Mod Name "mesecons"
Provided By
Mesecons lab
BuckarooBanzaiMesecons laboratory and tutorials
Voxel Dungeon
NoodlemireThis is a recreation and adaptation of an Android rogue-like game, Pixel Dungeon by Watabou.
Dreambuilder Game
mt-modsDreambuilder is my attempt to give the player pretty much everything they could ever want to build with, and all the tools they should need to actually get the job done.
namPorko, the Dice Game
Blocky portaling
BRNSystemsA WIP game based on AiTechEye's portalgun
VoxeLibre (formerly MineClone2)
WuzzySurvive, farm, build, explore, play with friends, and do much more. Inspired by Minecraft, pushing beyond.
MeseCraftThe best game for Minetest. A survival game with new depth, mechanics, biomes, mobs and many essential additions. Has a focus on being fun, user-friendly, stable, and minimalist but featured.
1248Fight monsters, collect XP, craft battleaxes, armor, guns and lots more.
Regnum 2
1248This is the second part of Regnum
Nonsensical Skyblock
Kimaprskyblock game BASED on crafting. no quest cringe! bonemeal go brrrr
bell07Aims to get all existing high quality mods working together
Thunder1035A Pacman inspired game
Minetest Extended
PetiAPocokThe extended version of the default Minetest Game.
Warning: Non-free media.
Required By
AFCMPalamod modpack for MineClone2
Lua Controller Block
LC CreationsAdds a block that functions like a Lua Controller but has 'e' (down) and 'f' (up) pins and ports
Mesecons Windows
WuzzyAdds 3 glass blocks which change their transparency when supplied with Mesecons power.
Mesecons Onlinedetector
AFCMAdd online detector to mesecons
Mesecons Soundblock
nitro2012plMesecons Soundblock
Home Assistant Mod
Jeff SchildersAn experimental mod to turn real lights and switches on and off in your smarthome within a minetest world.
LC CreationsAdds blocks that can execute lua code. Admin purposes only.
Power Rangers Modpack
LC CreationsAdds power rangers and an API to create your own.
Fireworks Redo
niwla23Adds some better looking fireworks
Mesecons Microphone
Maverick2797Chat-toggleable mesecons node.
Mesecon Register Circuits
marekAdds Latch and Flipflop circuits.
Mesecons Snippet Button
1F616EMOExecute snippets with Mesecons
PaligeAdds more Mesecons items.
Mesecon Technology (MeseTec)
AiTechEyeAdds some extra and usefull mesecons stuff
Mesecons Extended
marekAdds Latch, Flipflop, tools for automatic wireing, 3-input gates etc.
Teleporter Tool
ApolloXAdds a tool for moving nodes via teleportation
beepbopbeepboopAdds LV-MV-HV Auto Planter and a customizable MV Harvester
Mesecons Cart Control
cheapieMesecons and digilines-controllable rails
Shifter Tool
jwmhjwmhAdds a tool for moving nodes as pistons would
Libox Computer
frogTheSecondAdds a sandboxed lua controlled laptop and a robot
Fareboxes and Faregates
1F616EMOSignal-emitting fareboxes and faregates
MineClone Breakers
opfromthestartMinecraft-y block breakers
LW Wires
loosewheelWires and bundle cables.
Wireless Mesecons
GreenXenithWireless Mesecons and Digilines
DSDevice to meassure time of mesecon signals in globalsteps
Mesecon Node
1F616EMOMake all node have mesecon_wire version
MineClone Placers
opfromthestartAdds Minecraft-y block placers
shaftAdds target to shoot at. Target emits Mesecons and Digilines signal
cheapieAdvanced modern road infastructure (fork)
Tony996Adds coloured Glass Doors to Minetest subgame (MineClone2).
FireWorks Reimagined
DragonWranglerA fireworks api to allow you to easily add new fireworks to your server or game.
shaftAdds a stone that can hide up to 100 blocks.
Libox Controller
frogTheSecondA fork of mooncontroller made to use libox, also has QOL improvements
Optionally Used By
Hades Revisited
WuzzyYou have stranded on the planet Hades. Use your limited supplies to survive and use terraforming to create a beautiful habitable place. (EARLY TEST VERSION)
mt-modsSupplies a complete set of nice, round mesh-based water pipes, boxy item-transport tubes, and devices that work with them.
mrkubax10Features electricity and various useful machines. Inspired by Technic and IC2.
1F616EMOMore fun tubes for Pipeworks
IcyDiamondA powerful modpack
NoodlemireAdds various projectile weapons which work based off of MT 5.3.0's new collision info provided to objects' on_step functions.
mt-modsFeature-filled home decor modpack.
Escape The Beast
Thunder1035A survival hunt game
iarbatAdds a functioning space-time machine from the tv show doctor who.
mt-modsRandom digilines devices
Better Command Blocks
ThePython10110Adds command blocks similar to those from a certain other voxel game.
CasimirA classic game for exploring, survival and building. Maintained by rudzik8
Power Rangers Modpack
LC CreationsAdds power rangers and an API to create your own.
loosewheelCars and road tracks (function similar to rail carts).
loosewheelVarious components for mesecons and digilines.
Automated Storage & Retrieval System
Nathan.SAdds an automated storage and retrieval system to Minetest.
SFENCECompost and composter machines. Mix dirt with compost to get garden soil. Plants from farming/farming redo/hades_extrafarming grows faster on garden soil. Hades Revisited is supported.
addiAdds Cannons. Insert muni and gunpowder, and punch it with a torch. The muni can destroy nodes and hurts players.
C Doors
TumeniNodesAdds centered doors, and villa style windows to Minetest.
Nuke Mod
sfan5Additional types of TNT for all your explosive needs.
Better Randomizer
ThePython10110Randomizes node drops, mob drops, and crafting recipes
Scriptblocks 2
rdococAdds nodes that can be used to build reusable programs.
AiTechEyeUltimate build+mine & admin tool
WuzzyA decoration mod meant to be simple and well-featured (libre version).
ThePython10110Adds random things to MTG and MCL.
Time Travel
Red_King_CyclopsAdds in a craftable time machine that can be used to time travel to different time periods of Earth's history.
codeAtoriumLearn programming, solve puzzles, and make pixelart. An escape room game.
mt-modsNetwork of teleporter-boxes that allows easy travelling to other boxes on the same network.
ATM Redo
CodeMinerAdds an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) and MWT (Money Wire Transfer) designed to work with the currency mod and its minegeld banknotes.
TumeniNodesAdds arched doors
PilzAdamAdds a deep underground realm with different mapgen that you can reach with obsidian portals.
LukeAllows Minetest players to easily copy+paste nodes.
Music Player
Jose_ManuelS18Adds a music player and discs
Portal gun
AiTechEyePortals and stuff
Cozy Lights
SingleDigitIqEarly alpha. Improves the way light sources(torches etc) behave and allows to create huge lights, literal projectors with just a mouse click, light map will be computed for you.
MarnackAdditional railway related content for use with Advanced Trains (advtrains).
PyuSurvival Game
MC2.0 for MineClone2
1F616EMOMinec**** 2.0 April Fool's features
Useful Contraptions
theFoxSome useful contraptions / machines.
Basic Machines
waxtatectLightweight automation mod
joe7575A Mining, Crafting, & Farming Modpack for Minetest
Lakemaker Mod
sunnysideupA TNT block that makes lakes/bodies of water.
loosewheelAdds programmable computers and robots, and sundry.
More TNT
mittelmaessigercoder2Adds more TNT
Appliances API
SFENCEAPI for create appliances in other mods powered by technic, mesecons or hand.
Doctor Who Tardis
SkivlingAdds various items, blocks, Daleks, and a working TARDIS from the sci-fi show Doctor Who.
Boost Cart
KrockThis mod offers improved minecarts and a few more rail types.
Inspect Tool
SFENCEInspect tool to show some info about nodes which support inspection.
AdvTrains Crafting Compatibility Patch
MarnackEnables crafting of advtrains items in games that are not based on Minetest Game.
Area Containers
jwmhjwmhAdds nodes that contain areas in which you can build
Epic Combat
hilolFight your enemies with various weapons and protect yourself with distinct sets of Armour, whilst sharpening your skills in PVP and PVE.
Scifi Nodes
D00MedAdds some nodes for building futuristic/sci-fi themed constructions
Ocular Networks
mt-modsDraw power from the world, and use it to power machines and tools.
BuckarooBanzaiEnhanced Programmer for Ingame Control
BuckarooBanzaiAdds blocks to create missions with rewards, timeout and penalties.
Occupy Moon
rlarsThis game will send you to the moon!
ullaA simple jukebox that can be used for small looped tracks, or simply to listen to music
v-robAdds a large number of advanced nodes conducive to building large, industrial bridges.
VoxelForge Beta - 1.6.0 - Pre 1
VoxelForgeBuild, Fight, Mine, and so much more. A MineCraft Inspired game, focused on replicating MineCraft as good as possible while keeping performant.
World Action Script
AiTechEyeProgramming+ electronics
Dwarf Fortress style caverns
FaceDeerAdds vast underground caverns in the style of Dwarf Fortress, complete with underground flora in diverse biomes.
NextGen Bows
StarNinjasAdds bow and arrows.
smartshop (flux's fork)
fluxionarya smarter and easier shop
ryvnfSurvival sandbox game inspired by Minecraft.
Technic Plus Beta
mt-modsThe technic modpack extends the Minetest game with many new elements, mainly constructable machines and tools.
X Bows
SaKeLAdds bow and arrows with API.
Industrial Mese
LinuxdirkCraft and use industrial Mese
mt-modsAdds various lights.
cheapieAdvanced modern road infastructure (fork)
Height Limit
SkyBuilder1717Adds height limit for servers.
Techage Modpack
joe7575Go through five tech ages in search of wealth and power
mt-modsAdds three scifi/space cannons with various projectile-speed and explosion-strength
isaiah658Collect and train monsters that can be used in battles.
alerikaisatteraAmethyst, basalt, calcite and related building blocks
Mobs Redo API
TenPlus1Simple and feature rich API to quickly add mobs into your world.
MiniontobyA doorbell mod with sound
cheapieFully functional realistic elevators
Skyblock: Zero
zanderdevStart from absolutely nothing in a skyblock world. Time is your resource.
Super sam
BuckarooBanzaiSuper sam adventures
Technic Plus
mt-modsTechnic fork with focus on features and stability
mt-modsTake your buildings with you on your journey.
Advanced Trains
orwellAdds good-looking, realistic trains with realistic rails.
EmilianoA package that adds More Ores and Things
RealBadAngelExtensive machinery mod with electricity and ores.