Mod Name "advtrains"
Provided By
- No packages available
Required By
56independentAdds british-inspired signs and signals
Advtrains Basic Trains
orwellCollection of basic trains for the Advanced Trains mod. Formerly included in main advtrains modpack (until 2.3.0)
Technic train
gpcfVarious Technic machines mounted on rail cars
Tieless Tracks
Sylvester KruinTracks without crossties for Advanced Trains (advtrains) that can be used on streets and other related things
Advtrains Subway NY
AdvT. SupplementalSubway cars loosely based on New York/American transit
rlarsThis mod allows you to plan and build tunnels and rails for Advtrains.
Mese Trains
XenonSome more trains for the advtrains mod.
Advtrains Screen Doors
1F616EMOPlatform screen doors for Advtrains
Advtrains Trans-Siberian (Transib)
AdvT. SupplementalA Russian TEM-2 and large coal hopper for AdvTrains
Advtrains Zugspitzbahn
AdvT. SupplementalA locomotive and passenger wagon of the Bavarian Zugspitzbahn
TfL S7 Stock Modpack
AdvT. SupplementalLondon Underground / TfL S7 Stock pack for AdvTrains
Advtrains Freight Train
AdvT. SupplementalAdds a set of freight wagons and a lightweight locomotive for AdvTrains
Advtrains BBÖ 1080
AdvT. SupplementalBBÖ electric locomotive 1080 and ware wagon
Advtrains Train Rocket
AdvT. SupplementalA model Stephenson's rocket and some barrel wagons
Advtrains More Slopes
NazalassaMore, longer slopes for Advtrains
Advtrains Orient Express
AdvT. SupplementalA locomotive and carriages of the CIWL Orient Express
Remote Control for Advtrains (Old)
Y. WangThis mod allows you to remotely control trains. This is the implementation by Y. Wang.
Advtrains DB 160 (E60)
AdvT. SupplementalAdds a DB BR 160 / E60 electric shunting locomotive for advtrains
Advtrains Portable Remote Control
Maverick2797Handheld Remote Control for Advtrains
Teacher: Advanced Trains
1F616EMOTutorial for Advanced Trains
AdvTrains Livery Tools
MarnackLivery tools for Advanced Trains mods.
Advanced Trains TechAge addons
orwellVarious interoperability tweaks between TechAge and Advtrains
Advtrains Platforms
W3RQ01Provides additional platforms for advtrains, large mod support. Originally written by Och_Noe, small contributions by Blockhead and W3RQ01 is taking it a step further by adding more stuff.
doxygen_spammerWorkaround to mitigate Minetest bug 10101, specifically for advtrains
Disable Mob Damage for Advanced Trains
Silver SandstonePrevents trains from damaging mobs.
doxy’s Minitram
doxygen_spammerScaled down Konstal 105N for advtrains
MarnackAdditional railway related content for use with Advanced Trains (advtrains).
Andrey01A collection of all train mods based on advtrains which made by various people.
gpcfNice trains for Advtrains
Disco trains
sivarajansamAdds colorful subway trains to advanced trains
AdvTrains Crafting Compatibility Patch
MarnackEnables crafting of advtrains items in games that are not based on Minetest Game.
Sylvester KruinNice, customizable subways for Advanced Trains (advtrains)
Exile Rails
programmerjakeAdding underground rails and trains to Exile
Horn Track for Advanced Trains
Silver SandstoneAdds a track for automatically activating train horns.
Eyeball Train
NazalassaAdds eyeballs that can be used as wagons on Advtrains tracks.
Documentation system integration for Advanced Trains
Y. WangAdds certain Advtrains-related items to the documentation system
Sim Trains
NazalassaAdds some trains, for use with Advtrains.
Advtrains Japanese Tram TLR0600
AdvT. SupplementalA tram for Advtrains inspired by the Japanese TLR0600 tram.
Advtrains Info Displays
NazalassaA library that uses font_api to render text outside Advtrains trains. Supports several displays per wagon.
Classic Coaches
MarnackPassenger coaches with customizable liveries for use with the advtrains mod.
Optionally Used By
SwissalpSAdds a HUD to show current ingame time and position also tool to visualize map-blocks
BuckarooBanzaiSynchronize the ingame map with a lua-backend
BuckarooBanzaimod for the mapserver
Condensed Cobblestone
1F616EMO81 cobbles in one item!
Areas Interlocking Patch
wsor4035make advtrains interlocking priv respect areas
codeAtoriumLearn programming, solve puzzles, and make pixelart. An escape room game.
Silver SandstoneAdds deepslate and related building materials.
Area Protection Jails
1F616EMOManage jails using area protection
Silver SandstoneAdds leads for moving and tethering animals.
Underground Challenge
Hume2Explore all 62 underground biomes!
Block Exchange
BuckarooBanzaiCloud worldedit schema exchanger
Scifi Nodes
D00MedAdds some nodes for building futuristic/sci-fi themed constructions
Occupy Moon
rlarsThis game will send you to the moon!
Mesecons lab
BuckarooBanzaiMesecons laboratory and tutorials
Pick And Place
BuckarooBanzaiPick and place utility
Super sam
BuckarooBanzaiSuper sam adventures