Jail Escape
StarNinjasEscape the Jail! Don't get caught!
Loria (alpha)
siegmentSurvival in hardcore acid-alien sci-fi themed world
logalogBuild a great rail and logistics empire
Piranesi Restoration Project
Warr1024Discover the secrets of the space-bending house, in this polished remake of iarbat's award-winning original game.
WuzzySimplistic sandbox survival game that plays in mostly lush biomes in a mostly peaceful world and only simple technologies.
Lord of the Test
AmazLOTR-inspired subgame. Explore the world of Middle-Earth, the one subgame to rule them all!
The secret story of spacetravel
Nathan.S2022 game jame entry
NO11A hot air balloon game created for the 2021 Minetest GAME JAM.
j45A game inspired by Minecraft Championship's Build Mart, where you have to replicate mini build and to get the materials for them, you have to go 'shopping'.
Formspec Editor
Just_VisitingA Realtime in-game formspec viewer/editor
Cave Game
oliveThe simplest block game.
Koboldkrieg (Goblin Warfare)
Nathan.SFight an endless war against the goblins.
Hi_WorldYou're on a strange planet, with 8 exciting biomes and a perpetual night, but beware, there are monsters ready to hunt you!
KSurvive 2
MadKamelA game built 100% from scratch, including code, textures and sounds.
aerkiagaA procedurally generated space exploration game
1248You are on a floor plan of a castle. Collect resources and rebuild the old castle
Development Test
LuantiTesting environment for engine or mod development.
Modular Portals
UnbrokenUnwornExplore a strange hall filled with portals
Mesecons lab
BuckarooBanzaiMesecons laboratory and tutorials
Spiraling Down
Spiraling Down DevsWork your way down in the hostile to life environment of Enceladus
VoxelForge - 25w07d
VoxelForgeBuild, Fight, Mine, and so much more. A MineCraft Inspired game, focused on being fun, adding good features that Mojang decided against using, and being performant
CS:MT (BlockAssault)
LogikíA first person shooter game with multiple features
1F616EMOParkour game!
Droog71Moon Habitat Simulator
mt-modsBlockColor is a creative sandbox with only 8 colors.
ROllerozxaA basic studded brick building game for Minetest
WuzzyBe a pirate and solve laser puzzles (UNFINISHED!)
The Infinite Warehouse
benrob0329A survival horror game based on SCP-3008
Kimaprgame of the fog
CasimirA classic game for exploring, survival and building. Maintained by rudzik8
Minesweeper 3D
Hume2Play Minesweeper in an unlimited space and in 3D!
1248Can you help the nyancat to find her rainbow block??
Not actually the bare minimum
SumiVery little content so you can build off it. Totally permissive, you can relicense it or do whatever.
Secrets of the Space Parable
StarNinjasImagine being alone. In a spacecraft. This is you.
ROllerozxaA game of sudoku.
XenonProof of concept of a minesweeper game using the MTE.
Minetest Classic
sfan5The classic Minetest-c55 0.3 experience brought back
Dreambuilder Game
mt-modsDreambuilder is my attempt to give the player pretty much everything they could ever want to build with, and all the tools they should need to actually get the job done.
Voxel Dungeon
NoodlemireThis is a recreation and adaptation of an Android rogue-like game, Pixel Dungeon by Watabou.
MadKamelA game that changes much of MTG's gameplay.