Mod Name "screwdriver"
Provided By
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Skyblock: Zero
zanderdevStart from absolutely nothing in a skyblock world. Time is your resource.
CasimirA classic game for exploring, survival and building. Maintained by rudzik8
Mesecons lab
BuckarooBanzaiMesecons laboratory and tutorials
Dreambuilder Game
mt-modsDreambuilder is my attempt to give the player pretty much everything they could ever want to build with, and all the tools they should need to actually get the job done.
Capture the Flag
rubenwardyTwo or more teams battle to snatch and return the enemy flags, before the enemy takes their own!
Lord of the Test
AmazLOTR-inspired subgame. Explore the world of Middle-Earth, the one subgame to rule them all!
1248You are on a floor plan of a castle. Collect resources and rebuild the old castle
VoxeLibre (formerly MineClone2)
WuzzySurvive, farm, build, explore, play with friends, and do much more. Inspired by Minecraft, pushing beyond.
Escape The Beast
Thunder1035A survival hunt game
1248Fight monsters, collect XP, craft battleaxes, armor, guns and lots more.
mt-modsBlockColor is a creative sandbox with only 8 colors.
Proxima Survival
debiankaiosSurvival on Proxima Centauri B. Not working on it now.
MeseCraftThe best game for Minetest. A survival game with new depth, mechanics, biomes, mobs and many essential additions. Has a focus on being fun, user-friendly, stable, and minimalist but featured.
Regnum 2
1248This is the second part of Regnum
EmptyStarA vibrant world of beautiful biomes. Explore, discover, create.
Hades Revisited
WuzzyYou have stranded on the planet Hades. Use your limited supplies to survive and use terraforming to create a beautiful habitable place. (EARLY TEST VERSION)
VoxelForge Beta - 1.6.0 - Pre 1
VoxelForgeBuild, Fight, Mine, and so much more. A MineCraft Inspired game, focused on replicating MineCraft as good as possible while keeping performant.
BlockAssault MapMaker
LogikíThis game is focused to make maps for BlockAssault [BA.S]
LandarVarganYour ship has crashed, armed with a few tools you must harvest meteorites to repair your ship while fighting off hordes of aliens
CS:MT (BlockAssault)
LogikíA first person shooter game with multiple features
Minetest Game
LuantiThe classic "Minetest". A lightweight and well-maintained base for modding
bell07Aims to get all existing high quality mods working together
Nonsensical Skyblock
Kimaprskyblock game BASED on crafting. no quest cringe! bonemeal go brrrr
No Man's Land
Big_CaballitoSurvive No Man's Land, where TNT rains from the sky, and destroys everything. This is a Work in Progress, I wanna add more features & lore
ryvnfSurvival sandbox game inspired by Minecraft.
Raining Nodes
TheFanneSurvive in a strange world where nodes constantly rain down from the sky!
Occupy Moon
rlarsThis game will send you to the moon!
Minetest Extended
PetiAPocokThe extended version of the default Minetest Game.
Warning: Non-free media.
Epic Combat
hilolFight your enemies with various weapons and protect yourself with distinct sets of Armour, whilst sharpening your skills in PVP and PVE.
AstrobeFight, farm, explore, build. Solo or multiplayer.
Forum Topics
- [Mod] ScrewDriver plus by taikedz [WIP]
Required By
Hollow Logs for Mineclonia
dougsouza26Adds hollow logs to each Mineclonia tree/hypha.
Church Modpack
SFENCEChurch Modpack adds many decorative nodes to the game.
Batch Screwdriver
niwla23With this you can rotate all nodes in a row at once
Node houses
MatyasPNode houses is a mod by MatyasP that adds one-node block of houses, for crafting using items from mode default.
Evil_GabeA mod that adds machines and tools also ores, items, etc
LootChests Modpack
mt-modsModpack adding a lot of various loot containers across the world to be found and providing an API, resources and integrations for other mods
Techage Modpack
joe7575Go through five tech ages in search of wealth and power
Node roads
MatyasPAdd much of one-node roads and crossroads, road bridges and slopes
Optionally Used By
Pride Flags
WuzzyAdds a variety of animated flags to celebrate Pride
mt-modsSupplies a complete set of nice, round mesh-based water pipes, boxy item-transport tubes, and devices that work with them.
mt-modsFeature-filled home decor modpack.
Rubber Addon for MineClone
BiochemistAdds rubber and related Items to MineClone.
Doors Redo
TenPlus1Doors mod with lock tool to open, lock or protect any registered door.
Voxel Dungeon
NoodlemireThis is a recreation and adaptation of an Android rogue-like game, Pixel Dungeon by Watabou.
mt-modsRandom digilines devices
Church Modpack
SFENCEChurch Modpack adds many decorative nodes to the game.
Advtrains Screen Doors
1F616EMOPlatform screen doors for Advtrains
AFCMPalamod modpack for MineClone2
VoxeLibre Furniture and decorations
rudzik8Adds more decoration and furniture blocks to VoxeLibre (ex. MineClone2) and Mineclonia
TenPlus1Add cakes to MInetest
carlos_ruppAction game in ancient Egypt.
Arrow Boards
cheapieArrow boards for road construction
Gloop Blocks
mt-modsAdds decorative and functional blocks, including cement, rainbow blocks, "evil" blocks, and tools.
Pkarcs for Hades Revisited
SFENCEAdds arched doors to Hades Revisited.
codeAtoriumLearn programming, solve puzzles, and make pixelart. An escape room game.
cheapieAdvanced traffic signal controller
cheapieDigilines graphical screen
TumeniNodesAdds arched doors
Easy Vending Machines
WuzzyAdds vending and depositing machines which allow to buy and sell items from other players, using a currency item.
Mobs NPC
TenPlus1Adds simple NPC and Trader.
Mods pack for Hades Revisited
SFENCEPack of mods for subgame Hades Revisited.
Storage Drawers
LNJAdding simple storages for items, showing the item's inventory image in the front.
Home Workshop modpack
mt-modsThis is a simple modpack containing computers, tools, machines, etc.
MineClone Breakers
opfromthestartMinecraft-y block breakers
JeijaAdds digital circuitry, including wires, buttons, lights, and even programmable controllers.
Chair lift
SFENCEAdd craftable and usable chair lift. TIPS: Use gearbox, grease parts (hemp oil), check grease with inspect tool, combine more engines...
Generic Inoffensive Flags
AwesomeDragon97Adds generic flags that come in multiple basic colors.
More Tools
SFENCEAdd more variant of screwdriver and shears (if vines is enabled). Add garden trowel tool if composting is enabled.
JavaFXpertTeaching Quantum Computing using Qiskit in a block world
Droog71Moon Habitat Simulator
OgelGamesThe ultimate screwdriver.
DonAdds several different style doors.
BuckarooBanzaiEnhanced Programmer for Ingame Control
Mesecons for Hades Revisited
SFENCEAdds digital circuitry, including wires, buttons, lights, and even programmable controllers for Hades Revisited.
FaceDeerHammer and anvil for repairing tools
MineClone Placers
opfromthestartAdds Minecraft-y block placers
AdvTrains Crafting Compatibility Patch
MarnackEnables crafting of advtrains items in games that are not based on Minetest Game.
Signs Lib
mt-modsAdds signs with readable text.
Realtime Elevator
shacknetispSmooth entity-based elevators used for vertical transport without teleportation
QuantumBuilder - a QiskitBlocks fork
MIROFork of JavaFXpert/QiskitBlocks - Game that teaches quantum computing
1F616EMOLetter blocks
Street Signs
mt-modsRoad signs galore!
moreblocks and stairsplus
fluxionaryadds various blocks to the game
Simple Recycle
JoleshAdds the possibility to recycle items and nodes by smelting or decrafting them back to their original resources.
XP Redo
mt-modsAdds experience, ranks, and doors only accessible to those above a certain rank. Not actually a redo of any mod.
Travelnet Redo
1F616EMOTravelnet with improved performance and code tidiness
Better Screwdriver
12Me21A more intuitive node rotation tool
Train Gravels
1F616EMOGravel-related blocks for advtrains
Tony996Adds coloured Glass Doors to Minetest subgame (MineClone2).
TenPlus1Adds hoppers to transport items between chests/furnace etc.
1F616EMOInbox for items
Candles 3D
mazesPlace candles in world. Add, remove or taint candles from placed nodes
Lucky Block
TenPlus1Craft and break lucky blocks to give something good, bad or painful :)
RealBadAngelExtensive machinery mod with electricity and ores.
Technic Plus
mt-modsTechnic fork with focus on features and stability