Cooperative Factions by skiscratcher
Adds factions, allowing players to team together
A collection by vejou
My favorites
Adds factions, allowing players to team together
Extensive machinery mod with electricity and ores.
Library for nodes containing fluids
Technic fork with focus on features and stability
A next-generation inventory
Changes smaller things that are issues for either Luanti or Minetest Game that are technically fixable but won’t be fixed due to several non-technical reasons.
Makes all plants floodable
Replaces the built-in zooming feature with a cool, nicer-looking animation.
standalone chat channel mod
API for create appliances in other mods powered by technic, mesecons or hand.
Compost and composter machines. Mix dirt with compost to get garden soil. Plants from farming/farming redo/hades_extrafarming grows faster on garden soil. Hades Revisited is supported.
Custom skygrid mapgen.
Adds spawners for mobs, dungeons, temples and ores.
Features electricity and various useful machines. Inspired by Technic and IC2.
Quick energy burst alternative to sprinting
Configurable sprinting mod that supports player_monoids, hbhunger and hudbars.
This mod adds Minecraft like drop/pick up of items to Minetest.
Adds Enchanting Mechanics and API.
Easily export areas in Luanti to meshes for 3D rendering.
Makes most nodes able to fall without enough support.
Adds falling stairs and slabs for gravel, sand and others.
With sneak+use, cycle rows in your inventory!
81 cobbles in one item!
A powerful modpack
Elepower recipes for Technic machines. Technic recipes for Elepower machines. A new converter connects Technic cables to Elepower conduits when enabled.
Learn how to play.
Adds signs that show the last login of players that right-clicked them
Signs that allow unicode text
Provides mods with dynamic display and font display: clocks, signs, and more.
Take your buildings with you on your journey.
Enhanced Programmer for Ingame Control
Allows the stacking of slabs vertically and horizontally
Build a great rail and logistics empire
Edible Swords
Additional armours to build and wear
Adds many new biomes, items and blocks.
Assign temporary passwords to accounts
Digital way of transferring money in Unified Money system
Ingame mail-system
A full-featured, fully-integrated vendor mod for Minetest
Adds vending and depositing machines which allow to buy and sell items from other players, using a currency item.
A decoration mod meant to be simple and well-featured (libre version).
TechAge Machines for beekeeping
Add power generators based on appliances API.
Key based adaptation database of items.
Adds random things to MTG and MCL.
Adds aliases to every item/node in MineClone to make them match MineCraft so you can stop forgetting that mcl_mobitems:ender_pearl should be mcl_throwing:ender_pearl.
Applies to the Techage Modpack, changing most of its textures to 16px and a different visual style.
On-demand item transportation + Powerful Storage
Adds a fishing boat
Pass in a node name and a function, and every time a player touches that node, the function happens
Provides a universal API for handling different mods that provide a stamina bar
Adds nodes that can be used to build reusable programs.
Just a simple Clean texture pack
A simplistic texture pack that portrays the world of Minetest in bright, solid colors and low detail.
8x texturepack.
Replacement of default textures, by drawn textures that I draw from scratch
Plastic texture pack
A simple yet quirky texture pack by Louis Durrant
A pack for those who like the first mt textures!
Command your troops to victory - an RTS mini-game
Lets you put a block on your head.
Cartoon-style and vibrant colors, with extended support!
Switch places with someone random.
Mesecons laboratory and tutorials
shows a preview with orientation of the node the player is holding.
Replaces the wooden chests found in dungeons with stone chests.
Item group applied to ALL items for crafting recipes.
A personal log where players can track events and places
Adds vast underground caverns in the style of Dwarf Fortress, complete with underground flora in diverse biomes.
Removes default mapgen lava and adds widely-spaced vertical lava "veins".
Flowing dynamic liquids and ocean-maintenance springs.
Voxelmanip mapgen with strange layered zone experimental mapgens.
Bucket - fork of Minetest Game mod with reduced "bucket" liquid flowing
Adds extra biomes, while keeping its looks close to the vanilla MTG
Searchable biome database for robust biome selection
LOTR-inspired subgame. Explore the world of Middle-Earth, the one subgame to rule them all!
yet another tree-cutting mod
Adds much desired water physics like splashes upon jumping in, and underwater ambience.
A vibrant world of beautiful biomes. Explore, discover, create.
Provides voxelmodel.obj, a model designed to be shaped by changing its texture, in order to easily create fancy voxelized models.
Adds various coloured motorbikes
Farming with new plants, crops, trees, ice fishing, bees, candles, scarecrow, crates, composter, bonemeal, ropes, pies...
Makes farming a hardcore challenge by adding very hungry pests. Can you overcome them or will they defeat you?
Lightweight automation mod
A collection of advanced biome decorations
Allows mobs to spawn in biomes that don't support them.
Edit ingame what NPCs say without server restart
Eating with particles, sounds, visible ItemStacks (5.4+), and holding down input. Heavy coding customization for programmers
Apples aren't flat!
A procedurally generated space exploration game
A unified API for making items, tools and armor edible. Eat armor while wearing it!
Adds edible chocolate tools and armor to Minetest.
A tool for registering entire materials, complete with ore generation, tool-sets and automatically generated sprites with almost no effort required
Adds two randomly created ores to each world with varying properties depending on the world's seed
Fork of aotearoa by Dokimi. Complements the default map biomes with Aotearoa, land of the long white cloud, New Zealand.
Fruits on trees from various mods will regrow.
Unified API for currency management
Formspec-based shop dialog
Compatibility layer for formspecs
A formspec library that automatically positions and sizes elements
A way for admins to run and save Lua snippets.
Adds map items that show terrain in HUD
connected nodes like xpanes, xfences, walls
88 stones that will spawn in most games. Supports English, Español, Français, Deutsch, Pусский, Português, 日本語
An alternative crafting system done entirely in the world.
Metal can rust when next to water. Restore it with acid from underground.
Makes dirt, cobble, snow, straw and cactus nodes fall. Fork of Hamlet's fallen_nodes. May be destructive to existing worlds.
Displays the name of the wielded item.
Lets you equip nodes and place them without switching tools
Shows your wielditem
Adds shining for wielded and dropped items
See the items other players are holding
A game of Go
Classical background music
A Realtime in-game formspec viewer/editor
Fix boolean use_texture_alpha on MT5.9+
Locked chest that check protections
Protector Block, but using the Area Protect APIs
Provides a small selection of "basic" materials and items that other mods should use when possible -- things like steel bars and chains, wire, plastic strips and sheets, and more.
8bits style monitor and keyboards using digilines
Display localized server news when a player joins
Brings a plethora of wildlife and expands exploration
Handle smartshop payment digitally
Grow your assets over time
Adds a 3x3 hammer, a one layer wand builder and a one layer scraper
Put all skyhell players on one shared island (NodeCore)
Very little content so you can build off it. Totally permissive, you can relicense it or do whatever.
[DEPRECATED] Adds a way to track information about the player and controls.
Advanced tool for modders and advanced users to create and edit schematics.
Adds new ore types.
Adds ingame auctions
Full Economy for Servers like, paying, individual bank statemants, daily rewards, easy api for modders, easy integration with other mods ...
Area Exchange with Unified Money System
Portable data storage for Digilines
Allows to create quests with rewards which can be passed by triggering flags placed in different places
Carry nodes/blocks with inventories without breaking them.
A flexible sprint mod supporting stamina, hunger and monoids.
HP bars for mobs/players
Reject tradition, embrace modernity. For those tired of default MTG maps. Crafting recipes for TechAge hackers available.
Adds plants to the default deserts of minetest game.
Signs Redux is a complete rewrite of default signs that adds many new features
Various paintings in frames for hanging on walls. High res at 512px.
Adds actual NPCs to yl_speak_up
Allows players to create, manage and view waypoints in the game.
This mod adds digiline wires, an RTC (Real Time Clock), a light sensor as well as an LCD Screen.
Collect and train monsters that can be used in battles.
Adds /money.
Adds boosts, technically temporarily granted privileges.
Creeper adapts color to the biome it is currently in
Disables placing blocks at places where they would collide with a player
Helps to regrow tree fruits instead of replanting saplings.
lua mapgen featuring tropical islands and vast ocean
Adds a craftable sailboat
Adds Tumbleweed.
Boil milk and then let the curd age to get cheese!
A handy tool allowing the creation of large structures with minimal effort (in survival!).
Adds more triggers for mod "Awards"
Tooltip that shows you what mod a node or item is from
A shopping mod for Jean's Economy (By TX_Miner aka Xeno333)
WAILA-like mod (a rewrite of WiTT by MightyAlex200)
Makes items lay flat on the ground and not spin.
8 new biomes with nodes, ores and schematics, inspired by digital data
Extends Unified Inventory
This is to assist anyone with commands in game. It adds commands such as /day, /admin and /fly to make your experience easier.
A library to make HUDs from formspecs
Adds LV-MV-HV Auto Planter and a customizable MV Harvester
/playtimes command lets users see the playtimes & last login time for all users on the server
Adds a light snow fall effect, with toggle commands
Adds achievements
A sandbox game about exploring alien planets and building starships.
A rolling block puzzle game in Luanti.
Start from absolutely nothing in a skyblock world. Time is your resource.
Makes ores easier to see.
Spawns tree saplings
3D ladders of a wide variety of base materials.
Advanced player skin customization
A collection of modern-ish odds and ends.
A map generator generating single-biome islands inside glass spheres.
Adds a Mountain (4000x2000 blocks large, 1000 blocks tall)during worldgen around a configurable position
Adds a long road from -Z to +Z to the world, during world-generation.
Adds rope boxes of various lengths and also rope ladders.
Texture pack for the game "LORD"