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Top 7 mod
TenPlus1 has a mod placed at #7.
Has received 1505863 downloads across all packages.
Adds realistic sound effects into your world.
Baked Clay
Adds the ability to bake clay into blocks and colour them with dye.
Beds Redo
beds which allows sleep, featured to (auto) skip the night.
This mod adds bees and beehives into minetest
Adds bone and bonemeal giving the ability to quickly grow plants and saplings.
Adds bows and arrows to game. Fork of the mod by AiTechEye
Builtin Item
Dropped items can now be pushed by water, burn quickly in lava and have their own custom functions.
Adds coloured wood, glass and stone blocks.
Custom Falling Nodes
Tweak falling blocks to add custom controls
Release many new Dragons, Monsters and Animals into your world.
Doors Redo
Doors mod with lock tool to open, lock or protect any registered door.
Ethereal NG
Adds many new biomes, items and mechanics into the world.
Farming Redo
Adds many plants and food to Minetest
Adds hoppers to transport items between chests/furnace etc.
Inventory Plus
Simple Inventory replacement
Invisibility Potion
Craft a potion to make yourself invisible
Add invisible barrier, light and mob wall into game with new tool
Item Frames and Pedestals
Adds itemframes and pedestals you can place items inside
Lucky Block
Craft and break lucky blocks to give something good, bad or painful :)
Mob Horse
Adds rideable horse
Mob Mese Monster Classic
Adds classic Mese Monster.
Mobs Animal
Adds farm animals.
Mobs Ghost Redo
Adds ghosts.
Mobs Monster
Adds many types of monster.
Mobs NPC
Adds simple NPC and Trader.
Mobs Redo API
Simple and feature rich API to quickly add mobs into your world.
Mobs Skeletons
Adds three skeletons to the world.
Moon Flower, when touched by the moon, it opens up a casting light.
Not So Simple Mobs
Adds a host of creatures into your world with new weapons too.
BIOME integration for nssm, the not so simple buildings.
Nssm Extra
Even more creatures to add into your worlds
Other Worlds
Adds asteroid layers and height-based skybox switches to create space environments.
PB&J Pup and Nyan Cat
Adds PB&J Pup, Nyan Cats or MooGnu into your world
Add cakes to MInetest
Adds pig iron ingots which need to be crafted to make steel, also blocks and stairs.
Pink Lava
Adds pink lava to certain depth of map with new mahogany obsidian block
Player Plus Mod
Adds effects to player to change speeds, cause damage, knockback and more...
Gives mod makers a set of functions to safely apply player physics overrides.
Protector Redo
Lets players craft special blocks to protect their builds or disable PVP in areas.
Real Torch
Realistic torches that go out eventually and drop in water
Helps to regrow tree fruits instead of replanting saplings.
SF Inventory Bags
Adds a BAGS tab to SF Inventory with slots for different size bags to store items
SF Inv Home
Adds HOME tab to SF Inventory to set and go to player home point
Simple Skins
Allows players to set their individual skins from a list or custom.
Sky Mobs
Sky Mobs for Mobs Redo
Slimes Redo
Add green and lava slimes to your world.
Stairs Redo
Adds more stair types to Minetest.
Stamina (Fork)
Adds stamina and hunger (this fork adds drunk effects and player_monoids/pova support)
Teleport Potion
Adds craftable teleport potions (throwable) and teleport pads.
Water Mobs
Water Mobs for Mobs Redo
Adds wine barrel to ferment different foods into drinks.
*cough cough* Yup!
Always nice to see a mod showcase the many uses of Hemp. I barely touched upon it with Farming Redo's version but you have covered a lot of ground :)
What's in the dome?
I love how this mod separates biomes into their own domes, as if somehow they were preserved by a higher species :)
I really do like this effect, kinda like the GTA death screen :)
I'm not in Kansas anymore...
Loved this texture pack, gave my game a whole new look and feel and was happy to see new textures for Farming Redo and Ethereal as well :)
Creepers still go boom!
An excellent [game] if you are into MineCraft and want your world to feature a similar experience.
Mr. Wolf, stop eating my house!
Love the block textures, time to build my strawberry house :)
What's this red ore... *boom*
This is going to make for some real interesting mining :)
I knew it would escape the mod one day and wreak havoc on the minetest world :)
This mod adds a lot of character to the player model which I like a lot :)
Bars all around...
Saves a little panic when you're pet dungeon master attacks you and you can see it's health bar after a good slap :)
Bring on the mods...
This is my favourite game, it's a blank slate waiting for your own mods to be added.
A handy mod if you want sugar in your world, but to make it work with recipes you need to add 'groups = {food_sugar=1}' to the sugar item.
The music is stuck in my head...
A great game with some catchy music, nice concept overall :) Controls a little fiddly at times but hey, can't have it all :P
Mesmerised Wolf
The three little pigs are gonna love this mod, they can bling up their brick house :) A great addition to bakedclay.
Oh! Noes, I'm a sheep!
Love how the witches are all randomly dressed, definitely adds character to the mod and a touch of questing in giving them items :) I'm off to find a witch hut and see what food she has :p
So tasty :P
At this time of the year I end up craving pumpkin snacks, good timing and some tasty recipes :P
Even our slimy friends need a home
Great mod, saves players digging up tons of dirt to get worms and gives a few special items as well :)
Now I sleep with armor on
Nice selection of monsters to battle throughout the world, and the plant almost got me while wandering through a forest :P
Nom the brown
It's nice to see solid shrooms in the world with a nice design :)
Always nice to have a new mob api to play with :)
Note: Mobs Redo does indeed allow custom variables, so could you remove that statement in the description please.
double jump is within my grasp
This alongside sneak would be helpful in parkour :P
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee
This would make for a great secret item to be found in dungeon chests :)
mmm, pita and wholegrain carrot bread :) just missing some icing and we're set :P
Bring forth the Valkerie...
Nicely done :) love having the ability to add things like wings and hats to players.
More Colour Less Poop
It's so nice to have a cow leave flowers behind instead of the alternative :P
Beep Boop
So handy having this mod automate many things :) Food has never been in such abundance.
Left Left Right Left
Got lost way too many times with this one, great mod :)
So cuuuuuuute
This mod is very cute and extremely handy when it comes to crop harvesting :)
Great retro style game with fun music and the chance to beat your friends' high score :)
Soar like an eagle.
The plane model in this mod looks amazing and like advanced trains this mod will add a touch of realism to the game.
A very easy way to craft different dirt with grass types without the need for a crystal shovel :)
a handy item for getting around fast.
love the designs, great for medeival style builds.
why my pockets heavy
some great uses for obsidian and some handy tools to boot :)
left, left, left
visually pleasing mazes to solve, got lost way to many times :P
bee's everywhere!!!
cant have too many pretty flowers in-game :)
feature rich
great addition to the game with potions and mobs :)
nice effects to be had, swiftness had me running off a cliff at one point :)
great for building larger things and easy to move around :)
a scarey mod to add, gotta be safe and keep your distance.
aaaaaaaand you're gone...
interesting feature for players to admin themselves :)
nice flooring
always wanted this block in-game to separate layers, handy and unbreakable :)
looting ahoy
handy blocks to find around the world that give useful items, like lucky blocks but without the dying :)
a very informative mod that provides information on what you are looking at.
easy way to get torches from wood, quite a few mods add this feature but this has a nice charcoal block for building :)
let there be light
very handy when mining and using tools at same time.
"I believe I can fly........" fun to use.
nice addition, can be a tad confusing teleporting you around.
love the asthetics of this biome :)
Never really had the urge to staple bread to things, but it's very handy for bready decoration :)
A nuisance that moans in your general direction, love it :)
Lights, action!
Very colourful, perfect for home decoration :)
Deaf now
Almost pooped myself when she appeared on my day old bones and screamed in my ear.
Pumpkin time!
Autumn is almost here and time for some tasty treats.
You shall not pass
Make sure you are well kitted out with armor and weapons before going anywhere near this guy.
Om nom nom
Amazing selection of tasty treats.
Hi guys
A nice change to come across one of these guys while mining, some even help you out by placing torches and digging.
Build me a cake
Very interesting mechanism that help you build simple machines, not as laggy as technic but can be a tad fiddle at times.
What ya got?
It's handy to be able to see what players are holding, especially if it's a diamond sword :)
Knock knock
New door styles for your builds that look great.
Rainbow goodness
Coloured glass can really make your builds look amazing :)
A simple trashcan and a handy dumpster to toss your unwanted items away.
Adds a lot of nice castle style blocks to decorate your builds.
Hide your wallet
You wouldn't want this motley crew chasing you down on a dark night, scarey :P
Note: Saturn/ Hamlet has allowed me to keep this mod updated: https://notabug.org/TenPlus1/mobs_skeletons
A handy way to sort your items at a glance with many drawer alternatives to match your builds :)
Tiny troubles
These little guys get in all sorts of mischief and some dont tolerate players lurking around in their areas :)
Maps look so beautiful with this mod installed, brings life to a default world :)
Brings a little bit of life to your player character :)
It's weird how realistic this mod feels is when in use :)
Coloured text
Signs all over the place, coloured text, glow in the dark writing... It's all good :P
Sped along in my boat enjoying the sea breeze in my hair, that was until a tentacle came out of the water and stole it.
A very comprehensive mod filled with many different items and some nice effects to go along with them :)
A must have on survival servers, gotta have my fill of armor bling.
A very simple and easy to use mod filled with decorative items, furnite and a few interesting features :)
Watch your step down here
The nether has always been an interesting place to add in-game, needs a few more biomes to break thing up though :)
Red wire goes where ?
It's amazing what you can build using this mod, I only wish it were faster on servers.
up up and away
This is a fun mod to use and fly around with :)
Aww, they're so cute :) especially with butter :P
Amazing mobs
Amazing mob collection but please use the updated release at https://notabug.org/TenPlus1/nssm
Wow, great way to add new mobs to the nether :)