Mod Name "mcl_core"
Provided By
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VoxeLibre (formerly MineClone2)
WuzzySurvive, farm, build, explore, play with friends, and do much more. Inspired by Minecraft, pushing beyond.
VoxelForge Beta - 1.6.0 - Pre 1
VoxelForgeBuild, Fight, Mine, and so much more. A MineCraft Inspired game, focused on replicating MineCraft as good as possible while keeping performant.
ryvnfSurvival sandbox game inspired by Minecraft.
Required By
Mineclone Build Spawner
Thunder1035Gives build spawner for spawing builds in mineclone 2 and 5
mi.shYou can lock a Dragon Egg so it doesnt teleport away
mi.shAdds more crafting Recipes to make useless Items more useful
Unsolicited Crafting Recipes for Mineclonia
ketwarooRecipes for saddle, horse armors, and other uncraftables for mineclonia. Companion mod for k_recyclebin.
Rubber Addon for MineClone
BiochemistAdds rubber and related Items to MineClone.
Ore Crops for MineClone
RandomLegoBrick91Adds crops that let you grow minerals such as gold and iron
mi.shYou can undo Mistakes, such as stripping Wood
VoxeLibre Skyblock
ancientmarinerSkyblock for VoxeLibre
VoxeLibre caves
NoordstarCustom caves in VoxeLibre
Hollow Logs for Mineclonia
dougsouza26Adds hollow logs to each Mineclonia tree/hypha.
AFCMPalamod modpack for MineClone2
ThePython10110Adds portable things to MineClone (crafting table, ender chest, enchanting table)
VoxeLibre Furniture and decorations
rudzik8Adds more decoration and furniture blocks to VoxeLibre (ex. MineClone2) and Mineclonia
Copper Stuff for Voxelibre
SmokeyDopeThis adds copper tools, armor, and decorations to voxelibre.
Too Many Aliases
ThePython10110Adds aliases to every item/node in MineClone to make them match MineCraft so you can stop forgetting that mcl_mobitems:ender_pearl should be mcl_throwing:ender_pearl.
MineClone2 UHC
AFCMUHC additions to MineClone2
Furious_matchallenge mod for Mineclone
MineClone2 Build Limit
AFCMAdd a build limit to MineClone2
Rose Gold Stuff for Voxelibre
SmokeyDopeThis adds a new tier of tools and armor, as well as some decorative blocks. Like gold but last longer and in pink!
Dirty Shovels for Mineclonia
SmokeyDopeThis gives shovels the ability to turn paths back to dirt on right-click.
Autocrafters for MineClone2
1F616EMOAutomate crafting process using hoppers and autocrafters
MineClone Stackpotions
ApolloXStackable Potions
VoxeLibre Emerald Stuff
rudzik8Adds emerald tools and armor to VoxeLibre (ex. MineClone2)
N FreemanCurrency like shops to trade with emeralds in your Emeraldbank.
Rotten Flesh To Leather
ElagohtAdds recipe to craft leather for MineClone2
TomlausA bin to delete Items in Mineclone2 and Mineclonia.
MineClone Breakers
opfromthestartMinecraft-y block breakers
Mineclonia Stoneblock
coraThe claustrophobic anti-skyblock challenge - everything is there but covered in stone, mine-to-win DO NOT USE WITH EXISTING MAPS!
TomlausChimneys for Mineclone and Mineclonia.
Magic Wands
xynydevAdds magic utility wands for Mineclonia
MC2.0 for MineClone2
1F616EMOMinec**** 2.0 April Fool's features
CaT VoxeLibre Tools
YCaTGameRTAdd tools created by YCaTGameRT and farfind for VoxeLibre
Mineclone2 Underwater Challenge
NO11A survival challenge for Mineclone2. Try to survive in a flooded world.
Mineclone2 More Ore Variants
NO11Make ores in stone like andesite or diorite look better.
UwU (MineClonia)
PsycoAdd UwU block, uwu crystal ores, uwu tools and more.
MineClone Placers
opfromthestartAdds Minecraft-y block placers
VoxeLibre More Food
rudzik8Adds five more food items to VoxeLibre (ex. MineClone2) or Mineclonia
Emerald Bank (MineClonia)
N FreemanKeep your Emeralds in a Bank, a complete economy API
Bronze & Copper stuff for VoxeLibre(ex.Mineclone 2)
MiracleNebulaeAdd Bronze & Copper stuff for VoxeLibre
rudzik8A hardcore modpack for VoxeLibre, featuring all kinds of aspects to make the gameplay more difficult
mineclonia Oneblock
coraOneblock skyblock challenge for mineclonia DO NOT USE IN EXISTING WORLDS
Mosaic Planks for Mineclonia
dougsouza26Adds wooden mosaics for remaining woods.
Tony996Adds coloured Glass Doors to Minetest subgame (MineClone2).
More mclx_fences
dougsouza26Adds fences and fence gates with bark textures for logs and hyphae.
Simonfill your hearts (HP)
Mineclone Better End
TX MinerMake the end better in Mineclonia and Mineclone!
Optionally Used By
Good Torch
LissoBoneMerely a flashlight that uses ray casting.
Superimposed Window Frames
1F616EMOAdd a wooden frame over windows
Basic Houses
SokomineSimple random houses spawning in small groups on the map
mrkubax10Features electricity and various useful machines. Inspired by Technic and IC2.
Simple Tape Measure
OgelGamesAdds a simple tape measure.
theFoxA storage managing solution to get an overview over all your items.
tacotexmexSling enables item stack and single item throwing of any item.
grorpPaint anything! Graffiti for Luanti.
ApolloXAdds various knives with extreme damage
namPorko, the Dice Game
random_geekProvides flexible interior and exterior lighting options for different styles of builds.
Johannes FritzShootable and aimable cannons
mt-modsFeature-filled home decor modpack.
Lava Stuff
LandarVarganAdds lava armor, tools, and blocks
Light Tool
ExtexAdds a tool and api that creates beams of light
Zemtzov7Allows to check and remove items from players' inventories
Mesecons Onlinedetector
AFCMAdd online detector to mesecons
Bushy Leaves (fork)
rudzik8Makes leaves render bushy instead of boxy. Now with better performance and Plantlife support.
Petroglyph Maker
NeuromancerCreate your own petroglyphs on Desert Stone
Nutra Paste
ApolloXLow quality, but free, food source.
ApolloXA node which produces ores
Global Bulletin Boards
FaceDeerAllows creation of global bulletin boards where players can post public messages
FaceDeerA "floating" block that can be placed at the surface of a body of water without needing to build pilings first.
ApolloXBe more forgiving for those who are tired of their tools and/or armor breaking.
Jetpack (sum)
SumiAdds a jetpack and fuel.
TenPlus1Adds realistic sound effects into your world.
Liquid Physics
snoutieAdds physics to liquids, such as water physics, or lava physics
FaceDeerProvides pressurized air tanks for extended underwater excursions
Simple Airship (sum)
SumiAdds a simple airship for getting around the floatlands. Also optionally uses air currents.
Renew Pack
ApolloXSelf Repairing tools and armor
Advtrains Screen Doors
1F616EMOPlatform screen doors for Advtrains
ATM for Unified Money
1F616EMOTake your money into physical currency
Handholds Redo
TestificateModsAdds additional functionality to pickaxes as a climbing tool
ApolloXBreath underwater with this item in hand
Feather Fall
ApolloXHolding this feather makes you light as it
Wilhelmines Animal World
LiilAdds various wild animals to your Minetest Game world.
Automated Storage & Retrieval System
Nathan.SAdds an automated storage and retrieval system to Minetest.
Parachute (sum)
SumiAdds parachutes. These are reusable but require you to craft to pack the parachute into your bag.
NoordstarAdd stalactites and stalagmites to your game.
BuckarooBanzaimod for the mapserver
Item Replicator
ApolloXReplicate items with ease.
oblerionadd skyboard flying vehicle with crafting
Chunk Keeper
ApolloXKeep sections of nodes loaded/running code and growing
Better Randomizer
ThePython10110Randomizes node drops, mob drops, and crafting recipes
Item Repair
ApolloXRepair many items with ease.
Item Physics
SumiMakes items lay flat on the ground and not spin.
ThePython10110Adds random things to MTG and MCL.
Falling Stairs
lazerbeak12345Adds falling stairs and slabs for gravel, sand and others.
ApolloXThe Advanced Chest
Fantasy Commodity Markets
FaceDeerAdds a number of fantasy-themed marketplaces using commoditymarket
Fire Braziers
Excalibur ZeroFire braziers that cause flames to erupt one node above them that don't fade right away when are near flames or are punched.
Secrets of the Space Parable
StarNinjasImagine being alone. In a spacecraft. This is you.
Mcl Polished Stone Stairs
erleAdds polished stone stairs to MineClone2/MineClone5/Mineclonia
codeAtoriumLearn programming, solve puzzles, and make pixelart. An escape room game.
PixelZoneAdds a waystone that you can return to using a scroll.
NO11Build your island in the sky with random items!
ZenonSethOn-demand item transportation + Powerful Storage
AdvTrains Livery Tools
MarnackLivery tools for Advanced Trains mods.
K WorldEdit Command Builder GUI
ketwarooAlternate worldedit frontend to build and run commands that is agnostic of inventory.
cultomAdds a steel hammer which allows to dig 3x3.
Mobs Ethereal Bosses
PixelZoneAdds Bosses in biomes from the "Ethereal NG" and "Mineclonia" mods
Mobs NPC
TenPlus1Adds simple NPC and Trader.
ApolloXFor tracking what ores are around the player.
Hallelujah Mountains (AKA Cloudlands)
DrFrankenstoneGiant rocks floating suspended in magnetic eddies. (skylands, islands, fantasy, giant trees)
Storage Drawers
LNJAdding simple storages for items, showing the item's inventory image in the front.
FreeLikeGNU(Respectfully) Destructive! Goblin NPCs burrow underground, build lairs, set traps and cultivate foodstuffs. They like to steal torches!
Castle Masonry
FaceDeerThis is a mod all about creating castles and castle dungeons.
Nonsensical Skyblock
Kimaprskyblock game BASED on crafting. no quest cringe! bonemeal go brrrr
Lighting Wand
vibes81Adds a greedy wand that eats burnable items and uses it to place a light where ever the player points.
Warning: Non-free media.
Sane Tools
42tpacAdds a 3x3 hammer, a one layer wand builder and a one layer scraper
Ancient Fertilizer
DanielAdds ancient fertilizer, sourced from ancient stone in the underground, useful for farming flowers if you need dye for colored nodes, complements bonemeal.
Sparking Wand Mod
OlafCraft a wand with which you can cast a lightning spell. Great for discovering caves.
Handle Schematics
SokomineA library to make creating and placing saved areas easier.
Silver SandstoneAdds rivets for decoration or locking blocks.
JeijaThis mod adds digiline wires, an RTC (Real Time Clock), a light sensor as well as an LCD Screen.
Unicode Signs
coraSigns that allow unicode text
csirolliAdds a "thirst" mechanic, similar to hunger.
More particles
QualMakes game more immersive by adding more particles
MineClone2 Random Falling TNT or Node Spawning
TrafficSignal2217Configurable, highly destructive mod for MineClone2 that randomly spawns lit TNT, or whatever node you want, in the air.
adikalonAdds a scary and strong monster that lives in caves
Dynamic Liquid
FaceDeerFlowing dynamic liquids and ocean-maintenance springs.
Slimes Redo
TenPlus1Add green and lava slimes to your world.
SokomineExchange/replace nodes with one click.
Basic Materials and items
mt-modsProvides a small selection of "basic" materials and items that other mods should use when possible -- things like steel bars and chains, wire, plastic strips and sheets, and more.
Trash Can
EvergreenAdds a wooden trash can, and a dumpster to the game.
Cozy Lights
SingleDigitIqEarly alpha. Improves the way light sources(torches etc) behave and allows to create huge lights, literal projectors with just a mouse click, light map will be computed for you.
1F616EMOSausages! Yum!
Climb Glove
ApolloXA magic glove which allows you to punch nodes to travel vertically.
JeijaAdds digital circuitry, including wires, buttons, lights, and even programmable controllers.
MeseCraftThe best game for Minetest. A survival game with new depth, mechanics, biomes, mobs and many essential additions. Has a focus on being fun, user-friendly, stable, and minimalist but featured.
Orbs Of Time
FaceDeerA mod containing magical orbs a player can use a limited number of times to change the time of day
Hot Air Balloons
EranAdds craftable and controllable hot air balloons.
MarnackAdditional railway related content for use with Advanced Trains (advtrains).
Adaptation lib and mods
SFENCEKey based adaptation database of items.
Nate's CTF Guns
cracksmoka420Adds craftable guns that feel like hit scan
OgelGamesThe ultimate screwdriver.
Bushy Leaves
erleMakes leaves render bushy instead of boxy.
Better Trees
csirolliMakes trees more realistic.
EmptyStarA vibrant world of beautiful biomes. Explore, discover, create.
ApolloXRegenerating terrain
Area Containers
jwmhjwmhAdds nodes that contain areas in which you can build
Fraktur (alphabet digits letters)
shaftAdds a whole set of Fraktur type metals in the form of nodes.
0siribixShort distance teleport
Log Spikes
Silver SandstoneAdds spikes made of various types of tree.
Dwarf Fortress style caverns
FaceDeerAdds vast underground caverns in the style of Dwarf Fortress, complete with underground flora in diverse biomes.
AdvTrains Crafting Compatibility Patch
MarnackEnables crafting of advtrains items in games that are not based on Minetest Game.
Realtime Elevator
shacknetispSmooth entity-based elevators used for vertical transport without teleportation
kestralAscend by chat command, if possible.
ApolloXProvides a block which provides healing and feeding
shaftAdds guns, rocket launchers and grenades.
Hero Jetpack
NeuromancerJetpack that works like challenging one in H.E.R.O. game.
ForbiddenJAllows for the creation of Meseportation systems.
Omni Tool
ApolloX3 tools in 1
Technic Plus Beta
mt-modsThe technic modpack extends the Minetest game with many new elements, mainly constructable machines and tools.
Doctor Who Tardis
SkivlingAdds various items, blocks, Daleks, and a working TARDIS from the sci-fi show Doctor Who.
Farming Redo
TenPlus1Adds many plants and food to Minetest
TenPlus1Adds bone and bonemeal giving the ability to quickly grow plants and saplings.
Protector Redo
TenPlus1Lets players craft special blocks to protect their builds or disable PVP in areas.
More Ores
CalinouAdds new ore types.
bell07Aims to get all existing high quality mods working together
Teleport Potion
TenPlus1Adds craftable teleport potions (throwable) and teleport pads.
Techage Modpack
joe7575Go through five tech ages in search of wealth and power
jan EpiphanyGigatools for gigachads with gigaworkloads.
DSMakes lava plop every now and then
Item Frames and Pedestals
TenPlus1Adds itemframes and pedestals you can place items inside
SaKeLAdds many new biomes, items and blocks.
TenPlus1Adds wine barrel to ferment different foods into drinks.
Mesecons lab
BuckarooBanzaiMesecons laboratory and tutorials
Age of Mending
SumiAge of Mending: Sandbox game about building your own world and exploring a new one. Last breaking changes: a28
X Farming
SaKeLFarming with new plants, crops, trees, ice fishing, bees, candles, scarecrow, crates, composter, bonemeal, ropes, pies...
Elephant Veins
jan EpiphanyReplaces small, sporadic ore pockets with sparse, gigantic ore veins.
Simple protection
KrockFixed-grid quadratic area protection mod with graphical area "minimap"
Lucky Block
TenPlus1Craft and break lucky blocks to give something good, bad or painful :)
Skyblock: Zero
zanderdevStart from absolutely nothing in a skyblock world. Time is your resource.
Super sam
BuckarooBanzaiSuper sam adventures
AndriiAllows to create quests with rewards which can be passed by triggering flags placed in different places
SkyBuilder1717Adds a lot of helpful commands for your server
Power Guns
shaftA mod that adds laser guns and a force gun
Living Slimes
EmptyStarAdds living slime mobs to Minetest
Painting 3
SFENCEIn-game painting.
mt-modsa library that aims to facilitate other mods to be game agnostic by handling sounds and crafting
Classic Coaches
MarnackPassenger coaches with customizable liveries for use with the advtrains mod.
Dreambuilder Game
mt-modsDreambuilder is my attempt to give the player pretty much everything they could ever want to build with, and all the tools they should need to actually get the job done.