textures. Mineclone and MTG already have one, so I don't see the point. X Farming cotton is also a duplicate in MTG
X Farming Cotton crafts into pillows wich are basically a wool duplicate in MTG and Mineclone
Nevertheless X Farming has some interesting mechanics some players may enjoy or prefer but I have to give a thumbs down for the reasons above.
I think it's the only mod that offers timber framing.
Works as described
This wrench allows you to pick up nodes with their contents and they end up in your inventory. Very similar to I Have Hands except that you use a wrench and get the items in your inventory. Note that you can't uninstall it midgame as the item data vanishes from the items if you do. (comes back if you reenable it though)
German translation butchered the Umlaute.
It's better
The one I use. Rotation is much more predictable.
Hasn't stood the test of time imho
Doesn't make use of game textures as well as ts_furniture
Doesn't work with Mesecons (May no longer be true because I patched mesecons_doors to support all doors.)
Doors and Trapdoors are not available through creative inventory
Needing a special crafting workbench to make the items might not be to everyone's liking
Unmaintained, opaque water, won't get updates.
I'm expanding and maintaining a fork of this texture pack. I'm just putting this note here, so you are aware of it because the download statistics show, most people aren't. Hand Painted Texture Pack Expanded
I was confused at first because there's no first person indication of carrying the chest but it works fine.
Edit: No longer true. In new versions, you can see the mod you're carrying in first person.
Strongly recommended
I don't know about server performance but on singleplayer worlds it's a great help. Should be part of the engine! Maybe you could make it so that it respects my custom building reach?
Must have for mapgens other than V6
Most mapgens place the ores way too deep just to prove the point that you can mine further down in Minetest than in Minecraft or comparable games. So deep they make MTG unplayable.
To me it's much better than carpets
You get regular wool stairs and slabs. And of course the corners.
It makes building with wool much more pleasant. Having some volume makes it fit in much better than carpets.
It really increases creative freedom and should be core part of MTG.
Constantly improving
I noticed this mod got much better than when I first tried it. Punching animals now has visual feedback and all the mechanics work when you tame the animals.
Make sure to tame animals, so they don't disappear.
Spawn rate is kinda low. Is there any way to increase it in the settings?
Almost perfect
Doesn't add too much and doesn't add new textures, so it fits right in with texture packs too. Works fine except that the first person camera is stuck in the base of the chair or bench when you sit on it and you rotate around the back of your ass, so you sit in mid air when you turn the other way. That could be better and I hope you improve it.
Edit: I forked it.
As others said: better than redstone
I love ghoststone but removestone seems kind of useless, since it's expensive and you could just use cheap TNT if you want blocks removed permanently. Hasn't caused any crashes for me yet, even though it's one of the more complex mods. Recommend.
Crashes often with Minetest 5.7.0
Considering your world will depend on it, so you can't just remove it, it should absolutely not crash.
Seems to be fixed now. Note that it doesn't seem suited to survival with the singlenode map generator because there don't seem to be any metal ores inside the islands even when ores is enabled in the settings. Sometimes the island densitiy can be low too and at other times it's perfectly fine. So maybe generate a few worlds before you decide which to build in.
A step in the right direction
Original review (shortened): Crashes every once in a while and animals of all specieses often just run in circles. Nevertheless it is better than the Mobs Animal stuff where you can't shear the sheep and milk the cows. The animals also react and are visually affected when they take hits or die unlike in Mobs Animal. I was also able to tame a horse and put a saddle on it using it for faster travel. The models and animations are really good.
However they are way too dumb. They walk off of cliffs and right into lava. Somehow horses can sometimes stand on lava flooded hills and not take damage which really breaks the immersion.
29.4.24: Mod author left the mod abandoned for 8 months in an unplayable state. It used to crash the game randomly and quite frequently and it's not an easy to uninstall mod. It also creates nodes everywhere. This slime that overgrows all cave floors and makes it hard to see the resources and birdnests. It's a pest. Mod would be better without them.