Mod Name "3d_armor"
Provided By
Voxel Dungeon
NoodlemireThis is a recreation and adaptation of an Android rogue-like game, Pixel Dungeon by Watabou.
MeseCraftThe best game for Minetest. A survival game with new depth, mechanics, biomes, mobs and many essential additions. Has a focus on being fun, user-friendly, stable, and minimalist but featured.
1248Fight monsters, collect XP, craft battleaxes, armor, guns and lots more.
EmptyStarA vibrant world of beautiful biomes. Explore, discover, create.
Regnum 2
1248This is the second part of Regnum
bell07Aims to get all existing high quality mods working together
Nonsensical Skyblock
Kimaprskyblock game BASED on crafting. no quest cringe! bonemeal go brrrr
Occupy Moon
rlarsThis game will send you to the moon!
Minetest Extended
PetiAPocokThe extended version of the default Minetest Game.
Warning: Non-free media.
Epic Combat
hilolFight your enemies with various weapons and protect yourself with distinct sets of Armour, whilst sharpening your skills in PVP and PVE.
AstrobeFight, farm, explore, build. Solo or multiplayer.
Required By
EmptyStarAdds wings that allow players to fly and feather fall
mt-modsThe successor to bloodmagic.
Too many ores
TeufloVThis adds 53 new ores. But most of them are useless.
GenesisMTA simple mask you can wear.
Armor Expanded
CrystalwarriorExpanded armors for 3d armors
soerenWith this new feature, you can press ordinary diamonds into industrial diamonds, effectively doubling your diamond count and maximizing your resources.
Painted 3D Armor
BeerholderAdds banners to your armor, either painted using the painting mod or created using the banners mod
Alien Tools
chaosomniumAlien Tools Mod for Minetest - adds Alien Tool, Shield, biome, etc
Legendary Armor
DynamaxPikachuAdds legendary tools and armor
Tungsten Carbide
RemainderTheoremAdds tools made from tungsten carbide that are more durable.
Hazmat Suit
1F616EMOProtect wearer from fire and radiation
Leather Armor
X17Adds an armor made of leather
Aurora Tech
AurailusUnique and powerful gadgets and utilites.
Boots of Swiftness Mod
ClothierEdwardAdds a new pair of boots called the Boots of Swiftness.
More Boots
UbuntuJaredFork of ClothierEdward's "Boots Of Swiftness", adds new boots that let you jump higher and run faster
Molten Sailor by Dokimi
CalebJBoat for sailing on lava, suit for diving in lava.
OgelGamesAdds a headlamp that can be worn as armor, providing a bright light source
GoopsAdd rings with temporary player effects
Technic Armor
mt-modsAdds armor made from lead, brass, cast iron, carbon steel, stainless steel, tin and silver
Armor HUD bar
WuzzyAdds a HUD bar displaying the current damage of the player's armor.
Gems Battle
MisterEBedwars-like team battle minigame
Lighted Helmets
AntumDelugeLight-emitting helmets.
DuvalonAdditional armours to build and wear
3D Armor Mobile
LandarVarganAdds a command to bring up a formspec that allows mobile users to put on armor
Random (Useful) stuff
pl608A library that adds well... Random Stuff
Ta4 Jetpack
joe7575JetPack for Techage
Ocular Networks
mt-modsDraw power from the world, and use it to power machines and tools.
Knightech86This adds sund powerful suits
Octavian2011adds suits for speed and look
Techage Modpack
joe7575Go through five tech ages in search of wealth and power
Infinity Gauntlet
GcbardenAdds The Infinity Gauntlet
new minerals
GigaBytenew minerals for armor and tools,add mineral abysmal, cobalto,adamantita,tugsteno,clorofite,titanium and more uses for obsidian
FirekillerAdds a new biome, new blocks, new armor and more.
Optionally Used By
AidanLCBAdds super overpowered and expensive endgame tools, armor, weapons, and blocks
Draigh-uisge (waterdragon)
HomiakAdds powerful Water Dragons, powerful armor and some blocks.
GreenXenithAdds Halloween candy and costumes.
SokomineConfigurable mobs/NPC which can trade for you.
mrkubax10Features electricity and various useful machines. Inspired by Technic and IC2.
Offhand Items
TestificateModsLets you equip nodes and place them without switching tools
IcyDiamondA powerful modpack
Lava Stuff
LandarVarganAdds lava armor, tools, and blocks
mt-modsFeature-filled home decor modpack.
SoloSniperAdds obsidian tools and armour
lazerbeak12345Adds edible chocolate tools and armor to Minetest.
ElCeejoAdds terrifying Dragons and powerful equipment.
Smart Inventory
bell07A fast player inventory with focus on a many number of items and big screens
swagtoyImproves the inventory, and fixes some formspecs throughout some mods.
AiTechEyeHide nametag while sneaking, or invisible
ApolloXBe more forgiving for those who are tired of their tools and/or armor breaking.
alerikaisatteraA mineral found at high altitude and items made with it
Power Rangers Modpack
LC CreationsAdds power rangers and an API to create your own.
Renew Pack
ApolloXSelf Repairing tools and armor
GigaBytemore uses for obsidian
bell07Custom player skins manager with support for 1.0 and 1.8er skins and inventory skins selector
bones (redo)
fluxionarythe bones mod from minetest_game, but with updates to make them much more reliable
sofarAdds stamina, sprinting, and hunger
Basic Anvil
MikeRedwoodAdds an easy tool repair craft
Farlands Reloaded
wsor4035lightweight game to explore and create
Dragonbone Stuff
Robot10&ScheletorAdds dragonbone set
csirolliA thermometer to check the temperature
Topaz Items
WINNIETopaz Items for Minetest
AiTechEyeUltimate build+mine & admin tool
_XenonAdds bright stuff
Zero-Effort Custom Minerals
Piezo_A tool for registering entire materials, complete with ore generation, tool-sets and automatically generated sprites with almost no effort required
Color Armors
WINNIEColorful Armors :)
Nether addons
DragonWrangleradds more nodes and decorations to the nether
Proxima Survival
debiankaiosSurvival on Proxima Centauri B. Not working on it now.
ThePython10110Adds random things to MTG and MCL.
AntumDelugeA wardrobe that can be used to register & set new player skins.
Secrets of the Space Parable
StarNinjasImagine being alone. In a spacecraft. This is you.
MrDraxsAdds autoclimb, idea by mrdraxs and code by ( FatalError, once again seasoned ) and ( ElCeejo ).
Ediblestuff API
lazerbeak12345A unified API for making items, tools and armor edible. Eat armor while wearing it!
Offline Phantoms
KimaprPlayers leave "phantoms" when leaving; other players can take items from those
Kill History
LMDAdds a kill history
Radiant Damage
FaceDeerA mod that allows nodes to damage players at a distance
Mobs Ethereal Bosses
PixelZoneAdds Bosses in biomes from the "Ethereal NG" and "Mineclonia" mods
Robot10&ScheletorThis mod adds several space stuff to the game.
faction items
GigaByteadd some items to be used as prizes for special events or player achievements
More Triggers
SkyBuilder1717Adds more triggers for mod "Awards"
Obsidianstuff Redo
OgelGamesAdds obsidian tools and armor
Cloud Items
Panquesito7Powerful cloud tools.
Warning: Non-free media.
ElCeejoBrings a plethora of wildlife and expands exploration
Mystical Agriculture(redo)
ArkatronFork of mystical_agriculture
_XenonAdds dark stuff
3D Armor Flyswim
sirrobzerooneAdds Flying and Swimming animations to base character model for 3d_armor
Alive AI
AiTechEyeAdvanced survivor ai mobs (npc, monsters and more)
Uranium Stuff
EpoxumAdds Uranium tools and armor, compatible with technic.
Balrog Sword MT 5.4
DragonWranglerallows those using the old mobs balrog mod to have balrog swords
giov4Skywars is a PvP minigame where players battle each other on floating islands until there is only one survivor remaining.
No Man's Land
Big_CaballitoSurvive No Man's Land, where TNT rains from the sky, and destroys everything. This is a Work in Progress, I wanna add more features & lore
Better Trees
csirolliMakes trees more realistic.
Koda_Adds Gemstones to the game
mt-modsMakes players emit light while holding any luminescent item.
Fire Plus
LandarVarganAllows players to be lit on fire.
Jackknifeadds silver ore and tools
Temperature Survive
AiTechEyeMakes you feel temperatures
Christmas Decor
GreenXenithChristmas-themed decor
Item Holders
Jose_ManuelS18Adds 'Item Holders', blocks that hold your items in display, also provides a API.
Mystical Agriculture
TechNolaByteAdds Resource Crops, Seeds, Essences, and other cool things!
NextGen Bows
StarNinjasAdds bow and arrows.
mt-modsA next-generation inventory
Not So Simple Mobs
TenPlus1Adds a host of creatures into your world with new weapons too.
shaftAdds guns, rocket launchers and grenades.
Character Animations
LMDAnimates the character
Alien Material
debiankaiosAdds new blocks, items, and tools from aliens. A new time begins.
Rainbow Ore
KingSmartyRainbow materials & equipment.
Ancient Ice Stuff
Robot10&ScheletorAdds a new powerful ore to the game
Doctor Who Tardis
SkivlingAdds various items, blocks, Daleks, and a working TARDIS from the sci-fi show Doctor Who.
balrog (flux's fork)
fluxionaryadds balrogs.
Simple Recycle
JoleshAdds the possibility to recycle items and nodes by smelting or decrafting them back to their original resources.
X Bows
SaKeLAdds bow and arrows with API.
shaftAdds bow and arrows.
Forgotten Monsters (Reworked)
PixelZoneAdd monsters and bosses to your world...
LootChests Modpack
mt-modsModpack adding a lot of various loot containers across the world to be found and providing an API, resources and integrations for other mods
Techage Modpack
joe7575Go through five tech ages in search of wealth and power
Player Plus Mod
TenPlus1Adds effects to player to change speeds, cause damage, knockback and more...
Zombies4Test ( Reload )
PixelZoneAdding zombies, structures and weapons to your world..
CS:MT (BlockAssault)
LogikíA first person shooter game with multiple features
mt-modsBlockColor is a creative sandbox with only 8 colors.
Nether Mobs
DirkfriedAdd monsters and dragons to your nether world.
Collectible Skins
ZughyWear and unlock skins
new minerals
GigaBytenew minerals for armor and tools,add mineral abysmal, cobalto,adamantita,tugsteno,clorofite,titanium and more uses for obsidian
Signal_A skin system that allows players to upload custom skins in-game.
Dreambuilder Game
mt-modsDreambuilder is my attempt to give the player pretty much everything they could ever want to build with, and all the tools they should need to actually get the job done.
Ranged Weapons
LarsAdds some guns and throwable weapons.
NodeCore Movement
ROllerozxaNodeCore-esque movement for other games
Power Guns
shaftA mod that adds laser guns and a force gun
Stamina (Fork)
TenPlus1Adds stamina and hunger (this fork adds drunk effects and player_monoids/pova support)
EmilianoA package that adds More Ores and Things