Recently Added
Montserrat ESR Font
EmptyStarA fresh and comfortable font remix made for Luanti
Unstable Caves
M BLOCSome stones may cave in if punched, making underground expeditions more risky.
My Treasure
DonAdds treasure chests around the world
My Cobble
DonThis is a simple mod that lets you turn cobble into gravel and gravel into sand
Recently Updated
Unlit Music
nurd3Official OST for Unlit
xXOsielXxAllow sprinting/running with double tap
Ingame Editor for Yourland Speak up mod
SokomineEdit ingame what NPCs say without server restart
Yourland Speak up
SokomineNPCs deliver speeches
Top Games
VoxeLibre (formerly MineClone2)
WuzzySurvive, farm, build, explore, play with friends, and do much more. Inspired by Minecraft, pushing beyond.
Minetest Game
MinetestThe classic "Minetest". A lightweight and well-maintained base for modding
ryvnfSurvival sandbox game inspired by Minecraft.
Backrooms Test
SumiA game about exploring uncanny, vaguely unsettling, liminal spaces. The goal is to explore, be lost, wander. Can you find all the levels?
Extra Ordinance
SumiYou have several weapons to choose from. You can dig through the earth. So can they.
WuzzyYou’re lost in cyberspace. Collect electrons, unlock new sectors and find your destination
Warr1024Discover and invent in a surreal, unsympathetic world of cubes, patterns, and abstractions.
Subway Miner
AFCMA Subway Surfer inspired game
Top Mods
ElCeejoBrings a plethora of wildlife and expands exploration
mt-modsA next-generation inventory
3D Armor
stuVisible player armor & wielded items.
ElCeejoAdds terrifying Dragons and powerful equipment.
sfan5In-game world editor. Use it to repair griefing, or just create awesome buildings in seconds.
SaKeLAdds many new biomes, items and blocks.
Ethereal NG
TenPlus1Adds many new biomes, items and mechanics into the world.
JeijaAdds digital circuitry, including wires, buttons, lights, and even programmable controllers.
Top Texture Packs
Soothing 32
ZughyLightweight yet aesthetically pleasing texture pack. Seriously, it could run on a toaster!
Vilja Pix 2.0
ROllerozxaA sophisticated texture pack for Luanti.
Hugues RossA simple texturepack reminiscent of classic RPGs
REFI Textures
MysticTempest16px - Attempts to recapture the aesthetic of Minecraft, while improving upon visibility.
Less Dirt
DrFrankenstoneAdjusts textures so rolling hills have less exposed bare dirt.
AndrOnCartoon-style and vibrant colors, with extended support!
Hand Painted Pack
drummyfish128 x 128 hand painted style texture pack
SharpNet Photo Realism 64px
SharpikIt's Photo Realism pack with few mod support.
Search by Tags
128px+ 11 <16px 11 16px 61 32px 16 64px 8 Adventure / RPG 103 API / Library 321 Building 406 Building Mechanics and Tools 108 Chat / Commands 141 Commerce / Economy 53 Complex installation 36 Crafting 97 Creative 129 Custom mapgen 35 Decorative 299 Developer Tools 91 Education 67 Environment / Weather 161 Food / Drinks 71 GUI 87 HUD 71 Inventory 79 Jam / Combat 2020 8 Jam / Game 2021 25 Jam / Game 2022 12 Jam / Game 2023 12 Jam / Game 2024 13 Jam / Weekly Challenges 2021 8 Joke 47 Machines / Electronics 170 Magic / Enchanting 35 Mapgen / Biomes / Decoration 208 Minetest Game improved 28 Mini-game 49 Mobs / Animals / NPCs 114 Multiplayer-focused 258 One-of-a-kind / Original 77 Plants and Farming 106 Player customization / Skins 27 Player Effects / Power Ups 142 Player vs Environment (PvE) 145 Player vs Player (PvP) 123 Puzzle 41 Seasonal 10 Server Moderation and Tools 171 Shooter 27 Sims 45 Singleplayer-focused 68 Sounds / Music 51 Sports 14 Storage 58 Strategy / RTS 9 Survival 423 Tools / Weapons / Armor 314 Transport 199 World Maintenance and Tools 119Highest Reviewed
VoxeLibre (formerly MineClone2)
WuzzySurvive, farm, build, explore, play with friends, and do much more. Inspired by Minecraft, pushing beyond.
ElCeejoBrings a plethora of wildlife and expands exploration
Backrooms Test
SumiA game about exploring uncanny, vaguely unsettling, liminal spaces. The goal is to explore, be lost, wander. Can you find all the levels?
mt-modsA next-generation inventory
A neccessity for schematic creators
When I first started working with minetest schematics, It took sometimes up to an hour to manage to export properly after all the loads and reloads. Which was quite slow, and tedious. while browsing through trying to find another mod I needed, I ended up finding this.
This mod allows for really efficient schematic imports/exports without having to waste the time loading and reloading the world, sometimes saving an hour or more. What used to take an what seemed like forever, can now be done in a matter of minutes.
If you're a modder that works with schematics a lot, then this mod is essential. It's one of those mods you don’t realize you need until you use it and then you can’t go back. Highly recommended!
Very Helpful Boost.
Mod adds a superjump using the aux1 key, fun for traveling around quickly and reaching floating islands from skylands. Always available with no item needed, so might be unbalanced for survival games. Settings can be used to disable sounds and change the power of ejection, so you can jump hundreds of nodes away. The rate of ejection recharging can be very unsteady, though I think this is more the fault of Luanti engine than the mod.
Good but flawed
Very interesting concept that gets you going and rewarsd you for grinding (oh lord yes please). It could use a rebalance on the starting parameters, because i feel it's VERY fast to get to the last level at which you unlock unlimited blocks. So be sure to look at the settings before playing with that mod, double all stats (multiply tenfold even) and you're good to go !
The closest I will ever get to installing a real elevator.
Alright - this might seem a bit text-wall-ish, so I'll hit you with the big takeaway first: this mod is the single most realistic elevator mod in almost any video game. Not just Luanti/Minetest, not just block games - almost any video game. Yes, even Source engine games, where elevators are part of the game code.
On its surface to a non-technical person, it will feel exactly like how using a real-life (North American) elevator system would feel - the timing of the cars travelling between floors, the slowdown and slight delay of the car levelling itself with the floor, the door hold delay, the open and close door buttons working as expected, and even the behavior of the system when things go wrong. If someone holds the door open too long, the car buzzes at you and nudges the door closed. If someone activates fire service, the cars immediately return to the recall floor down to the literal NFPA code requirements governing that behavior. If the car somehow ends up misaligned with a door, it faults out and someone has to fish you out, just like some of the more unfortunate of us may have experienced. What little it is missing is mostly cosmetic or lay outside the bounds of what the Luanti engine can allow. And the best part? This is only half of the absolute ton of detail cheapie has poured into this mod.
There's simply too much to put in a single review here (the 2000 character limit here simply won't do it justice) but there's even more to talk about: group service, mesecons and digilines integration, keyswitches, access panels, and all the technical nuances - all while still being able to be set up by a layperson. You don't need to be a elevator technician to use and fully enjoy and learn the mod, but if you are - you'll be delighted at all the extras. I put my full review in a pastebin here:
Essential mod for servers
Knowing what other players are holding is an essential polish to a multiplayer server. Both because it cuts down on the unneccesary confusion with what items you have. But also so that you can be ready when your teamate decides he doesn't like you anymore.
This mod really helps servers feel more polished, and makes them much more playable.