I have played minetest for about 3 years now, and truly appreicate how fun automation is with techpack. It's compact and doesn't kill server performance. Highly Recommended.
...where the chickens kill you, plants kill you, the weather kills you, and basically, you're dead.
Think you can just punch some trees to make them cough up wood planks? Think again, chump. Nothing works like you're used to, but everything actually makes a lot of sense. A lot more than most block games.
Instead of a crafting grid, each crafting rig has its own list of recipes. This provides a nice pace of tech progress without spoilers, and without the need for a craft guide. It actually takes quite a while to crawl out of the stone age, too. I wouldn't mind being able to go beyond iron and, well... you know, the other stuff, which you can't do a lot of crafting with. Could definitely use more tech. More stuff to do once you obtain everything. Maybe more content (ways to die) in the dungeons, because they're just very dark and vast at the moment.
Sadly, this game pulls messy code from some other mods, making some parts really unstable. Map generation in particular is dangerous. Dungeons can eat your items, and a volcano may get corrupted into a mess of mapblocks.
Many parts of the game have not been designed for multiplayer, and while they can be patched, it's quite an ordeal to get it to work.
Still, we had a blast on Gundul's server and I'd like to see this cleaned up and finished.
The way the books are presented allows for you to also make custom Greeting Cards! These are perfect for holidays, birthdays, get wells, and miss you's as well as story books!
This allows you to have a whitelist of people who can access a server, and everyone else is blocked. That's an essential capability! It is frankly required to have a fun little server for your friends. The alternative is vulnerability to any old griefer.
It adds the ability to craft and place signs that display text in-game. This is a great capability; it opens up so many doors such as labeling storage rooms, naming houses and towns, communicating with your fellow players, and even consecrating memorials to your own bones. Just a fantastic mod.
Also, you can edit the text of a sign after it has been placed! You can't do that in another well-known voxel video game.
I can't say enough good things about this mod. It is wonderful! It adds so many kinds of ground cover and shrubs. The beauty of a landscape after installing this mod is much higher than before. I especially like the rushes and reeds that grow by ponds.
If you're looking for a mod that adds a great deal of beauty to the game, install this one.
This mod adds a large amount of different kinds of trees and wood blocks. It really livens up the landscape. It's truly a LARGE number of trees. Each tree has a different growth pattern, so that each is a unique challenge to completely cut down and harvest. That can add a lot of challenge and depth to the game. Really a great mod, both aesthetically and in terms of balance.
However, the new wood blocks added by the mod can not be used to craft fences. A small annoyance, as you can still find stands of stock trees to harvest for your fences.
Be aware that these trees spawn in places that would otherwise be plains! Plains will become much more rare after installing this mod. If you require plains, perhaps this mod is not for you.
It adds monsters that will attack you! It makes cave-delving so much more challenging and interesting.
Most of the interesting and challenging monsters spawn very deep down. The surface monsters are not very dangerous. They don't impede surface construction or exploration. That might be a good or bad thing, depending on the kind of experience that you want.
It adds animals that you can farm! What's not to like about that? It's a very deep mechanic, allowing you to make all sorts of farms!
Personally I've farmed cows, bunnies, and chickens. It can be very fun.
A small but important note: You can hold a bunny in your inventory! Scoop up a trained bunny and now you are holding a bunny! This is objectively wonderful.
However you should be aware that the animals move slowly, and they will start spawning all over your map at a moderate rate. These animals are not rare, so expect to see a cow, sheep, kitten, bunny, and chicken in every plain that you cross. Maybe you'd want to decrement the spawn rate if you wanted better balance.
Also, please be aware that stock fences don't actually block the animals. You need the special "mob fences" added by mobs redo for that.
It adds horses that you can ride! Truly a wonderful reward for finding and taming a horse. It makes exploration and transportation so much better. It really opens up the map, especially if you don't want to go the teleportation route.
Make sure you use horse shoes though. Horse shoes make the horses go faster! If you don't know that, you'll be stuck with a slow horse.
Also, I found that the horses were still a bit slow. If you are the same way, I recommend upping the "speed" rating of the horseshoes by 1.5 times, so (steel,mese,diamond) = (7,9,10) becomes (10.5,13.5,15)
Does what it says on the tin: Hold down aux to start sprinting. When you run out of stamina, you stop sprinting. It's a great capability to have, especially if you are frustrated by how long it takes to walk everywhere.
I recommend increasing the default sprint speed, however. Default speed is 1.3 times faster; this doesn't seem to be quite enough. I use 2.5 times and that feels more right.
If you don't have any stamina or status bar mods, you can't see how much stamina you have left. You can't tell when you're about to stop sprinting or when to start again.
This adds a very fun mechanic to the game, but don't expect a detailed flight model. You fall at an approximately constant rate. If you press forward, you go forward at a constant speed. You don't pick up velocity from diving or stall by climbing.
That being said, it adds a great treat at the end of a long trek up a tall mountain.
Adds just SO MANY kinds of crops to the game. It's a lot of fun to create large farms of such diverse crops. It adds a lot of depth to the game! As someone who really enjoyed the farming aspect of another block game, this is a very welcome addition.
Some of them are very pretty! Onions, garlic, and tomatoes are prettier flowers than the flowers are!
That being said, there are A LOT of crops, and A LOT of recipes for foods that can be created with the crops. At times it can seem overwhelming, especially if you just wanted to add a little depth to the stock farming.
It seems that most crops spawn in most biomes, so it's not hard to get the full set. No long voyages of exploration to bring back a novel crop to farm.
Arrow has to be to the left of the bow in inventory
I figured it out! In the inventory, the arrow needs to be in the spot to the LEFT of the bow in order for the bow to load it! Otherwise the bow does nothing
One left click: Arrow loads. Another left click: Arrow fires.
This mod enables a very important capability, to advance the growth state of many kinds of plants. However bonemeal (and mulch, which it also adds) are somewhat expensive, so there is good balance. I, for example, ended up farming corn so that I could mulch it and grow saplings. It adds a great deal of depth to the farming mechanics. I use the farming redo mod, and these two mods work well together.
I have ran into 3 bugs so far playing for only 30 minutes. But love this. I see such great potental. I will dive into figuring out the bugs on my end. I need to study more on how to set up my own town in this game. Great job. Keep up the updates and I will see what I can do from my side of things.
Encore un autre Mod vraiment tres intéressant créé par joe7575 pour ceux qui aime construire des syteme avec des machines captivente.
L'essayer c'est l'adopter ( et rester accro )!
En progressant tout au long des 4 ages, une histoire ce crée grace a ce mod encore une fois tres biens réussi!
Yet another really very interesting Mod created by joe7575 for those who like to build systems with captivating machines.
To try it is to adopt it (and stay addicted)!
By progressing throughout the 4 ages, a story is created thanks to this mod once again very successful!
I love this mod. The dragons are so amazing. I have been seeing it used on Dragon Realms 2021. I think it's really sweet to see the dragons sleep at night. I didn't think they'd grow so large however, but I think it's perfect! I have yet to hatch my own dragon, even though I have all the necessary components. I just want to keep the eggs unhatched until I have at least two of the same color.
Played this online with a few people a while back.
I pretty much constantly died
There was also a bunch of multiplayer bugs - be careful not to sleep on the same bed as someone else!
The temperature system was buggy and unintuitive, and low health movement was very glitchy.
But it's an ambitious game, and impressive as a one-person project.
Among the best models/textures for animal mobs, especially in the terrestrial mob category. Better Fauna presents a very consistent feel across the various animals available, highlighting the care by ElCeejo put into designing each creature. Being mobkit based means there is also a lot of potential for advanced behaviours and interactions between these mobs to simulate an proper ecosystem.
**Onward to the future **
As the title states, it is early days, but I am looking forward to seeing the roster of animals expand until this can serve as the de facto animal mod to populate a whole world. Preferably this would mean biome specific animals, e.g. polar bears in snowy/ice biomes, foxes or badgers in forests, etc. to encourage exploration and give each biome a distinct feel. Though other mods more or less do this already, having a menagerie of 'real world animals' in ElCeejo's style would greatly enhance any Minetest game. If eventually there could be bonus animals for specific Ethereal biomes, that would be a real clincher.
Once the roster is more complete, or as it is developing, the second priority should be taking advantage of mobkit to make distinct behaviours and game-play experiences, establishing predator/prey dynamics and unique behaviours for mobs that affect the world. Animals like cows for example are more dangerous when cornered in real life than in Minetest, Minecraft or most similar games.
**Possible improvement to the current mod **
One minor point that could be improved would be to add a few different sounds per mob so that they can cycle through them and sound less repetitive. Maybe spacing out their calls more or making them more situation dependant would help too.
In closing
I am optimistic about Better Fauna's future. Though it current does not add many animals, each one is well executed.
My favorite technic-style system
I have played minetest for about 3 years now, and truly appreicate how fun automation is with techpack. It's compact and doesn't kill server performance. Highly Recommended.
Cool Mob Mod
Its a simple good mobs mod, and the mob mod leaves much free space for your ideas
nice and useful addition
This is a pretty simple mod but makes placing/managing a lot of different nodes much easier.
Very innovative
A very good example of the capabilities of mobkit and the recent engine changes for code based animation.
very good
wow, it was really cool, great job :)
Cooles Texturnpack
This pack is realy nice! Its one of the best packs which i know!
Welcome to Cold Australia
...where the chickens kill you, plants kill you, the weather kills you, and basically, you're dead. Think you can just punch some trees to make them cough up wood planks? Think again, chump. Nothing works like you're used to, but everything actually makes a lot of sense. A lot more than most block games. Instead of a crafting grid, each crafting rig has its own list of recipes. This provides a nice pace of tech progress without spoilers, and without the need for a craft guide. It actually takes quite a while to crawl out of the stone age, too. I wouldn't mind being able to go beyond iron and, well... you know, the other stuff, which you can't do a lot of crafting with. Could definitely use more tech. More stuff to do once you obtain everything. Maybe more content (ways to die) in the dungeons, because they're just very dark and vast at the moment.
Sadly, this game pulls messy code from some other mods, making some parts really unstable. Map generation in particular is dangerous. Dungeons can eat your items, and a volcano may get corrupted into a mess of mapblocks. Many parts of the game have not been designed for multiplayer, and while they can be patched, it's quite an ordeal to get it to work. Still, we had a blast on Gundul's server and I'd like to see this cleaned up and finished.
AKA: Greeting Cards
The way the books are presented allows for you to also make custom Greeting Cards! These are perfect for holidays, birthdays, get wells, and miss you's as well as story books!
Adds some ocean assets
Adds some ocean assets such as fish and coral. Sometimes the fish beach themselves; I don't know why.
Dolphins are included! Dolphins! Sadly they also beach themselves sometimes.
It works. It's essential to any server!
This allows you to have a whitelist of people who can access a server, and everyone else is blocked. That's an essential capability! It is frankly required to have a fun little server for your friends. The alternative is vulnerability to any old griefer.
Adds signs that are viewable in-game
It adds the ability to craft and place signs that display text in-game. This is a great capability; it opens up so many doors such as labeling storage rooms, naming houses and towns, communicating with your fellow players, and even consecrating memorials to your own bones. Just a fantastic mod.
Also, you can edit the text of a sign after it has been placed! You can't do that in another well-known voxel video game.
Really beautiful mod
I can't say enough good things about this mod. It is wonderful! It adds so many kinds of ground cover and shrubs. The beauty of a landscape after installing this mod is much higher than before. I especially like the rushes and reeds that grow by ponds.
If you're looking for a mod that adds a great deal of beauty to the game, install this one.
Adds beautiful and diverse trees
This mod adds a large amount of different kinds of trees and wood blocks. It really livens up the landscape. It's truly a LARGE number of trees. Each tree has a different growth pattern, so that each is a unique challenge to completely cut down and harvest. That can add a lot of challenge and depth to the game. Really a great mod, both aesthetically and in terms of balance.
However, the new wood blocks added by the mod can not be used to craft fences. A small annoyance, as you can still find stands of stock trees to harvest for your fences.
Be aware that these trees spawn in places that would otherwise be plains! Plains will become much more rare after installing this mod. If you require plains, perhaps this mod is not for you.
Adds monsters, needed for the thrill of danger
It adds monsters that will attack you! It makes cave-delving so much more challenging and interesting.
Most of the interesting and challenging monsters spawn very deep down. The surface monsters are not very dangerous. They don't impede surface construction or exploration. That might be a good or bad thing, depending on the kind of experience that you want.
It adds farm animals to the game!
It adds animals that you can farm! What's not to like about that? It's a very deep mechanic, allowing you to make all sorts of farms!
Personally I've farmed cows, bunnies, and chickens. It can be very fun.
A small but important note: You can hold a bunny in your inventory! Scoop up a trained bunny and now you are holding a bunny! This is objectively wonderful.
However you should be aware that the animals move slowly, and they will start spawning all over your map at a moderate rate. These animals are not rare, so expect to see a cow, sheep, kitten, bunny, and chicken in every plain that you cross. Maybe you'd want to decrement the spawn rate if you wanted better balance.
Also, please be aware that stock fences don't actually block the animals. You need the special "mob fences" added by mobs redo for that.
Required for some good mods
I use mob_horse, mobs_animals, and mobs_monster. I like these mods, and these mods require this API, so I like this API.
Be aware that it is not compatible with mobkit. Check your mod list before adding this one.
Amazing mod! Transforms exploration
It adds horses that you can ride! Truly a wonderful reward for finding and taming a horse. It makes exploration and transportation so much better. It really opens up the map, especially if you don't want to go the teleportation route.
Make sure you use horse shoes though. Horse shoes make the horses go faster! If you don't know that, you'll be stuck with a slow horse.
Also, I found that the horses were still a bit slow. If you are the same way, I recommend upping the "speed" rating of the horseshoes by 1.5 times, so (steel,mese,diamond) = (7,9,10) becomes (10.5,13.5,15)
Very convenient capability
Does what it says on the tin: Hold down aux to start sprinting. When you run out of stamina, you stop sprinting. It's a great capability to have, especially if you are frustrated by how long it takes to walk everywhere.
I recommend increasing the default sprint speed, however. Default speed is 1.3 times faster; this doesn't seem to be quite enough. I use 2.5 times and that feels more right.
If you don't have any stamina or status bar mods, you can't see how much stamina you have left. You can't tell when you're about to stop sprinting or when to start again.
Fun, but no inertia
This adds a very fun mechanic to the game, but don't expect a detailed flight model. You fall at an approximately constant rate. If you press forward, you go forward at a constant speed. You don't pick up velocity from diving or stall by climbing.
That being said, it adds a great treat at the end of a long trek up a tall mountain.
Very good mod. Almost spoiled for choice.
Adds just SO MANY kinds of crops to the game. It's a lot of fun to create large farms of such diverse crops. It adds a lot of depth to the game! As someone who really enjoyed the farming aspect of another block game, this is a very welcome addition.
Some of them are very pretty! Onions, garlic, and tomatoes are prettier flowers than the flowers are!
That being said, there are A LOT of crops, and A LOT of recipes for foods that can be created with the crops. At times it can seem overwhelming, especially if you just wanted to add a little depth to the stock farming.
It seems that most crops spawn in most biomes, so it's not hard to get the full set. No long voyages of exploration to bring back a novel crop to farm.
Arrow has to be to the left of the bow in inventory
I figured it out! In the inventory, the arrow needs to be in the spot to the LEFT of the bow in order for the bow to load it! Otherwise the bow does nothing
One left click: Arrow loads. Another left click: Arrow fires.
Minor point: arrows are very expensive.
Balanced and enables an important capability
This mod enables a very important capability, to advance the growth state of many kinds of plants. However bonemeal (and mulch, which it also adds) are somewhat expensive, so there is good balance. I, for example, ended up farming corn so that I could mulch it and grow saplings. It adds a great deal of depth to the farming mechanics. I use the farming redo mod, and these two mods work well together.
Enables good mods
I use "more trees" and "plant life," both of which require this lib. I like those mods, so I like this lib.
Excellent mod. Does what it says.
This mod does what it says. You can craft armor that protects you from damage. It works very well.
Best alternative to minecraft
Wow, which cool game. The best minecraft alternative! Now with the 0.69.0 update come xp which make this game better then it is! Really really cool!
Nice Starting
I have ran into 3 bugs so far playing for only 30 minutes. But love this. I see such great potental. I will dive into figuring out the bugs on my end. I need to study more on how to set up my own town in this game. Great job. Keep up the updates and I will see what I can do from my side of things.
Yet another very captivating mod!
Encore un autre Mod vraiment tres intéressant créé par joe7575 pour ceux qui aime construire des syteme avec des machines captivente. L'essayer c'est l'adopter ( et rester accro )! En progressant tout au long des 4 ages, une histoire ce crée grace a ce mod encore une fois tres biens réussi!
Yet another really very interesting Mod created by joe7575 for those who like to build systems with captivating machines. To try it is to adopt it (and stay addicted)! By progressing throughout the 4 ages, a story is created thanks to this mod once again very successful!
Dragons <3
I love this mod. The dragons are so amazing. I have been seeing it used on Dragon Realms 2021. I think it's really sweet to see the dragons sleep at night. I didn't think they'd grow so large however, but I think it's perfect! I have yet to hatch my own dragon, even though I have all the necessary components. I just want to keep the eggs unhatched until I have at least two of the same color.
Best Texture Pack ever!
That's the best Texture pack, which I have ever seen! All in this pack looks very nice and cute! (The hoe isn't in the texture pack! :D )
Way easier commands
I've been using this library for months, since I read about it on the Modding Book. Definitely worth it
Good job!
I've reviewed your code. This is a good job that makes caves and rock buildings realistic. It's also a source of inspiration.
Good fun, but could use further breadth/depth
Games are very short and there's not much too it. I suggest having a longer kill cooldown and some other mechanics
Visually consistent and not bloated
I like this mod because it's not bloated, and the items look like they actually belong in the world
More intuitive than MTG's
I like this mod, the screwdriver is more intuitive than in MTG
plus there's a bug that allows you to use it without tool wearMy go-to sprint + hunger mod
My go-to sprint + hunger mod
Quite a fun mod
Good way to organise items
This is a really nice way to organise items.
I made an automated system to sort and store my items: https://twitter.com/rubenwardy/status/1220491429576945667
I just wish this mod supported tools (albeit at a lower count)
Brutal, buggy, and imperfect - but still fun
Played this online with a few people a while back.
I pretty much constantly died
There was also a bunch of multiplayer bugs - be careful not to sleep on the same bed as someone else! The temperature system was buggy and unintuitive, and low health movement was very glitchy.
But it's an ambitious game, and impressive as a one-person project.
Una API algo primitiva
Funciona, y permite añadir criaturas al juego, pero en comparacion a otras nuevas APIs se queda algo obsoleta
Early days but this is the one to watch
Among the best models/textures for animal mobs, especially in the terrestrial mob category. Better Fauna presents a very consistent feel across the various animals available, highlighting the care by ElCeejo put into designing each creature. Being mobkit based means there is also a lot of potential for advanced behaviours and interactions between these mobs to simulate an proper ecosystem.
**Onward to the future **
As the title states, it is early days, but I am looking forward to seeing the roster of animals expand until this can serve as the de facto animal mod to populate a whole world. Preferably this would mean biome specific animals, e.g. polar bears in snowy/ice biomes, foxes or badgers in forests, etc. to encourage exploration and give each biome a distinct feel. Though other mods more or less do this already, having a menagerie of 'real world animals' in ElCeejo's style would greatly enhance any Minetest game. If eventually there could be bonus animals for specific Ethereal biomes, that would be a real clincher.
Once the roster is more complete, or as it is developing, the second priority should be taking advantage of mobkit to make distinct behaviours and game-play experiences, establishing predator/prey dynamics and unique behaviours for mobs that affect the world. Animals like cows for example are more dangerous when cornered in real life than in Minetest, Minecraft or most similar games.
**Possible improvement to the current mod **
One minor point that could be improved would be to add a few different sounds per mob so that they can cycle through them and sound less repetitive. Maybe spacing out their calls more or making them more situation dependant would help too.
In closing
I am optimistic about Better Fauna's future. Though it current does not add many animals, each one is well executed.